Among the discontents of summer is the necessity to buy bathing suits. The other day I was in a department store trying on 21 suits in a variety of colors and sizes…scooting  in and out…..since one is only allowed to have 5 in the room at a time.

As I stared disconsolately at the three sided mirror I saw a small sign warning that the rooms can be monitored. Yikes! I threw on my clothes. Finally I realized they were after me and now know that I have been lying about my size and my weight for ten years. I even tried a faulty scale once but the darned thing kept correcting upward instead of downward.

But now my secret is no longer safe, and cutting off the size tapes will not work. Big government is after big bodies. Will they give my secrets to Nanny Bloomberg who will then monitor what I eat and what I drink?

The consequences are staggering. I sulked and slipped out of the store and went for a 24 ounce ice cream milk shake.

They will not break my appetite! I will buy a hijab for the beach and they will leave me alone.

They will not stop me!!!

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