Pelosi Questions Why The President’s Lawyers Are Not Disbarred

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Cal.) made an extraordinary statement yesterday that suggests that lawyers representing President Donald Trump should be disbarred: “I don’t know how they can retain their lawyer status, in the comments that they’re making.” Just as I have been highly critical of President Donald Trump’s attacks on Adam Schiff and others, this is a truly outrageous suggestion. These lawyers are performing a key function in our constitutional system in not just representing an accused person but fulfilling a vital role in an impeachment trial. Because Pelosi disagrees with their legal arguments, she insinuates that they should not be licensed attorneys. It is precisely the type of ad hominem attack that Democrats criticize with the President.

Rather than respond to the merits of their arguments, Pelosi elects to discredit their professional standing. Pelosi owes these attorneys an apology for this insulting and unwarranted comment.

Nancy Pelosi: He Will Not be Elected: He Will Not Be Acquitted Judi McLeod

To the celebratory delight of ‘deplorable’ Patriots, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has crossed the “Never-Forever” Rubicon from which there is no coming back.

“Donald Trump is not going to be President of the United States.”  “Take it to the bank, I guarantee it,” Pelosi told Recode Decode, host Kara Swisher, on May 15, 2016.

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