Displaying posts published in

July 2012



The much-anticipated operation was a brilliant success, but the patient died.Chief Justice John Roberts is a clever surgeon, and he left a bloody mess to prove it. He’s in the Mediterranean now, on the island of Malta, lecturing to European lawyers about how to “grow” in office, basking in the applause of fans of the welfare state.

Some of our most intellectually resplendent pundits and academics are applauding, too. They’re calling him the dancing master of “finesse,” the lord of the “physics of American politics,” the genius of the conservative attempt to move judicial review back to the center.

What they’re not saying is that John Roberts has bequeathed to the rest of us a monstrosity of a health-care system, now embedded in the law, where it will only grow, fester and metastasize. Worst of all, Mr. Justice Roberts has given Congress, and all the Congresses to follow, the unrestrained power to rob, plunder and pillage and call it a “tax.”

Escape From Sharia — on The Glazov Gang by Jamie Glazov

Escape From Sharia — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Amani Mustafa, Anni Cyrus and Nonie Darwish share their experiences of breaking from the chains of Islamic slavery.


Egypt under Islamists The Trouble Has Just Begun by Mudar Zahran

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3144/egypt-under-islamists Since the US Administration insisted early on that the Muslim Brotherhood be invited to the Cairo speech and presented with the choicest seats there – all in direct violation of the wishes of then-President Hosni Mubarak, who ultimately refused even to attend the speech – all options but surrender seem to have been off […]

Radical Islam Spreading in Spain by Soeren Kern

  http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3140/radical-islam-spain The report, which examines some of the main Islamist groups operating in Spain, shows that the common thread linking all the groups together is their mutual desire to establish an Islamic Caliphate. Two Islamists have been arrested in Spain on charges of torturing and murdering two fellow Muslims for “abandoning radical Islam.” The […]