
Charles Woods, father of fallen ex-SEAL Tyrone Woods, called in to the Lars Larsen radio show yesterday to express his thoughts about the news that Benghazi was known to be a terrorist attack right away, was observed via Drone cameras in real time, and that relief forces remained undeployed from nearby countries.

Tyrone and ex-SEAL Glen Doherty were both killed by a mortar fired at the safe house annex late in the firefight, after Wissam bin Hamid’s Libya Shield Brigade had escorted eight Marines from Tripoli to the safe house.

Charles Woods says: “Someone had to say `don’t go rescue them.’ We need to find out who gave that order and why.”

Woods says he’s not angry at anybody but believes “something doesn’t smell right.” He recounted his experience at Andrews Air Force Base on the day that the bodies of the four Americans killed in Benghazi returned home. In a building near the hangar, the four grieving families were arranged in what he described as “pods” and the dignataries on hand visited each pod separately. The president “kind of mumbled,” Woods said, “totally insincere,” His face was looking at Woods, he said, but his eyes were looking over Woods’ shoulder — “like he couldn’t look me in the eye.” Woods added: “It was like shaking hands with a dead fish.”

Pat Smith, Sean Smith’s mother, has also described the coldness of the commander in chief on this occasion.

Woods also met with Hillary Clinton. He described Clinton as coming over to him, they embraced, shook hands — “she did not appear to be one bit sincere at all” — and then: “She said … we’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted, that did the video,” Woods said.

The video lie — and to the face of a grieving father. Who created it? Why? This was already Sepetmber 14. On that same day CIA Director Petraeus, briefing the House Intelligence Committee, also passed along this same lie, blaming the the video for a protest that never happened. Two days later, UN Ambassador Susan Rice hit the talk shows with the same lie. On September 25, it was in the president’s message to the world at the UN.

The President, the SecState, the CIA Director, the UN Ambassador have much explaining to do to the American people. None of them defend the First Amendment, but they’ll say absolutely anything for their own ends.

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