Moreover, Syrian Christians have until now been overwhelmingly supportive of the regime, fearing that if the regime collapses, then Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood would rise to power and focus on marginalizing the Christians. The scenarios in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq and Morocco have not been encouraging.

While the older generation among the Christians is more or less rallied behind the government, the younger generation is less ideological and more forward-looking. The Western-educated, Internet-savvy Christians refuse to buy the argument

This was the exact same propaganda recycled out of Egypt, with the “younger technologically savvy Copts” supposedly refusing to stand with Mubarak or worry about the Brotherhood.

…not that there’s any reason to worry about that in Syria, right?

Given the rise of Islamic zeal throughout Syria, there is fear that the public would be outraged if Christians are allowed the right to run for president. Since violence erupted last March, the government has been trying hard to appease the religious clerics who have been very influential in the anti-Assad demonstrations. Many of the clerics, needless to say, are religious dictators. The regime has tried to win over the clerics by bending to their demands, like shutting down the Damascus casino or allowing the establishment of an Islamic TV channel — Nour al-Sham — that contradicts everything the secular Baathists had stood for since the mid-1960s.

So Christians don’t have anything to worry about. See. Funny how the Islamists always come up on top of any side in the “Arab Spring”.


After all the furor and hype, Lowe’s is still in business and All-American Muslim isn’t. Bad ratings couldn’t be salvaged by political correctness. While Homeland is now considered a breakout hit, its Muslim competitor has been cancelled.


To recap Lew Fidler is running for the State Senate in Brooklyn and his position on gay marriage has gotten him in trouble with the Orthodox Jewish community. So naturally he took the easy road by accusing his Jewish Republican opponent of being a Neo-Nazi.

Why was the basis for Fidler’s claims that Storobin had Nazi ties? Because he wrote articles on a site that was linked to by white supremacist sites and reposted on them. But Fidler has an explanation.

 “I want to answer that, and my campaign folks would probably tell me that I shouldn’t,” he began. “I never, ever, ever did, or would have, called David Storobin a neo-Nazi.”

“I’m not so internet savvy … I used the word ‘ties’ instead of ‘links,’” he explained.  Adding that he “never once raised it in public,” while Mr. Storobin “continues to raise it in public.”

… “Again, he’s responding to comments that I made to a group of young Democrats at a bar, where I thought we were in a private room,” he added. “Look, if I was 25, I’m sure I would have used ‘links’ instead of ‘ties,’ I wish I was 25.”

So we’re supposed to believe that Fidler is a buffoon who doesn’t know the difference between links  and ties. That he misspoke because he’s clueless about the internet. Except we also have to assume that Fidler’s campaign staff is equally retarded since they issued a press release demanding that Storobin “release all writings, interview transcripts, and links to white supremacist and skinhead sites that have been wiped from the internet”.

What do those links consist of thus far? There’s an interview with the founder of the Minuteman Project, which is only racist if you’re a member of La Raza, itself a racist group.

There’s an interview with Freedom Front Plus, a South African party so incredibly racist that its leader was appointed as a Deputy Minister by Jacob Zuma. I’m being sarcastic here naturally, as Zuma is the president of the ANC.

Finally there appears to be a piece on Arab genetics. No authorship or context and no racism.

Fidler’s lying staffers are claiming racism because of the sites that reposted the material and because they couldn’t find anything more incriminating. This is pathetic even by Lib standards.

A glance at Global Politician seems to show a general interest site that covers international affairs and regularly conducts interview with political figures.

 Mr. Fidler, however, chastised Mr. Storobin over his handling of the interviews. “If I had had the poor judgment, or the poor taste, to interview a white separatist on two occasions and write about it,” he said, “by the time I was done, there would be no doubt that I considered his views repugnant, and I doubt that anything I wrote on the subject would be linked on a hate site.”

So Fidler is now blacker than Jacob Zuma. Perhaps Fidler should be putting out press releases denouncing the African National Congress for trafficking with the Freedom Party.

Mr. Fidler, who recently received three prominent endorsements, from former Mayor Edward I. Koch, Senator Charles E. Schumer and Gregory Davidzon, a Russian immigrant and political power broker.

Davidzon incidentally is a much more problematic figure than any of the people Storobin interviewed. If the media were doing its job, it would take a much closer look at him.


If we had resolute leadership in the White House, we would have explained that these Islamic terrorist enemy combatants detained at the Parwan facility used the Koran to write jihadist messages to pass to others.

In doing so, they violated their own cultural practice and defiled the Koran and turned the Koran into contraband.

The Islamic cultural practice and Parwan detention facility procedures support burning the “contraband.”

Instead here we go again,  offering apology after apology and promising to “hold those responsible accountable.” Responsible for what?

…so says Congressman Allen West, the man who should be in the White House.

If Obama gives in to Muslim pressure to prosecute American military personnel who were doing their jobs and following procedure, this will be one more mark of shame on this country for letting Hussein’s reign of terror continue.


Andrew Sullivan is pathological, that part isn’t news. He’s also a pathological bigot whose obsession with Israel is nearly as bizarre as his obsession with Sarah Palin.

The current theme is that Israel’s growing refusal to allow a second Holocaust is really a plot to sabotage Obama’s election. All the usual tropes are here. Accusations that Netanyahu’s centrist coalition represents “the far right”. That Obama has bent over backward to help Israel. And that Israel is horribly ungrateful for not putting Obama’s election before its survival.

So Israel would, without warning, put US troops and Western civilians at direct risk of terrorist assaults

Israel would have been happy to give warning, if Panetta and Co. hadn’t made it clear that they will leak anything they have.

And when Bush Sr. decided to wage war on behalf of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, that put Israel in the line of fire. The Arab Spring has encouraged a whole lot of terrorism in Egypt, some of it aimed at Israel.

and only set back Iranian nuclear development for a few years – and make it, or a Third World War based on religion, inevitable

It’s wonderful how thoroughly Sullivan has absorbed the left’s pro-terrorism meme which says that any attack on terrorists creates terrorists. So if Israel bombs Iran’s nuclear program, the nuclear program will become inevitable, which it actually will if Israel doesn’t bomb it.

And if Israel does bomb it, there will be a world war three based on religion. Which there already is anyway.

My own fear is that global recruitment for Jihad would boom as well – reversing all the gains of the last three years.

Yes like the gains in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. Oddly Al Qaeda emerging in Libya and Syria doesn’t seem to bother Sullivan much. But if Israel bombs some Shiite reactors, it will somehow cause a boom in Sunni Jihadist recruitment.

Reality and Andrew Sullivan just aren’t on speaking terms.

The war would also galvanize Islamist parties in the new Arab democracies, giving Israel more ammunition in blocking any rapprochement between the US and the Muslim world.

The Islamists have already taken Egypt and Tunisia and Turkey. They are capable of winning in any open election. But if Israel bombs Iran, then the same thing will happen that’s already happening… but Israel will be to blame.

This is exactly how bigots think.

And following this essential blackmail, the Israeli government would doubtless rally much of the US Congress, the entire GOP, its media outlets (like Fox, and the Washington Post), and a key part of the Democratic fundraising machinery to side entirely with Israel against the US president.

I don’t follow the reasoning of crazy bigots well, but is Sullivan claiming that the GOP controls the Washington Post, or that the Jews control the Washington Post?

By key part of the fundraising machinery, he obviously means the Jews. But he bizarrely seems to be suggesting that either FOX is controlled by the Israeli government or that the Republicans control the Washington Post.

But the real question everyone is asking, is what role did Israel play in Sarah Palin’s pregnancy?

Netanyahu’s war would be designed to rile up not only his own neo-fascist base, but also encourage American evangelical voters to turn out against Obama, the “anti-Christ”,

Apparently Jews not only control FOX and the Fundraising machine, but they’re also neo-fascists in league with evangelical Christians to crucify Obama.

A global war which polarizes America and the world is exactly what Netanyahu wants. And it is exactly what the GOP needs to cut through Obama’s foreign policy advantage in this election. Because it is only through war, crisis and polarization that extremists can mobilize the emotions that keep them in power. They need war to win.

Yet oddly Obama’s war in Libya isn’t a factor. Neither is the coming war with Syria, which Sullivan doesn’t seem to be all that worried about. But if Israel bombs Iran’s nuclear reactors, suddenly that will be a global war. Unlike when NATO bombs Libya.

Here’s a prediction. Netanyahu, in league and concert with Romney, Santorum and Gingrich, will make his move to get rid of Obama soon. And he will be more lethal to this president than any of his domestic foes.

Wait, so now the Jews are in league with Romney, Santorum and Gingrich… all at the same time? The Jews really are amazing since they can get men who otherwise hate each other to collaborate. Much like FOX News and the Washington Post. And the decomposing remnants of Sullivan’s brain.


7 Charts that will turn an Obama voter into an Anyone But Obama voter. Granted that’s assuming we’re talking about a voter who cares about the economy and isn’t either a permanent student or a permanent activist.

Land of the free and home of the permanent dependent

Public schools in San Antonio have installed video cameras, not to monitor for foul play or intruders, but to spy on kids’ eating habits. Federal food police in North Carolina have begun confiscating preschoolers’ homemade lunches because they didn’t meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines. Aghast parents have noted that one 4-year-old’s confiscated lunch of a turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips and apple juice sounds more nutritious than the state-provided chicken nuggets. But that entirely misses the point. In America, parents are free to give their kids pizza and pudding with Twinkies and Twizzlers, and the government has no right to intrude.

Now there are two factors at work here.

Factor 1. The supremacy of the state over the family.

Factor 2. School districts, like the rest of the crony-capitalist infrastructure, benefit from forcing their school lunches on kids. Their ideal student is neglected and has no one but them to see to him which allows them to make money on social programs.

Schools would rather function as social workers, than educate children, because they can’t do the latter anyway and there isn’t much money in it.

This situation is not limited to schools. You can see it all around you, especially if you live in a major city.


“Barack Obama wants politicians and bureaucrats to control America?s entire medical system. Go to hell Barack,” the ad says.

Moran wrote a letter to Metro general manager Richard Sarles calling for the removal of the advertisement.

“The ad is deeply disrespectful of the President of the United States and does not belong in the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) network,” he wrote.

Moran’s idea of being respectful of a Republican president was to blame Bush for everything from Katrina to the Virginia Tech shooting. If a pigeon messed up his car, Moran would quickly blame Bush for it. Here at least Obama is being blamed for his own policies.


“I am big believer in getting money where the money is. The money is in Washington.” Mitt Romney


It was sometime in the fall of 1980. I had just returned from two years in Israel, where just a few months before I had a friend murdered in cold blood for the crime of singing Sabbath songs on the streets of Hebron on a Friday night. I started law school at NYU because that’s the best school that accepted me. Until I got there, I knew nothing of NYU’s politics, and that the hard Left in those days turned down Harvard and Yale for Washington Square.

Sometime during the first half of that semester we became hooked on the idea that Jimmy Carter would sell Israel down the creek if he were reelected. And so, we started walking around with Ronald Reagan buttons. In Hebrew.

It took a while until someone who actually read Hebrew told the Leftists what the buttons said. And the acrimony soon followed. It’s been too many years – I don’t remember what was said. But that semester I became the first member of my family to vote for a Republican since my forebears landed at Ellis Island.

…an except from Carl in Jerusalem’s piece on how he became a Republican.

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