If the Romney campaign thinks they have a chance of beating the current occupant in the White House by playing Mr. politically correct, nice guy, he just has to look back four years and recognize the error of his ways. John McCain, a war hero in every way turned timid at the thought of confronting Obama on a myriad of issues which should have highlighted the absurdity of him running for president, more or less winning.
After months upon months of campaigning, on Oct. 9, 2008 John McCain, badly trailing in the polls, finally gave in and decided to stop being a gentleman, got down into the gutter with Barak Obama and challenged him on his associations with the likes of former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers and his equally despicable wife, Bernadine Dohrn. Speaking of Ayers, McCain stated, “The point is Senator Obama said he was just a guy in the neighborhood. We know that’s just not true. We need to know the full extent of the relationship because of whether Senator Obama is telling the truth to the American people or not. That’s the question.” In light of the present campaign, Obama’s response was quite ironic. He stated that in the midst of a bad economy, McCain’s attack was part of a strategy to “change the subject.” Sounds a bit like Obama 2012 blowing smoke at the American people with Bain Capital, Swiss bank accounts, the former Governor’s tax returns and anything else he can think of to deflect attention from a dismal domestic and foreign relations record in shambles, one which he can not defend.
For his part, Romney seems to be falling into the same trap that McCain did 4 years ago. Seemingly hesitant to get down and dirty with a political street fighter like Obama, the presumptive Republican candidate seems content to sit back and defend himself against charges from what’s basically an “emperor without clothes.”
The day after McCain finally built up the courage to confront Obama on his association with William Ayers, famed syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote the following article: Obama’s Associations Keep Character Suspect. He aptly stated, Convicted felon Tony Rezko. Unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. And the race-baiting Rev. Jeremiah Wright. It is hard to think of any presidential candidate before Barack Obama sporting associations with three more execrable characters.” Further into the article Krauthammer mentions, “McCain has only himself to blame for the bad timing. He should have begun challenging Obama’s associations months ago, before the economic meltdown allowed the Obama campaign (and the mainstream media, which is to say the same thing) to dismiss the charges as an act of desperation by the trailing candidate.” Indeed McCain did miss his opportunity. The question is, is Romney following in his footsteps?
FOX News host Chris Wallace seems to concur. This past May 18, 2012, Wallace is quoted saying, “As far as Rev. Wright is concerned, I think it had a lot of relevance and I think when you look back on it, [former Republican presidential nominee John] McCain was crazy not to bring it up,” Wallace told Fox News host Gretchen Carlson. “Not in a matter of exploiting it, it’s a legitimate issue.”
If ever an incumbent American president was vulnerable to defeat it’s the one presently living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Instead of spinning his wheels getting tied up in a myriad of charges not germane to being president, it’s time for Romney to take the offensive and begin attacking Obama for what he is, what he’s done, and his associations. Let’s look at the people he has brought into the White House upon his ascension to the Presidency:
Valerie Jarrett….Senior Advisor to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs….Her father, Vernon Jarrett was closely associated with Frank Marshall Davis a 10 year mentor to Obama and a member of the Chicago Communist Party.
Patrick Gaspard….White House Political Director….Formerly a high official for the discredited ACORN, a community organizing front which Obama worked for and represented as a lawyer. His campaign donated $800,000 to them to get out the vote. ACORN still fighting charges of embezzlement, voter registration fraud, and corruption.
Eric Holder….Attorney General of the United States….We’ve all heard of him in recent days being held in contempt of Congress for not turning over requested document in the “Fast and Furious” scandal. But what many people may have forgotten is the role he played in granting “stealth pardons” to two Weather Underground operatives, Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans, convicted for bomb targeting of American governmental facilities. Why Romney doesn’t bring this up every time the superfluous Bain Capital is mentioned is beyond comprehension. Even more perplexing is the free pass Holder, and Obama by association has gotten for dismissing prosecution of the Black Panthers for their filmed voter intimidation in 2009. Can one imagine the outcry in 2009 if KKK members stood with batons outside a voting booth where African Americans were attempting to vote? Why isn’t the Romney campaign thrusting this in the face of voters on a daily basis or mentioning the names and deeds of other Obama appointees over the past three and a half years: Cecelia Munoz; Samantha Powers; Charles Freeman; Scott Gration; Ezekiel Emanuel; Cass Sunstein;
Van Jones….Until public pressure became too great and he was canned, Jones Was Obama’s White House Environmental Adviser. Jones is a self admitted White hating communist that claimed former President Bush and Vice President Cheney knew of the 911 terror plots beforehand. The aforementioned Valerie Jarrett profusely praised Jones, stating, “we have been watching him for a long time.” No doubt they had.
Others in this far left cabal deserved of dishonorable mention and potential fodder for the Romney campaign are: Carol M. Browner; John Holdren; Kevin Jennings; Chai Feldblum.
Setting aside these well established socialist connections, less a sympathetic mainstream media, Obama should be torn apart on the issues alone.
Like a child grown up continuously blaming his parents for his inequities, the President, three and a half years later still scapegoats Bush for the exacerbation of an admittedly bad economy made worse by him. In terms of the deficit according to the Congressional Budget Office federal outlays rose from $1.8 trillion to $2.9 trillion but by the end of Obama’s first fiscal year, spending rose to $3.5 trillion and hit $3.6 trillion during 2011. What’s his answer to this out of control spending; spend more. Tax the “rich” a socialist battle cry becoming more and more evident each day by a desperate man increasingly engaged in class warfare. Tax the rich, despite the fact that as of February of this year 49.5% of Americans paid no tax at all. To qualify this number, in 1984 14.8% of Americans paid no federal income tax, today that number has risen to 49.5 per cent.
Unemployment: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, following Obama’s $787 billion dollar spending program the unemployment set a new record of staying above 8% for the longest period since World War II; 36 months.
To Obama supporters this may sound crazy, but people unemployed for the past 36 months are more concerned with feeding their families than they are Bain Capital or how much Romney paid in taxes the last two years. The onus for their plight is on the man presently in the White House and if Romney is smart, with tunnel vision, these are the folks and the issues he should be addressing, rather than playing Obama’s game and responding to every subterfuge thrown at him.
Internationally, this president is no less vulnerable. The Romney campaign should also be asking the American people, over the past 4 years why has Obama distanced himself from our friends while coddling our enemies?
Iran….Recognized by basically anyone with a heartbeat as the greatest purveyor of terrorism over the past 30 years is hell bent on acquiring a nuclear weapon. Missing an opportunity to defang these American hating Ayatollahs, Romney should be asking, why during June 2009 when the people of Iran took to the streets by the millions and fired their landslide protest against the fraudulent election, Obama stood silent, timidly responding: “We don’t know how this thing is going to play out?” With a chance to peacefully thwart our most prevalent enemy, that was his leadership?
Today, obviously buying time to accomplish their nuclear ambitions and perfecting rockets soon capable of reaching the United States, Iran has successfully managed to tie the group of 5 +1 led by the Obama Administration in a game of ring around the rosy. With no end in sight they move endlessly from city to city, conference to conference playing out the clock. No doubt the crazies in North Korea are watching this game very closely.
Egypt….”He may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.” This famous 1939 quote by President Franklin D. Roosevelt was aimed at Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza but could equally be said of Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak, say what you will of him was a staunch ally of the United States, was a balancing weight to Iran and the terrorist groups they support. Since coming to power in 1981 Mubarak had scrupulously adhered to the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt thus lending stability to an unstable region. But as Carter helped cut the legs out from another American ally, the Shah of Iran and got the Ayatollahs in return; Obama has done the same to Mubarak and ushered in the age of The Muslim Brotherhood. By their ambiguity of maintaining the peace treaty with Israel and the amount of tomatoes thrown at Secretary of State Clinton this past week, it’s easy to see how this is working out.
Finally Israel….If Romney can’t make his case to all those that love the little island of democracy in that sea of hate known as the Middle East, he doesn’t deserve to be president. As an add on to what many call Obama’s well chronicled disdain for the Jewish State, twice in the past month he has allowed Israel to be excluded from a Western sponsored counter-insurgency forum. On July 10, Administration spokesman Patrick Ventrell gave the same excuse for Israel’s exclusion from this conference in Istanbul as he did at the one in Spain on June 8; “A number of our close partners with considerable experience counting and countering and preventing terrorism are not included among the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF’s) founding members.” During this latest forum a speech entitled, “Victims of Terrorism” was given by the Undersecretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights. Incredulously, the number one victim of terrorism, Israel, was not mentioned once as being amongst the countries that have sustained terrorism. When questioned about it, even Mr. Ventrell could not explain the omission.
In terms of winning this election, internationally and domestically Romney has a plethora of issues to attack this president on. He showed great courage by addressing the recent NAACP meeting and enduring boos when he mentioned repeal of Obamacare. He must continue to show such gravitas and not be fearful of alienating Obama’s constitute base of voters, supporters of the President whose vote few of which he will receive anyway. It’s safe to say that not since the Civil War has their been such a schism in American politics regarding the direction the country should take,
On the one hand Obama, America’s first socialist president ingratiates himself to a constituency that he’s made dependent upon him for ever increasing entitlements, regardless the cost. He believes larger, more intrusive government is the answer. Over the past few days he’s made it abundantly clear, in his mind the business community and well to do are the enemy and not paying their fair share of taxes. He says this irrespective of the fact that what he deems the rich pay 50% of all federal taxes and foots the bill for the other 50% so armoured with him.
Romney in turn must recognize that this group of voters is locked in a symbiotic relationship with this president and he stands no better chance of winning more votes from them than McCain did in 2008. On his record, his associations and his deeds of commission and omission, this incumbent is ripe for the taking. The question is, is Romney willing to fight like a junkyard dog, we Know Obama is.
Unless the former Governor can appeal and inspire the true middle class, the ones that still believe in American exceptionalism; the ones President Kennedy spoke about in his 1961 Inaugural speech, “Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country,” He will indeed become McCain part II.

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