
John Rosenthal provides a cheat sheet on Al Qaeda in Libya — US-supported Al Qaeda in Libya — at Hudson New York. It is shocking evidence of how far off course we have drifted since September 11, 2001.

Abdul Hakim Belhadj — today, “commander of Tripoli”; yesterday, founder of the Al Qaeda affiliate called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) — wins Quote of the Day (via MEMRI), even if it does date back to the 1990s:

“The LIFG opposes all who advocate democracy or believe that Islam’s victory can be achieved by any means other than jihad.”

Ah, jihad. That little thing.

Oh, but he renounced such jihadist ways in exchange for his release from Libyan prison last year, did he not?

You bet. But he also renounced violence against Qaddafi — and that pledge didn’t exactly prove to be rock of ages.

Still, Belhadj does seem to have found a new obsession to occupy him: namely, suing Britain for delivering him, an al Qaeda operative with the LIFG, into the clutches of Qaddafi in 2004. That was a time when Qaddafi, a foe of the Al-Qaeda-linked LIFG, was emerging as an Bush-proclaimed ally in the “war on terror.”

The Daily Mail reports that Belhadj “could be in line for £1million if he sues the [British] Government and his claim is assessed in line with compensation payouts to former Guantanamo Bay detainees such as Binyam Mohamed. Belhadj is likely to sue Britain, rather than the CIA, because the Human Rights Act makes it easier for him.”

Compensation payouts … to al Qaeda?

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