So This Is What “God D*mn America” Looks Like By Stella Paul

Four years ago, our media overlords assured us that President Empty Chair was really Candidate Empty Pew — a parishioner who sat for 20 years in Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s nutty, hate-mongering church and never heard a single word.

“God bless America? No, no, no! God d*mn America!” thundered Reverend Wright, and just in case you missed the delicate subtleties of his Black Liberation Theology, he helpfully noted that 9/11 was “America’s chickens” “coming home to roost.”

Well, America’s chickens are surely roosting overtime now. Surveying the wreckage of the country formerly known as the leader of the free world, you may be forgiven for suspecting that Obama did indeed overhear a sermon or two during his loyal decades in Wright’s Trinity Church. Wright preached against “middle-classness,” and hey, Obama’s certainly taken care of that! In fact, even master debater Joe Biden admits that the middle class has been “buried” in the last four years.

Did you know that Reverend Wright lovingly published Hamas editorials in his church’s newsletter? There, ladies and gentlemen, is Obama’s foreign policy in a nutshell. As for the Lifetime Achievement Award that Wright bestowed upon Louis Farrakhan, I fully expect that in a second Obama term, we’ll all be graced with Secretary of State Farrakhan. And if that won’t pass congressional muster, Obama can simply appoint Farrakhan our czar.

Never mind The Audacity of Hope, the book title that Obama swiped from a Reverend Wright sermon. Let’s spotlight the audacity of the media for de-materializing the screeching elephant in the national room that was Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Now, thanks to reporter Jerome Corsi and founder Kevin DuJan, we learn that Reverend Wright may possibly have played an even more central role in Obama’s fraud-filled life: arranging Obama’s marriage to Michelle Robinson as a convenient cover for some of Obama’s less savory “lifestyle choices.” (By the way, I’ve got a zippy new hobby of collecting Democratic sham marriages. I’m a busy, busy girl.)

As for the wedding ring that Michelle slipped on Obama’s finger during the heartwarming marriage ceremony performed by Reverend Wright, it turns out that it’s inscribed with these all-American words: “There is no God but Allah.” Brilliant sleuthing by filmmaker Joel Gilbert has decoded the elaborate Arabic scrawls on the gold ring that Obama has been photographed wearing for more than 30 years, ever since his bachelor days at Occidental College. And yes, this is the ring that our commander-in-chief now wears in the White House.

If you’ve been following the story so far, America is now cursed with a “president” who’s steeped in America-hating theology, who is locked into a sham marriage to cover up his alleged dangerous and highly blackmail-able personal proclivities, and who slyly pledges his eternal loyalty to Allah.

But wait, there’s more! As our affirmative action pharaoh loses the respect of the American people, he’s brazenly funding his campaign with millions of untraceable dollars from America’s enemies. Only 2% of Obama’s huge $181-million September haul is traceable, and much of it may be coming from, a website owned by Robert Roche, an American citizen living in China with close business ties to the Chinese government. redirects you to Obama’s official campaign website, where you can donate without entering your credit card security code, making illegal foreign donations so delightfully simple.

How blessed is our dear Reverend Jeremiah Wright! His fondest, hate-filled dreams are all coming true. Yes, Obama repudiated Wright in his hysterically acclaimed speech on race (which is now taught to America’s schoolkids) and tried to bribe him to shut up by sending emissaries with $150,000 offers. Nevertheless, Wright has lived to rejoice in the racist, murderous, devilishly wicked Amerikkkan nation being brought to its knees by his most famous disciple.

How low has America sunk? Mort Zuckerman recently harvested some economic indicators that should gladden the heart of any America-hater. Twenty-five million Americans lack full-time work; the percentage of unemployed Americans out of work for more than a year has skyrocketed to over 30%; labor force participation has collapsed to a post-World War II low; and the typical American family’s income has dropped to 1995 levels. According to Zuckerman:

The real unemployment rate is 15 percent, measured by what is called U-6, which includes people who are working part-time on an involuntary basis. We have 4.7 million fewer jobs than the peak reached at the end of 2007. And indeed much of the improvement in jobs has been through dubious “seasonal” adjustments, such as the July seasonal bump of 377,000 jobs-the largest such adjustment for July in the past 10 years. The labor participation rate has dropped to a 30-year low, and if not for that development, the unemployment rate would be much higher.

The statistic that really pierces my heart is the collapse of the American birth rate to historic lows. Mr. Hope and Change has so demoralized the country that we’re not even bothering to reproduce anymore; like Europe, we’re trudging through today, having given up on tomorrow.

Maybe that’s because we can’t afford to indulge in babies — not with a GDP growth rate that’s lower than that of Pakistan and Cuba. If America is cursed with a second Obama term, by 2016 the whole country will be swimming to Cuba to escape.

Stella Paul’s new ebook is What I Miss About America: Reflections from the Golden Age of Hope and Change, available at Amazon for just $1.99. You can find out more information at Write Stella at

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What I Miss About America by Stella Paul (Sep 29, 2012)

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