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“Sol Sanders”

To Kill a Murderer Posted By Daniel Greenfield

http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/to-kill-a-murderer/print/ Twenty years ago, Nathan Dunlap walked into a Chuck E. Cheese in Colorado. Dunlap had been fired from the restaurant earlier that year and told a friend that he wanted to get even and take all the money. One cold wintry evening he walked in, put a gun to the head of a 19-year-old […]

Jews, Law, and Human Rights By Michael Pinto-Duschinsky

Jews, Law, and Human Rights Are legally enforceable codes of human rights good for the Jews? Even to ask this question seems parochial and unseemly. Human rights deserve the utmost respect—and by Jews of all people. They are morally necessary; they are in keeping with the best religious, moral, and cultural traditions of Judaism; they […]



Despite his “colossal economic failures” and a national debt “above $16 trillion” Barack Obama was given a second term. It is not because the conservative message was wrong; it is because Obama is a master of marketing his message. Seductive and false advertising as well as outright bribery marked this man’s first term and will certainly be the hallmark of his second.

He mesmerized a misinformed or ill-informed public, convincing them that his promises would result in a piece of the pie for them. Thus, currently, “…more than half the population — 50 percent plus one — is dependent upon government benefits. For the past four years, the Obama administration has created a Franco-German welfare state whose sole purpose is to forge a majority political coalition wedded to the Democratic Party.” The explosion of food stamps, the bailouts — all translated into an ‘I got mine, not gonna’ worry about anybody else’ mentality that has ruptured this country into two camps. There are those who pay and there are those who expect the payment without any effort on their part. As David Limbaugh has written in Crimes Against Liberty, “in his monomania for socialism, Obama will brook no challenge” (388).

Which is why the 1952 piece by Elia Kazan titled “Where I Stand” needs to see the light of day again. Kazan wrote it following his appearance before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA) in 1952. It is particularly instructive as we now enter the new world of Obama socialism.

Kazan notes that

Communist activities confront the people of this country with an unprecedented and exceptionally tough problem. That is, how to protect ourselves from a dangerous and alien conspiracy and still keep the free, open, healthy way of life that gives us self-respect.

The facts I have are 16 years out of date, but they supply a small piece of background to the graver picture of communism today.

I was taken in by the Hard Times version of the communists’ recruiting technique. They claimed to have a cure for depressions…. I joined the Party late in the summer of 1934. I got out a year and a half later.

I have no spy stories to tell because I saw no spies. Nor did I understand, at that time, any opposition between American and Russian national interest. It was not even clear to me in 1936 that the American Communist Party was abjectly taking its order from the Kremlin.

What I learned was the minimum that anyone must learn who puts his head into the noose of Party ‘discipline.’ The Communists automatically violated the daily practices of democracy to which I was accustomed. They attempted to control thought and suppress personal opinion. They tried to dictate personal conduct. They habitually distorted and disregarded and violated the truth. All this was crudely opposite to their claims of ‘democracy’ and the ‘scientific approach.’

To be a member of the Communist Party is to have a taste of the police state. It is a diluted taste, but it is bitter and unforgettable.

Why did I not tell this story sooner? I was …held back by a piece of specious reasoning …which goes like this. ‘You may hate the Communists, but you must not attack them or expose them, because if you do you are attacking the right to hold unpopular opinions and you are joining the people who attack civil liberties.’

I have thought soberly about this. It is, simply, a lie. Secrecy serves the Communists. At the other pole, it serves to silence…voices… [who] have allowed themselves to become associated with or silenced by the Communists.

It also left me with the passionate conviction that we must never let the Communists get away with the pretense that they stand for the very things which they kill in their own countries.

I am talking about free speech, a free press, the rights of property… and above all, individual rights. I value peace, too, when it is not bought at the price of fundamental decencies.



If a true conservative is for small government, strong national defense and traditional values then there is no such candidate in the race. There might have been earlier, but there certainly isn’t now.
It’s a sad testament to the current state of the party that the choice is between two men who believe in global warming, one who believes in big government, another who believes the terrorists are right and a third who believes in open borders. But last election the choice came down to two men, both of whom believed in global warming and one of whom thought that waterboarding terrorists was torture. That man became the nominee. So maybe we’re making some progress.

Critics will point out that Reagan didn’t fit that mold too well either. They’re right. No leader has. Standards are aspired to, but they are rarely here in the pure form. But the other aspect of the argument is that the standards change in response to the period. Libertarian positions seem more authentically conservative in no small part because of government failures.


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.10231/pub_detail.asp MARTIN LUTHER KING’S LEGACY IS PERVERTED BY THE RACE PIMPS THAT PRETEND TO BE HIS HEIRS. HE WAS A REPUBLICAN AND A PREACHER AND LED A GREAT MOVEMENT THAT HAS BEEN HIJACKED BY SHARPTON, JACKSON AND OTHER RACIST CHARLATANS….RSK With President Obama preparing to preside over the official unveiling of the Martin Luther King, […]


http://townhall.com/columnists/victordavishanson/2011/08/04/spare_us_the_sermons,_mr_president/print So spare us any more of the bottled piety, Mr. President. Instead, just make the argument to the public that borrowing $4 billion a day is still necessary and sustainable — and explain how it came to be that this post-recession recovery on your watch is the weakest since World War II. During the […]


Symposium: Why We Left Our POWs Behind Posted By Jamie Glazov URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/07/22/symposium-why-we-left-our-pows-behind/   In this special edition of Frontpage Symposium, we have assembled a panel of four distinguished guests to reveal the tragic truth about what really happened to our POWs. Our guests today are: Dr. Joseph Douglass, an investigator who has […]

LA Sheriff’s Department has Muslim public affairs unit, but no comparable units for other religions

http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/07/la-sheriffs-department-has-muslim-public-affairs-unit-but-no-comparable-units-for-other-religions.html LA Sheriff’s Department has Muslim public affairs unit, but no comparable units for other religions Sheriff Baca Update. “LA Sheriff’s Department Has A Muslim Public Affairs Unit,” by Amy Alkon for Men’s News Daily, July 11 (thanks to Kenneth): LA Sheriff’s Department Has A Muslim Public Affairs Unit [.] It’s paid for with public […]


http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/03/the_baehr_essentials_24.html The Baehr Essentials Richard Baehr There are a lot of serious subjects today , so I have chosen to start off with some lighter fare.  First, an article from the New York Times on Sunday, that is so ridiculous, it should have been a front page story in the Onion. The Gallup Organization conducted […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/258231 Proteus-in-Chief Obama’s rhetoric has swung from hard-left to moderate to hard-left to conciliatory. The problem is, his policies were real, not rhetorical. Barack Obama 1.0 had a solid record of hard-left governance as an Illinois state representative and U.S. senator. He voted for partial-birth abortion, wanted all troops out of Iraq by March 2008, […]