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June 2013


http://www.prudenpolitics.com/newsletter?utm_source=P&P%20Auto%201&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=7542 Villains abound in the great immigration scam, now playing out in Congress, and not all of them are Democrats. Some are fat cats of the Republican persuasion, and the satisfied smiles on their faces suggest Cheshire blood lines. An endless supply of poor, hungry and illiterate peasants, preferably from the Mexican interior where poverty […]

If You Liked the Arab Spring, You’ll Love ‘Palestine’ By: Louis Rene Beres

If You Liked the Arab Spring, You’ll Love ‘Palestine’ The disarray, ritual violence, rancor, intermittent anarchy, and seemingly endless cycle of replacing one tyranny with another that have characterized the Arab Spring is also the predictable future for “Palestine.” In the Islamic Middle East, the recurrent myth of “democracy” has conveniently taken on its own […]


Those who read Haaretz, the Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew, get to begin each morning with a dose du jour of treason.

Haaretz these days makes no attempt to disguise its contempt for Israel nor its determination to see Israel exterminated. And as part of its jihad against Zionism and survival, Haaretz is leading the campaign to label Israel an apartheid regime.

Take the June 18, 2013 editorial, which you can read here: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/another-brick-in-israel-s-apartheid-wall.premium-1.530440 is

“Another brick in Israel’s apartheid wall.”

If you have the stomach to wade through it, you will discover that Haaretz considers Israel to be an apartheid regime because a new bill in the Knesset is proposing improving veterans benefits for Israelis who have served in the military. This is all part of the general jihad of the Far Left to label as “racist” any benefits granted to veterans in Israel. The far-leftist “think tank” calling itself the “Israel Democracy Institute” is also part of the Smear Israel as Racist Because of Vets Benefits campaign.


I mean, can you think of ANY country on the planet that does NOT grant veterans benefits to people who have serve in the military? If that is “apartheid,” then just imagine how fascistic must be the Veterans Administration and its hospitals in the US!

And the Winner is… Iran’s Nuclear Program by Harold Rhode

  http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3773/rouhani-iran-nuclear-program Khamene’i has again proven what a great master strategist he is. He has succeeded in pacifying the West and his own people, thus buying the time his scientists need to complete his nuclear project. The Iranians are the best strategists in the Middle East, better than those in the West, and the reason […]