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The Democrats on Soleimani Biden, Buttigieg and Sanders say they would not have killed the Iranian terror master.


One of Vice President Joe Biden’s better lines in 2012 was “Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.” The crowd at the Democratic convention loved it. This year it sounds like the Democratic campaign theme may be that Iranian terror master Qasem Soleimani is dead and the world is more dangerous because of it.

That’s a fair judgment from Friday’s debate in New Hampshire when ABC’s David Muir asked the candidates “if your national security team came to you with an opportunity to strike, would Soleimani have been dead or would he still be alive under your Presidency?”

Pete Buttigieg responded: “In the situation that we saw with President Trump’s decision, there is no evidence that made our country safer.” He deplored Soleimani’s “murder and mayhem” but then zagged to the Iraq war, the Iranian nuclear pact, and a wounded veteran friend he saw in an airport. Mr. Muir tried again, but the former mayor came down with a decisive, “It depends on the circumstances.”

Mr. Muir then moved to Mr. Biden, who at least didn’t fudge. “No. And the reason I wouldn’t have ordered the strike, there is no evidence yet of imminent threat that was going to come from him,” Mr. Biden said, before veering to “America First policies” and NATO. No mention that bin Laden wasn’t an “imminent threat” by the time he was killed.

Next up was Bernie Sanders, who listed several of the world’s “very bad leaders” but said we can’t “assassinate” them because that would open the door to “international anarchy.” He said the only recourse is diplomacy.

The answers were revealing and mark a sharp difference in the coming campaign. Mr. Trump shares some of the isolationist impulses of Democrats, but he is willing to use force to kill America’s enemies. The mayhem that critics said would follow the killing of Soleimani hasn’t happened. Mr. Sanders’s answer is no surprise. But Messrs. Buttigieg and Biden missed a chance to show they would act decisively as President to deter those who kill Americans.

How Bernie Sanders Sold His Soul to the Left

Win or lose, the Sanders campaign has its story. Bernie Sanders is the authentic candidate; the unapologetic progressive who pushes the left’s agenda without worrying about offending anyone.

Bernie doesn’t pander. Just look at him glaring into the camera, angrily delivering the same “smash capitalism” stump speech and then waiting for the local college students to take selfies with him. You may disagree with him. But he’s authentic, a curmudgeon who says whatever he really thinks.

And if you believe that, there’s a bridge in Bernie’s old Brooklyn neighborhood you can buy.

The left is not an authentic political movement. It values dogma, not passion. What it sells is the appearance of passion and the hollow illusion of self-expression while pushing a rigid agenda.

The real story of the Bernie Sanders campaign is not that voters reward authenticity, but the illusion of it. Obama beat Hillary because he seemed more authentic. But he was just better at pandering to the left while appearing to be natural and rehearsed in a way that you have to rehearse a lot to achieve.

Bernie Sanders has thrived by abandoning whatever made him authentic and becoming a robot reciting dogma in a voice borrowed from Larry David. Hillary Clinton never had a soul, but Bernie Sanders sold his in the hopes of beating her. And he got a bad deal on his soul because he can’t even seem to do that.

Originally Bernie Sanders was an independent who held unconventional views on some issues and wasn’t tied down to the Democratic Party and its widely loathed identity politics. Instead he could just do his old time Wall Street Socialist shtick and score populist points with angry voters without having to pander to every group and cause in the progressive politically correct spectrum of stupidity.

This was the Bernie Sanders who told Ezra Klein that he opposed open borders because it “says essentially there is no United States” and “would make everybody in America poorer.”

“You think we should open the borders and bring in a lot of low-wage workers, or do you think maybe we should try to get jobs for those kids?” Bernie barked.

Liberal heads exploded. Bernie tried to defend his views and then surrendered. A few months later, he was calling for amnesty for everyone, even illegal immigrants who had already been deported, without securing the borders, and attacking Hillary Clinton for being too hard on illegal aliens.


http://mobile.thehill.com//blogs/ballot-box/senate-races/137335-citing-tucson-shooting-sen-sanders-solicits-campaign-donations- Citing Ariz. shootings, Sen. Sanders solicits campaign donations by Sean J. Miller Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) issued a fundraising plea Tuesday in which he cited the Arizona shooting and accused right-wing reactionaries of contributing to a threatening political climate. Given the recent tragedy in Arizona, as well as the start of the new […]

A Climate For Absolute Power- The Democrats Are Using “Climate Crisis” as a Means to Establish Unfettered Power.


How do we know that Joe Biden has made a verbal blunder? His lips were moving. There are so many slip-ups and absurdities coming out of his mouth that it’s hard to keep up. But one recent gaffe stands out: The president said last week during an interview with the Weather Channel that he had already “practically speaking” declared a climate emergency.

He of course hasn’t, but should he or another president do so, they would in effect also be declaring themselves to be an American kaiser who could issue tyrannical edicts with absolute power. They would be able to autocratically “deploy around 130 different powers,” says Climate Depot’s Marc Morano.

Operating under emergency climate powers, a president could halt “the export of crude oil … phase out all exports and imports of fossil fuels entirely … stop issuing permits for offshore oil and gas wells under already existing leases and halt all drilling immediately … marshaling funding under the DPA to deploy clean energy – for example, rooftop solar installations on low-income housing,” according to Morano.

He, or she, could also implement lockdowns similar to those forced on us during the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s a truly frightening proposition. Worse than one-party rule, it would be one-man rule.

Which means that the green-on-the-outside, red-on-the-inside radicals are giddy over the proposition even as they feel Biden’s rhetoric is running too far ahead of his actions.

“Activists say nothing short of an emergency declaration will address deadly heat – and the fossil fuel dependency driving it,” gushes Grist, the “Pravda version of the Whole Earth Catalog.” They would be happy to see Biden “divert billions of dollars from the military toward constructing renewable energy projects.”

Trump or DeSantis? David Solway


Speculation is rife concerning the possible presidential candidates representing the two major parties as the nation approaches the 2024 elections. Everyone has an opinion, and the pundits are competing in the expertise sweepstakes. What can we say with some degree of plausibility?

The Democrat roster is, by all accounts, dramatically uninspiring. Biden, who speaks in tongues, is plainly beyond redeeming; the question is whether he will manage to survive the year, let alone stumble, lollop, and whiffle to the end of his first term. Kamala Harris belongs in vaudeville or farce, given her talent for provoking laughter. Both will have to be retired in favor of an electable candidate. But who?

Pete Buttigieg is a perpetual embarrassment, in effect a political pothole. Elizabeth Warren is a professional liar and fraud, as everybody knows. Hillary is an overdone political brisket. Gavin Newsom has destroyed his state, an enviable record for a leftie, but California, despite the hype, is not America. Bernie Sanders is a geriatric commie with three tony residences, a typical dacha commissar whose appeal is mainly to the badly educated young. Michelle Obama would be a celebrity candidate; the thing is, most Americans are not celebrities, and Camelot has lost its luster. As they say, there is no there there.

The fact is that the Dems have nothing to offer apart from a voluble vacuum that cannot be filled with anyone or anything of substance. The party cannot be expected to win the forthcoming presidential election absent a Diabolus ex Machina descending from the ceiling via a system of invisible ropes and pulleys or an asteroid wiping out the Republican heartland. Regrettably, we know such things can happen.

Hillary Factor: Evidence now shows false Russia collusion story began and ended with Clinton Sussmann trial testimony confirms earlier CIA, FBI evidence that Hillary Clinton approved dirtying up Trump with unproven Russia allegations.By John Solomon


In an era where the hunt for disinformation has become a political obsession, Hillary Clinton has mostly escaped having to answer what role she played in spreading the false Russia collusion narrative that gripped America for nearly three years.

On Friday, that dodge ended with a most unlikely witness: her former campaign manager Robby Mook, who was supposed to be a witness helping the defense of her former campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann on a charge of lying to the FBI.

Instead, under cross-examination by Special Counsel John Durham’s team, Mook was forced to concede two extraordinary facts.

First, the Clinton campaign wasn’t “totally confident” about the accuracy of computer data suggesting Donald Trump had a secret communications channel to the Kremlin via Russia’s Alfa Bank.

And second, Hillary Clinton herself personally approved spreading the story to the news media, despite the concerns about its accuracy.

“I discussed it with Hillary as well,” Mook testified. “I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter,” Mook said.

Prosecutors asked Mook if Clinton approved leaking the story to the media.

“She agreed,” Mook testified.

Why Biden’s transformational presidency is failing His administration lacks the vision to solve big problems By Peter Morici


President Biden’s transformational presidency is unraveling. He simply lacks energy and ideas and is surrounded by top officials with resumes that nominally check the boxes on experience but lack the vision to solve big problems.

The whole justification for his candidacy was he was not Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose socialism many voters feared, or former President Donald Trump, whose character many disliked but whose policies voters never rejected.

In 2020, Mr. Biden managed to win, but Democrats lost seats in the House. In 2021, the off-year election went badly for liberals in Virginia and elsewhere. In 2022, the president’s approval ratings are lower than a snake’s belly, and generic polls favor the Republican Party to take back the House.

Mr. Biden chose Vice President Kamala Harris for her race and gender and charged her with addressing the southern border crisis. As with most issues, she is more concerned with politics than the substance and is accomplishing little.

Often, she doesn’t do her homework and then blames the staff for poor results. Frustrated by her resulting lack of clout in the administration, key staffers have left.

Mr. Biden was warned his stimulus package was much too large, and now the country bears 7.5% inflation, declining real wages and many benefits of asset bubbles going to Wall Street bankers.

The Congressional Hypocrisy Caucus Sanders and Warren negotiate a potential tax cut for themselves; a new analysis finds the House bill raises taxes on many middle-income earners. James Freeman


The effort by congressional Democrats to shield themselves and their wealthy donors from tax hikes while inflicting them on the middle class appears to be more successful than previously reported. Even the left-leaning Tax Policy Center is blowing the whistle on this egregious gap between Democratic rhetoric and legislative reality.

As for rhetoric, this week in Baltimore the President continued making the claim he’s been making since he was a mere presidential candidate about his “Build Back Better” plan:

Nobody is going to — nobody is going to pay more — if you make less than 400 grand, you’re not going to pay anything more in taxes at all. Period. Guaranteed.

Howard Gleckman of the Tax Policy Center shares the outfit’s new estimate of a House draft of the plan:

Taking into account all major tax provisions, roughly 20 percent to 30 percent of middle-income households would pay more in taxes in 2022.

So much for a Biden guarantee. But there appears to be good news in the House draft for wealthy people who live in blue states—an increase to $80,000 from $10,000 in the amount of state and local taxes (SALT) that filers can deduct on their federal tax returns. Democrats are trying to sell this change as a benefit to the middle class, but the Tax Policy Center is among the many who aren’t buying it:

Despite what its promoters say, raising the cap to $80,000 would provide almost no benefit for middle-income households. It would reduce their 2021 taxes by an average of only $20. Even those making between $175,00 and $250,000 would get a tax cut of just over $400 or about 0.2 percent of after-tax income. By contrast, the higher SALT cap would boost after-tax incomes by 1.2 percent for those making between about $370,000 and $870,000 (the 95th to 99th percentile).

Our Porcine Two-Legged Wokeists Orwell would say of the woke Obamas, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Bernie Sanders, LeBron James, or Ibram Kendi—and their supposed unwoke, but similarly rich enemies, “It was impossible to say which was which.” By Victor Davis Hanson


“Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

—George Orwell, Animal Farm

What were we to make of multimillionaire Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash at his Martha’s Vineyard estate, and the throng of the woke wealthy and their masked helot attendants?
Was socialist Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) suffering for the people when she wore a designer dress to the more than $30,000 a ticket Met gala? Her entourage needs were certainly well attended to by masked Morlock servants.

Did the leftist celebrities at the recent Emmy awards gather to discuss opening Malibu beaches to the homeless when the (unmasked) stars virtue-signaled their wokeness?

For answers about these hypocritical wokeists, always turn first to George Orwell. In his brief allegorical novella, Animal Farm, an array of animal characters—led by the thinking pigs of the farm—staged a revolution, driving out their human overseers. 

The antihuman animal comrades started out sounding like zealous Russian Bolsheviks (“four legs good, two legs bad”). But soon they ended up conned by a murderous cult of pigs under a Joseph Stalin-like leader. And so, the revolution became what it once had opposed (“four legs good, two legs better”).

Our own woke, year-zero revolution is now in its second year. Yet last year’s four-legged piggish revolutionaries are already strutting on two legs. They are not just hobnobbing with the “white supremacists” and “capitalists,” but outdoing them in their revolutionary zeal for the rarified privileges of the material good life. 

The Marxist co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors, is now on her fourth woke home. She has moved on from the barricades to the security fences of her Topanga Canyon digs in a mostly all-white, all-rich rural paradise—the rewards for revolutionary service.

From Fort Hood to Kabul For Biden, American soldiers aren’t killed by Islamic terrorists; they only “fall” in senseless tragedy. Lloyd Billingsley


In his delayed response to the terrorist bombing that killed 13 Americans, Joe Biden mumbled something about his late son Beau but mentioned not a single American victim by name. That recalls the Delaware Democrat’s response to another deadly terrorist attack, on U.S. soil, that also claimed 13 American lives.

In 2009, U.S. Army major Nidal Hasan, a self-described “soldier of Allah,” was communicating with al Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki about killing Americans. As congressional hearings made clear, the FBI was on to Hasan but bureau bosses dropped the surveillance. On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, Texas, Hasan murdered 13 American soldiers and wounded more than 40 others.

For the composite character president David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, it was only “workplace violence,” not even gun violence. Vice president Joe Biden said, “Jill and I join the President and Michelle in expressing our sympathies to the families of the brave soldiers who fell today.  We are all praying for those who were wounded and hoping for their full and speedy recovery.  Our thoughts and prayers are also with the entire Fort Hood community as they deal with this senseless tragedy.”

These unarmed soldiers were gunned down by Nidal Hasan in a terrorist attack, but for Biden they only “fell,” as though it was some sort of accident. For the vice president, the mass murder was only a “senseless tragedy,” not a deliberate mass murder, carefully planned. As vice president, Biden would have access to the best information, but he mentioned not a single American victim by name. As it happened, those soldiers were shipping out to Afghanistan, and Joe Biden’s mentor has a history there.

A Biden loyalist since his first presidential run, Tom Donilon was an assistant secretary of state under Bill Clinton. Donilon’s troubles as a Fannie Mae lobbyist, and lack of experience in foreign affairs, did not prevent his rise to national security advisor, a choice that troubled even Robert Scheer of The Nation.

In Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of State at War, Robert Gates wrote that Donilon characterized the United States military as “in revolt” and “insubordinate.” Donilon, who had never been in the military, “bridled” when Gen. McChrystal announced a “counterinsurgency” strategy in Afghanistan. “Obama’s Gray Man,” as Donilon was known, did not want American troops to be seen defeating their enemies. The composite character president took that to another level.

In exchange for one American deserter, Bowe Bergdahl, Obama sprung five hard-core Taliban commanders from Guantanamo Bay. It was like trading Private Slovik for the German high command. Released with the others in 2014, Khairullah Khairkhwa proceeded to reunite the Taliban and help them capture power in Afghanistan.