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November 2011


Durban III promotes what it claims to be fighting Transcript now proves that the UN-sponsored anti-racism conference was merely a charade.
In yet another effort to demonize Israel on the political battlefield, the UN General Assembly—which can bear a striking resemblance to the game of Whac-A-Mole—will adopt a new resolution this week to promote the Durban “anti-racism” declaration.

Back in September the UN sponsored “Durban III,” an event intended by Islamic states and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay to breathe new life into the ten-year-old anti-Israel vendetta which began in South Africa in 2001. Despite the unprecedented boycott by all Western veto-holding members of the Security Council – the US, Britain and France – Durban and its insidious message have popped up a mere two months later.

The regenerative nature of UN armaments, in the form of cyclical resolutions and “follow-up” mechanisms, makes them not merely annoying but dangerous. Due to this circuitous nature, battles that are won must be fought again and again.This is particularly true of the libelous 1975 UN resolution equating Zionism with racism, which was revitalized in the 2001 Durban Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA), accusing only one state among all UN members of racism – Israel – and casting Palestinians as the victims of Israeli bigotry.

By all accounts – except the one emanating from the UN press office – Durban III failed to deliver the credibility boost that its fans were craving. In a strong rejection of the Durban III political program, 14 nations, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States and, of course, Israel all boycotted. A simultaneous counter-conference held directly across the street from the UN, involving Nobel Prize laureate Elie Wiesel and a bipartisan group of Jewish and non-Jewish luminaries, mounted a resounding historic challenge to the UN campaign.

The UN response, however, has been to rewrite history. On September 22, 2011, at the opening ceremonies of Durban III, South African President Jacob Zuma fictionalized the original conference, saying “in Durban the world spoke with one voice” – notwithstanding the very public departure of the United States and Israel. A few hours later, the General Assembly adopted a “political declaration,” “reaffirming” the DDPA and calling the declaration “United against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” Today, the UN website says of Durban III that “world leaders adopted by consensus a political declaration,” paying no notice to the fact that the world’s leading democracies had already voted with their feet.


Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state



Author and TJCI contributing editor, Victor Sharpe, has just completed his third volume of Politicide.

This book is a wonderful educational primer for all who wish to better understand the history, both biblical and post-biblical, of the Land of Israel. It is easily readable and informative and makes a great gift for friends and relatives during Christmas and Hanukah or at any time.

The chapters, maps, pictures and quotes in this third volume bring the reader up to date with the epic struggle of the Jewish state to defend itself against relentless Muslim aggression and attempted genocide. Politicide is the word that describes the attempted murder of a state: Israel.

This third volume also further exposes the existential Islamic threat to the very existence of Judeo-Christian civilization, to America in this time of the Obama regime, and to what is left of the Free world: Above all, it reveals how good can overcome evil.
Price: $16.00
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This third volume of Politicide continues to track the relentless Arab and Muslim world’s attempt to destroy the embattled Jewish state. The chapters are filled with an immense amount of historical, political, geographical and military information, which makes this book – like the two previous volumes – a must read and a superb primer for all who wish to understand the existential conflict that threatens all of us.


URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2011/11/20/pjm-exclusive-nypd-arrest-muslim-in-harlem-planning-to-blow-up-police-military-facilities/

**UPDATED**PJM Exclusive: NYPD arrest Muslim in Harlem planning to blow up police, military facilitiesPosted By Patrick Poole

News is starting to leak about the arrest this weekend of a New York City man who planned to bomb police and military facilities. The NY Post reports:

The NYPD and Manhattan DA’s office have arrested a terror suspect who was planning to bomb city police facilities and US military sites, where he plotted to target returning war personnel and the families who gathered to welcome them home, The Post has learned.

The suspect, who lives in Manhattan, was arrested after he actually purchased bomb-making materials, sources said. He’d been on the authorities’ radar for about a year, the sources said.

It wasn’t immediately clear exactly where he planned to attack.

We can report here exclusively at PJM that the man arrested is Jose Pimentel of Harlem. On his Facebook page he describes himself as:

I am a Muslim convert from the Dominican Republic looking for other muslims living in the US specially in New York City to share a brotherhood with and to help each other stay firm on the religion. Also looking for anyone that wishes to learn more about Islam and other religions.

On his YouTube channel he states:

I am a Sunni Muslim BROTHER from the Dominican Republic currently living in Harlem, New York. Allah has guided me out of darkness and into the light. I support Islam and the muslims all the way and of course my heart goes out to the BIG BROTHERS of this Ummah The mujahideen i ask Allah to forgive u and give u victory over the disbelievers. Please Check out this Blog: http://www.islammediaworks.com

You can view his TrueIslam1 website here. We will post more information as the story develops.


http://pjmedia.com/blog/christian-cross-is-seen-as-the-mark-of-the-beast-by-islamists/?print=1 US Army MEDEVAC helicopters in Afghanistan are marked with Red Crosses. Helicopters sporting a Red Cross are not allowed to be armed. The enemy knows this. The enemy tries to shoot down these unarmed helicopters with the added advantage that our people cannot shoot back.  And so, we push people into combat while advertising to […]


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/20/jose-pimentel-arrested-by_n_1104314.html?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C114365 NEW YORK — An “al-Qaida sympathizer” accused of plotting to bomb police and post offices in New York City as well as U.S. troops returning home has been arrested on numerous terrorism-related charges. Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced at a news conference Sunday the arrest of Jose Pimentel of Manhattan, “a 27-year-old al-Qaida sympathizer” who […]