Only recently, the offshore wind industry was seen as an opportunity to regenerate Germany’s coast. But amid changing political attitudes and spiraling costs, several companies are struggling to survive. Is the wind boom over before it even really began?

The new power plant 15 kilometers (9 miles) off the North Sea island of Borkum is a masterpiece of German engineering. In only 14 months, experts anchored dozens of giant rotors to the sea floor. The 150-meter (492-foot) wind turbines at the Riffgat offshore wind farm work perfectly.

Providing clean electricity to 120,000 households, Riffgat was expected to become a milestone of the federal government’s shift away from nuclear power and toward green energy.

But the dedication of the first commercial German wind farm in the North Sea on August 10 is set to be a low-key affair. Chancellor Angela Merkel cancelled her scheduled appearance. And Environment Minister Peter Altmaier and European Union Energy Commission Günther Oettinger, both members of Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), have hesitated to accept the invitation from EWE, an energy company based in the northern German city of Oldenburg.

The reason is that Riffgat has a cosmetic defect: the wind farm is still missing part of its power line to the mainland. For the time being, instead of producing energy, Riffgat is actually consuming it. To prevent the rotors from corroding in the salty air, they have to be supplied with electricity produced with diesel generators.

MORDECHAI KEDAR: THE NEXT BLOODBATH…LEBANON The following article was written in Hebrew by Dr. Mordechai Kedar for the July 26, 2013 issue of the Makor Rishon newspaper, and translated to English by Sally Zahav. During the past two years we have become accustomed to the seemingly endless bloodbath in Syria, which has become a boxing ring for the many […]

JEFFREY GOLDBERG: BE AFRAID…VERY AFRAID…..SEE NOTE PLEASE THIS IS A COGENT ARTICLE ALTHOUGH I ALWAYS AVOID MR. GOLDBERG’S EMANATIONS….JUST LAST WEEK HE WROTE: “Israel Frees Murderers to Keep Building Settlements” – “For members of Netanyahu’s party and his broader coalition, however, the possession of these biblical lands is paramount. They have become idol worshippers, and their idol is land. How else […]

P. DAVID HORNIK: WHY I BECAME A CONSERVATIVE…..SEE NOTE PLEASE I AM SO GLAD DAVID HORNIK BECAME A CONSERVATIVE AND DOUBLY GLAD HE MOVED TO ISRAEL WHERE HE IS  THE BEST JOURNALIST.ESSAYIST, COMMENTATOR…..READ Choosing Life In Israel by P. David Hornik (Feb 15, 2013) In the fall of 1971, when I was in twelfth grade, I started to grow my hair long. A failed […]

RUTHIE BLUM: AL QAEDA IS ALIVE AND TICKING On Friday, American citizens living in Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East received an email titled “Emergency Message.” The message read as follows: “The Department of State has instructed certain U.S. Embassies and Consulates to remain closed or to suspend operations on Sunday, August 4. The Department has been apprised of information that, […]


What will President Obama do about Moscow’s latest move?
America’s “unipolar moment” won’t end on Mr. Obama’s watch, but a lack of influence abroad doesn’t seem to bother this president all that much anyway

Russia has granted Edward Snowden temporary asylum. Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration is infuriated. It’s also somewhat embarrassing for an administration that had advocated so strongly (in public and private) against this.

White House spokesperson Jay Carney has already mentioned that Mr. Obama may renege on his commitment to meet President Vladimir Putin this September. (The visit coincides with the G20 which will begin on September 5th in St. Petersburg).

Is that it? Surely the White House must be contemplating more than that…right?

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE GOP’S SPLIT PERSONALITY DISORDER The Republican Party’s biggest problem is mental illness. The big elephant party is suffering from a severe case of split personality disorder. It’s an old problem that has only gotten worse over the years. It can be hard to remember sometimes while swimming in the media bubble that depicts the Republican Party as some […]

UK Pentecostal Black Bishop Asks British PM Why So Many Blacks Are In Jail In an issue of controversy in Britain, Europe and America the question of why, disproportionately, so many non-whites are in jail is raised again by a top Pentecostal black Bishop Opening up an issue that continues to divide societies across the Western world, British Prime Minister David Cameron has been asked a stark question […]

Rangel Gets Racial: Tea Party a Bunch of ‘White Crackers’- Douglas Ernst….see note please


New York Rep. Charlie Rangel wants the world to know: Tea party members are a bunch of “white crackers.”

“It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police,” Mr. Rangel told the Daily Beast.

“They didn’t care about how they looked. It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough.”

House Republicans didn’t get off any easier.

The congressman likened them to terrorists: “What’s going on is sabotage. Terrorists couldn’t do a better job than the Republicans are doing.”

MARION DREYFUS: “ELYSIUM” FUSS WITHOUT FUZZ Post-apocalyptic sci-fi ELYSIUM features a shrill Jodie Foster and a Matt Damon tricked out like the Eiffel Tower (minus the expensive auberge, starry sky or Chablis).   You know going in that it is an action-adventure sci-fi, but even those genre films usually entertain the cine-goer.  In a general audience packing the 42nd Street […]