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“Sol Sanders”

Tlaib to File Impeachment Articles against Trump By Mairead McArdle


Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) has announced that she plans to file articles of impeachment against President Trump.

“Later on this month, I will be joining folks and advocates across the country to file the impeachment resolution to start the impeachment proceedings,” Tlaib said at a press conference Wednedsay. “I think every single colleague of mine agrees there’s impeachable offenses. That’s one thing that we all agree on. We may disagree on the pace.”

The freshman Democrat, who has called Trump a “direct and serious threat to our country,” accused the president of “violations of the United States Constitution” and obstruction of justice in announcing her decision.

“We saw record turnout in an election year, where people wanted to elect a jury that would begin the impeachment proceedings to Donald Trump,” she said.

Tlaib made waves in January when she promised the day she was sworn in that the new Democratic House majority would “impeach the motherfu**er.” She defended herself in the days that followed, saying the president “needs to put a mirror up” and that he “has met his match,” but later apologized for causing a “distraction.”

Anti-Semitism’s Collaborators By Kevin D. Williamson


The ‘It’s anti-Zionism, not anti-Semitism’ dodge doesn’t wash.

The Democrats have a couple of problems: One is that they have spent many years complaining about being labeled “socialists” only to see their party come to be dominated by self-proclaimed socialists such as Senator Bernie Sanders (the gentleman from Vermont is a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination but is not a member of the party) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who, in spite of her pricey education, does not give the impression that she could be relied upon to spell bourgeoisie.

“Don’t call us socialists!” they used to say.


“Don’t call us anti-Semites!”


If the Democrats have a minor socialist problem, they have a major problem in the form of Jew-hating weirdos, preeminent among them the Reverend Louis Farrakhan of the so-called Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has been an out-and-proud Jew-hating weirdo for many decades now, but Democrats still feel the need to make gestures of obeisance before him: Anti-Trump leaders such as Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour of the Women’s March have embraced Farrakhan and courted his favor. Barack Obama came a-calling in 2005 when he was ramping up his political career. The Congressional Black Caucus has consulted him. Bill Clinton stood alongside him at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, implicitly elevating the cult leader. California Democrats Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters attend Farrakhan’s public events, and Obama-administration veteran Eric Holder recently posed for a picture with him.

The Big Lie About ‘Russian’ ‘Hacking’ Diana West


Hearing Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) address former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen in committee last week was another grating reminder of how unproven theories—fantasies, even—become Big Lies: through constant, brazen repetition. At a certain point, they cut channels through the public mind and run through history evermore as “conventional wisdom.”

We now teeter at this point with the unproven theory—a.k.a. Big Lie—that “the Russians” “hacked” the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Something happened at the DNC in 2016, all right, and that “something” led to the WikiLeaks publication of thousands of DNC emails, and the swift disgrace and resignations of top DNC officials, including DNC “chair” Wasserman Schultz, over revelations of DNC favoritism toward Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.

Nearly three years have passed, however, and no one has produced forensic evidence of a DNC “hack” by “the Russians”—and that includes special counsel Robert Mueller, whose 2018 indictment of a dozen or so Russians presents zero evidence to support his accusations. Not even the FBI discovered any “hack” evidence at the DNC because, in part, the nation’s federal law enforcement body never examined the DNC’s computer servers.

The Post-Child Democrats: Daniel Greenfield


Kill 100,000 babies a year and maybe global temperatures will drop.

“Is it okay to still have children?” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wondered while making a salad.

“It’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question.”

It’s easy to dismiss her, but the loudest proponent of a Green New Deal doesn’t come up with original ideas, she just snatches extreme lefty ideas already being mainstreamed, and dumbs them down into a ridiculous and easily digestible form. Cortez hadn’t come up with the idea of cracking down on air travel or cows. And she hadn’t invented environmentalist proposals for human extinction on her own.

“Is It Cruel to Have Kids in the Era of Climate Change?” the New Republic had asked.

“If the looming 12-year deadline is missed,” the formerly liberal, and now radically leftist publication, suggested, “what purpose could life have in the face of an unavoidable, collective downfall?”

“Bringing children into a decaying world, without even the opportunity to do something about it, seems a cruel fate to inflict on someone, especially your own child.”

On Biden, Jihadi Cheer Leaders, Socialist, and other Democrat Hopefuls in 2020… by Gerald A. Honigman


Former Vice President Joseph Biden is considering a run for the presidency against President Trump in 2020.

On the face of it, when compared to the new crop of hijab-wearing overt anti-Semites, Socialists, and other Democrats making the news, many observers will likely suggest that he is too passe and yesterday’s news…and is also known for a bit too many faux pas involving his mouth.   Yet, as a Florida NPA registered Independent with no particular allegiance to any major political party, I can perhaps more objectively than some others appreciate his better attributes as well. Take our much used and abused friends and allies, for example, the Kurds, who have done most of the fighting and dying for us against assorted jihadis in the Middle East. Unlike most others in the region, these folks actually tend to like America. 

As someone who has done substantial work for almost five decades now involving these 38-40 million truly stateless people, I can say that Biden stands out as a source of relative reason and knowledge among his colleagues on this subject. He’s to be commended for at least his professed continuous concern for these people who, too often, have been betrayed by Washington (and others) big time over and over again.

Ocasio-Cortez: Trump’s Wall is Like The Berlin Wall Could the irony be any richer? Humberto Fontova


“I think it’s [Trump’s proposed border wall] a moral abomination… I think it’s like the Berlin Wall. I think it’s like any other wall designed to separate human beings and block out people who are running away from the humanitarian disasters. I just think it’s wrong.” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, February 20, 2019.

Could the irony be any richer? Could AOC’s “powers of reasoning” be showcased any more starkly? To wit:

The Berlin Wall (which even die-hard leftists like AOC seem to recognize as a “moral abomination”) was designed to keep desperate suffering people from escaping en masse from what Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders prescribe to make people happy.

Trump’s proposed border wall is designed to keep people who would elect people like Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders to afflict us with their socio-economic prescriptions from becoming future U.S. voters.

Given the above, can you imagine a worthier project than the border wall?

And speaking of people (literally) dying to flee socialism, did many of my amigos realize that OVER TEN TIMES as many people (and counting) have died attempting to flee Communist Cuba (which liberals routinely praise) than died trying to flee Communist East Germany (which even liberals recognize as a horrible place, despite it’s “free healthcare and education”)?

Standing with the Venezuelan Revolution Shoshana Bryen


The Russian- and Cuban-supported Maduro regime is getting bolder in attempts to crush the people of Venezuela — now working blocking aid coming across the border to the starving citizens and shooting at the truck drivers.Some of that aid is American, to the irritation of Sen. Bernie Sanders, who doesn’t believe in revolution to remove a socialist. Agreeing that Nicolas Maduro is not a nice man, Mr. Sanders called for a “free and fair election” instead. “That is a decision of the Venezuelan people.”Actually, revolution appears to be the decision of the people — and support for the revolution is the appropriate American position.

The Monroe Doctrine defined America’s interests in the hemisphere, including recognizing and not interfering with existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere but closing the hemisphere to future colonization. And laying down the marker that any attempt to oppress or control any nation in the hemisphere would be viewed as a hostile act against the United States. The doctrine lived 190 years, mostly for better and sometimes for worse, until 2013 when Secretary of State John Kerry announced, “The era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.”But power permits no vacuum. Venezuela is what happens when the United States withdraws and others — in this case Russia, Cuba and Iran — enter to stake their claims.

UK Labor Party’s Defections Over Anti-Semitism Toll Warning Bell For U.S. Democrats Given the recent incidents of anti-Semitism on the American left, the UK Labour Party’s collapse invites examination—and may offer a warning to the American Democrat Party. By Erielle Davidson


The United Kingdom’s Labour Party is bleeding, and seem to have little idea of how to cauterize the wound. This past week, nine members of British Parliament resigned from the party in protest, eight citing anti-Semitism as one of their chief concerns. Given the recent incidents of anti-Semitism on the American left, the UK Labour Party’s plodding collapse invites examination—and offers perhaps a grim warning to the American Democrat Party, which faces its own recent accusations of anti-Semitism.

Labour’s general secretary, Jennie Formby, disclosed that the party had received more than 650 complaints of anti-Semitism by its members since last April. Almost 100 members were suspended, and a dozen expelled.

Luciana Berger, one of the Labour Party’s most prominent Jewish MPs, stated in her resignation, “I cannot remain in a party that I have today come to the sickening conclusion is institutionally anti-Semitic…The leadership has willfully and repeatedly failed to address hatred against Jewish people within its ranks.” Berger’s resignation sent ripples within the national Labour contingency, given her small constituency in Liverpool had voted unwaveringly for the Labour Party for the entirety of its two-decade existence.

Bad Ideas Make for Bad Progressive Policies Why redistributionist ideas relentlessly build disaster. Bruce Thornton


Behind the stark melodrama of our political conflicts lies the progressive consensus: The collective use of power to pursue various policy aims depends on technical knowledge and science. But this view itself depends on certain contestable modern ideas about human nature and behavior that are matters not of science, but of ideas found in philosophical speculation. Policy–the aims collectively we should pursue and how–reflects ideas, not technical knowledge. And all ideas, good or bad, assume some vision of what humans are and what they should do as members of a political community.

Barack Obama, for example, entered office vowing to “restore science to its rightful place,” implying that his predecessor just “made stuff up,” a phrase he used recently in South Africa in a subtle dig at Donald Trump. Our partisan disputes over policy reflect this unearned assumption of certainty on the part of the left, and explains their passionate hatred of those who oppose them. To progressives, such people are irredeemable flat-earthers resisting the progress of knowledge in order to serve evil ends like defending their racist and sexist “privilege.”Yet on the level of ideas that reflect notions of human nature, the self-styled “brights” on the left are often the slaves of some defunct intellectual or outdated received wisdom, not the sober, rational followers of scientific facts. And those bad ideas lead to bad policies.

Take the perennial progressive “crisis” of income inequality. Much of what progressives mean by “social justice” comprises eliminating gaps between wealthier Americans and everybody else. Any disparities represent the injustices of capitalism and the tax system designed to benefit the rich.

Clumsy Kamala By Matthew Continetti


Why Kamala Harris may be her own worst enemyNo Democrat running for president has had a better 2019 than Kamala Harris. The numbers tell the tale. The California senator was in the low single digits in polls conducted before her official launch on January 28. She is now in the low double digits, running third behind Joe Biden, who enjoys cosmic name recognition, and Bernie Sanders, whose devoted supporters brought him a second-place finish last time. But polls do not tell the whole story.

Harris raised $1.5 million in the day after declaring her candidacy. That number, impressive for a senator not even a third of the way through her first term, has been bested only by Sanders, a socialist who has a venture capitalist’s talent for raising money. He brought in $5.9 million in the first 24 hours of his campaign. Harris, however, has something Sanders does not.

She is a fresh face of middle age (54 years) and of diverse background (her father is Jamaican, her mother Indian) whose chief rivals at the moment are two geriatric white men. As Democrats search for someone new to lead them against President Trump, Harris has distinguished herself from the field. Her CNN town hall drew record ratings, while Amy Klobuchar’s flopped. And Harris leads the 2020 Democrats in social-media interactions, according to an Axios/Newswhip study. She’s had a good launch. But there’s a caveat.