

A little background on the car bombing in Beirut today and the most important sentence from the Orlando Sentinel’s endorsement of Obama.”It verges on magical thinking to expect Obama to get different results in the next four years.”
The instability of the Libyan War has led to the first SAM attack on an Israeli helicopter as Gaza fills up with Libyan weapons. And, “I’m a Jew, so I’m voting for Romney“, the video.

Are Egypt and Tunisia headed for Counter-Islamist revolutions? My correspondents in the region think that it might happen in Tunisia, but much less likely to happen in Egypt.

Islamists climbed to power in Egypt and Tunisia on the backs of economic protests which were hijacked by liberal activists which were then hijacked by Islamists. The Islamists won elections, but the liberals are still trying to pull them down and there’s plenty of economic discontent for them to work with.

Tahrir Square is once again turning into a protest ground, this time for Anti-Brotherhood activists who were the players in the original revolution. The confrontations between liberal protesters and government thugs is playing out a lot like the way the old revolution did. And while the Muslim Brotherhood reaped the rewards of that revolution, Mubarak was not removed by an election and there’s no reason to think that the same thing cannot also happen to Morsi.

Anti-bullying is the new bullying.

In Canada, Laurel Broten, Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Catholic schools could not teach that abortion was wrong under anti-bullying doctrines.

Here’s how it works

1. Talk about the problem of bullying. Pick out a teenage suicide to exploit.

2. Use the manufactured outcry to pass a law whose real purpose is to promote the left’s social agenda

3. Use the law to override any religious values based dissent against that social agenda

Here’s how the BBC censored Churchill and how they paid the price by losing their monopoly and how the great Bosnian civil rights crusade with bombs led to the ethnic cleansing of 440,000 Catholics.

Finally, the Growing Insanity of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Then the Nobel Peace Prize lost its mind. It was taken over by the same people who run Time Magazine’s Man of the Year.

Before 2000 to win one of these you had to promote peace. After 2000, to win a Nobel Peace Prize all you had to do was be Anti-Bush. Or be encouraged to be preemptively against Bush.

Kofi Annan and the UN won one in 2001. Jimmy Carter won one in 2002. El Baradei won one in 2005. Al Gore won one in 2007. Obama won one shortly after taking office. Now it’s been awarded to the European Union. And it’s a good thing too because the EU is running low on funds and could use the prize money.


Their heroism is incredible when you consider what they were facing. Doherty and Woods reached the main compound of the Consulate and evacuated approximately 20 employees. Unfortunately, Ambassador Steven’s aide Sean Smith was already dead when they arrived. Woods and Doherty fought through the firefight, and took the consulate employees back to the annex building where again they came under another wave of attacks.

Between the initial firefight at the Main Consulate, and at the annex building, for over two hours they were able to fight back against approximately 200 al-Qaeda terrorists, who pre-planned and coordinated the attack to occur in two stages.

The second wave of attacks at the annex brought even more firepower upon them. Yet they held their position providing time for the 20 consulate employees to be rescued. In total for over two hours they held off upwards of 200 attackers, under heavy fire from RPGs, mortars, and at least one 23mm Anti Aircraft gun firing on their position(s) around the consulate grounds and the annex building.

Some of this is Medal of Honor stuff, had they still been in the service, and Doherty and Woods deserve to be remembered far more than Ambassador Stevens with his creepy half-smile and his undying love for the Muslim world.


Right now, today, I know, you know, we know and they know. Everybody knows. And the truth is that there are more, many more, of us in 2012 than there were in 2008. And we are all going to the polls whereas many of them are not. I know that they all say that they are, but you know how deeply and compulsively they lie so why would we believe them about this.

Our army appeared from out of nowhere back in 2010 and our army has only gotten bigger since then. It’s not a standing army. We don’t like standing armies. But it is an army and it knows that, come November, it has to march on the polls and eradicate this disease that has been infecting the body politic. It knows that November is the time to do it and elections are the way to do it.

…from Gerald at American Digest


are you safer now than you were four years ago?


Edward Cline in Rule of Reason discusses some of the consequences of hate crimes legislation and applying those laws to Islam.

The problem with the idea of a “hate crime” is that it appends an irrelevant motive to an action that would otherwise be treated as a felony, and makes the motive a felony, as well. Further, “hate crimes” are complemented by another invalid concept, “hate speech,” also elevated to the status of a felony, that is, a crime. While criminal actions cannot be divorced from motives, up until recently motives were not punishable as state-defined and state-enforced crimes, only the fact of a criminal action.

This dangerous and totalitarian idea of “hate crime” has naturally migrated into the realm of speech. Now the act of expressing a “negative” stance on Muslims, homosexuals, and other “protected” groups is treated as a “hate crime” compounded by the crime of “hate speech.” Both notions seek to punish the contents of an individual’s mind. However, no matter how repellant those contents, they can never be objectively known, not even when a defendant describes them. To make the contents of one’s mind a legal liability, is a form of thought control.

The notorious Rutgers case, which involved no physical contact at all between the defendant and the “injured” but the use of a webcam, saw the coining of another euphemism for “hate crime”: bias intimidation.

Instead, practically all criticism of Islam is regarded as “hurtful” and an “insult,” and Muslims and their advocates continually seek “justice” or restitution of or compensation for their lost “dignity” in courts. All a Muslim need do is assert some form of (unprovable) anguish (or a diminution of his mental and/or emotional well-being) as a result of the “inhuman” treatment of legitimate criticism, and is regarded as a virtual physical assault.


The nail in the coffin should be yesterday’s revelation that global temperature showed NO increase in the last 16 years. Unfortunately, AGW or Climate Change as they now call it seems to be the herpes of junk science, we just can’t make it go away, no matter how much hard evidence to the contrary is released.

…from Nice Doggie


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