

“We’ve blunted the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan,” President Barack Hussein Obama said in his acceptance speech at the Democrat National Convention Sept. 6. “Al Qaida is on the path to defeat and Osama bin Laden is dead.”

Five days later, on 9/11/2012, Islamists murdered our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans and destroyed our consulate in Benghazi. In an attack on our embassy in Cairo the same day, the mob pulled down the American flag, burned it, and raised the black flag of al Qaida on the embassy flagstaff.

Al Qaida also was behind attacks on our embassy in Yemen Sept. 13, and Tunisia Sept. 14, said Thomas Joscelyn of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Some “path to defeat.”

Al Qaida is back in Afghanistan and is teaming up with the Taliban, said CBS correspondent Lara Logan. Taliban guerrillas destroyed eight Marine Harrier jump jets Sept. 14, our largest loss of warplanes since the Vietnam war. Joint operations were halted temporarily after two British and four American soldiers were killed by their Afghan “allies.” Afghan soldiers killed two more Americans after joint operations resumed last week.

“We’re willing to sacrifice a lot for this campaign. But we’re not willing to be murdered for it,” Gen. John Allen, the U.S. commander, told Ms. Logan in an interview broadcast Sept. 30.

The Taliban is stronger than ever, the Pentagon told Congress in a report in April. American officials have written off hope of battering the Taliban into accepting a peace deal, a “cornerstone” of Obama administration policy, the New York Times reported Oct. 1.

“The war is adrift, and it’s hard to see how anyone can avoid a complete disaster at this point,” said Southwest Asia expert Joshua Foust.

If this is “blunting the Taliban’s momentum,” I’d hate to see what a Taliban surge looks like.

The war in Iraq was won before Barack Hussein Obama became president. But his diplomatic blunders and premature withdrawal of all U.S. troops have put that victory in jeopardy, the chief military correspondent of the New York Times said in a book published last month.

At the Democrat convention, the president said nothing about Iran, or about Middle East peace talks.

Iran will have enough weapons grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb “within two to four months,” a U.S. think tank estimated yesterday (10/08).

Mr. Obama’s tilt toward the Palestinians has produced only an escalation of their demands. (Is anyone surprised at this?)

The administration responded to the 9/11/2012 attacks with lies and a coverup. Officials knew within 24 hours al Qaida was behind the attack on the consulate, but insisted for more than a week it was a spontaneous protest generated by anger over a video.

Security at the consulate was “robust,” said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She knew it wasn’t. She lied through her teeth.

“Physical security was so substandard at the Benghazi consulate that it required a waiver,” signed by her, Fox News reported Sept. 28.

Just weeks before the attacks, despite the protests of Ambassador Chris Stevens, the State Department withdrew two security teams from Libya.

“We tried show them how dangerous and how volatile and just unpredictable that whole environment was over there,” LtCol. Andy Wood, who headed a Special Forces Site Security Team, told CBS News. “So to decrease security in the face of that is…just unbelievable.”

A coverup is in progress, career intelligence officers tell him, investigative reporter Bill Gertz wrote Oct. 5.

Claims of progress in Afghanistan are a “major lie,” Lara Logan said in a speech in Chicago last week.

Politics has precedence over America’s security in the Obama administration. Senior White House aides leaked sensitive intelligence to make Mr. Obama look good. His incessant “victory laps” put abullseye on the Navy SEALs who killed Osama bin Laden.

After the collapse of the president’s foreign policy, the only administration strategy in evidence is the effort to conceal the harm that’s been done, and the negligence that contributed to it.

Mr. Obama and his aides lack competence and integrity, but have plenty of chutzpah. On the eve of Mitt Romney’s foreign policy speech at the Virginia Military Institute Monday (10/08), Team Obama ran ads on local television stations claiming it’s Romney who is “reckless” and “amateurish” on foreign policy.

But as author Ed Klein explains so convincingly in his book on Obama, The Amateur, we’ve never had a more reckless and amateurish White House than now. Nor one more dishonest.

Jack Kelly is a former Marine and Green Beret and a former deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force in the Reagan administration. He is national security writer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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