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Sneaky Joe’s new plan to steal the midterms By Monica Showalter


He stole it once, and got away with it…Why wouldn’t he do it again? Which is the unfortunate conclusion from Mollie Hemingway in a new report in The Federalist.

Joe Biden has a new plan to rig and steal the midterms. He’s not only doing it now, he’s been working on it for a while. Hemingway notes that it probably isn’t legal, given that the executive branch has no right to get involved with elections. As a result, Biden and his Democrats are really determined to keep news of its basic details from the public:

President Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single one has been responded to. All signs indicate a concerted effort to keep the public in the dark until at least after the November midterm elections. The lack of transparency and responsiveness is so bad that the Department of Justice and some of its agencies have been repeatedly sued for the information.

When President Biden ordered all 600 federal agencies to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process” on March 7, 2021, Republican politicians, Constitutional scholars, and election integrity specialists began to worry exactly what was up his sleeve.

The short way of describing the plot is that Biden has asked any federal agency that delivers government services of any kind to voters to be converted into a voting operation.

Any government jobs center is now converted to a voting registration or voter “outreach” center. Ditto for any health care agency, any college, any housing agency.

What Do ‘Men Give Birth’ and ‘Defund the Police’ Have in Common? By Dennis Prager

Unless you are brainwashed, you regard the statements “men give birth” and “defund the police” as absurd.
Why, then, do leftists (as opposed to liberals and conservatives) say these things and even believe them?
I think there are two — related — explanations.

One is that the Left seeks to tear down every normative institution. If men give birth, “man” and “woman” no longer mean anything. “Men give birth” means the end of the male-female distinction, the most basic distinction in the human race. Racial distinctions pale in comparison. So do national distinctions. 

Marxists support the obliteration of the male-female distinction because the only distinction that matters to Marxists is that of class. 

The other explanation is that the endgame of leftism is chaos. It is related to the first explanation, since the obliteration of all distinctions is chaos. Distinctions mean order. Having no distinctions means chaos.

The Case for Donald Trump 2024 Kurt Schlichter


Time for some real talk. There are a lot of Republicans with doubts about President Trump running again in 2024, and you hear it often when conservatives gather together. They worry that him going Grover Cleveland could spoil a sure thing, but that’s not necessarily so. Whether you love Donald Trump, or whether you doubt him – if you hate him, shut up and go back to the Bulwark offices with the other losers – you need to look hard at the facts.

We’re not progressives who let our feelz control us, and we must ruthlessly assess our own potential courses of action when it comes to replacing that desiccated old pervert masquerading as our president. We must look at his downside, but also his upside – and he has one. The fact is that Donald Trump 2024 has a reasonable chance to beat anyone the Democrats launch at him – hell, in ’16 he defied the conventional wisdom to crush Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, the Smartest Woman Ever Was, and there are a lot of reasons why he might well pummel whatever pea-brained nimrod the Dems deploy against him in 2024.

Let’s look where all smart tacticians will look first – at logistics. Trump has money, oodles of it, and his supporters now have two campaigns worth of experience instead of the none they had in 2016. He also has his own social media outlet, as well as friendly conservative media, and Twitter may even be under free speech advocate Elon Musk by then. They can’t shut him up again.

Then there is the opposition. He faces a clown for an opponent – Grandpa Badfinger is the only guy dumb enough to forget how to ride a bike – and some polls already show Trump beating Biden in a head-to-(empty)-head race two-plus years out. None of those who will be seeking to shiv the Crusty-in-Chief and send him off to Sunny Acres so they can grab the Dem nom is a bigger threat. Kackling Kamala? Supply chain chump Pete Buttigieg? Maybe AOC will run – voters will love her. Perhaps Hillary will step into the ring to get humiliated yet again. All of them are potentially beatable by DJT in 2024.

The radical left literally targets Amy Coney Barrett By Andrea Widburg


The federal code is remarkably clear: A person who “pickets or parades” near a judge’s home “with the intent of influencing any judge…in the discharge of his duties…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.” (18 U.S.C. § 1507.) Simply put, if you appear outside a judge’s home attempting to change a case’s outcome, you’re a criminal. And yet, who thinks that Merrick Garland’s DOJ will act on the fact that protestors gathered outside Supreme Court Justice Amy Comey Barrett’s home—where she lives with her seven children—to intimidate her into changing her position on Roe v. Wade?

The protesters were not subtle; they were obvious and deliberately intimidating:

Pro-choice activists protested outside Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s house over the weekend, donning fake-blood-stained clothes and holding baby dolls.

The protesters marched to the judge’s Falls Church, Va., home Saturday and held signs including one with a coat hanger on it that said, “Not going back.”

The youth activists, part of a group called Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, tied their hands together with tape and held the plastic baby dolls.

“This is what Amy’s America looks like,” one protester Ariana, 15, said in a video the group posted. “Children will be forced to give birth to children. Women will be silenced. Women will be invalidated. Women will be told they are less than.

“And that is not OK. We cannot let that happen. … You can’t let this future happen to us. It’s not fair.” (Emphasis mine.)

Biden goes into cloud cuckoo land on inflation By Monica Showalter


“Biden is still blaming oil companies for the ongoing inflation, as if oil companies themselves were not subject to the higher transport, production, labor, and materials costs of taking oil out of the ground, vowing to punish them with “emergency powers” if they don’t pump more oil to increase supply.  He’s begging the Saudis to produce more oil, despite an amazing array of oil resources available in this country, production of which he has largely shut down, as well as the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada.  He’s also reportedly releasing another round of oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve as if the first huge release had had any effect.  It didn’t.  He’s blaming Russian president Vladimir Putin.  He’s blaming the global economy.  He’s blaming Republicans for not approving his latest spend-a-thons.What he’s not doing is addressing inflation itself and the runaway federal spending that created it.  It’s as if he doesn’t know, or thinks you don’t know.”

Joe Biden either is stupid or thinks you’re stupid.

Because how else does anyone explain a speech like this, to the supposed working stiffs of the AFL-CIO Tuesday?

Biden, visibly angry: “I don’t want to hear anymore of these lies about reckless spending. We’re changing people’s lives!” pic.twitter.com/0I3OgmIJGD

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) June 14, 2022

No more lies about reckless spending?  Here’s the whole thing:

WATCH LIVE: President Joe Biden speaks at AFL-CIO convention https://t.co/NGF1mEBc8K

— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) June 14, 2022

There’s plenty to dislike about this, from the 1940s proletarian vernacular to the heaping helping of old hokey Irish Catholic gesturing, as if the abortion president were actually Catholic and not a guy who plays one on TV for political benefit.

Make America Florida: The Case for DeSantis By Cherie Zaslawsky

http://Make America Florida: The Case for DeSantis By Cherie Zaslawsky

Many people I know have left California for what they consider greener—I mean redder—pastures: red states free of most of the lunacy in the “woke” Golden State.

Some moved to Texas, some to Idaho, but most have fled to Florida, leaving us stay-at-homes green with envy.

Why Florida—with its notorious humidity, alligators, snakes, humungous mosquitos, and yearly hurricanes? In a word: DeSantis.

Facing off against the radical, America-hating Left, DeSantis fought and won two major battles recently: protecting students in third grade and younger from the Dems’ cherished “choose your gender” narrative, and poking woke Disney in its progressive eye. I’ll wager Walt would approve.

Speaking about these triumphs, Charles Lipson has this to say: “What his legislative victories demonstrate is that DeSantis is willing to fight hard against formidable opposition on high-profile issues, including cultural issues. That is exactly what Republican voters want today.”

Governor DeSantis has continuously put the liberty, interests, and wellbeing of Floridians first, for which he endures perpetual barbs and ridicule from the Pravda media’s coterie of presstitutes. Imagine—he took a stand for sanity in the schools, by outlawing gender “fluidity” indoctrination of children in kindergarten through third grade. How dare he!

And as of September 2020, he refused to allow mask mandates! Does he think he’s smarter than the CDC? Let’s hope so!


I Rented an Electric Car for a Four-Day Road Trip. I Spent More Time Charging It Than I Did Sleeping.by Rachel Wolfe


Our writer drove from New Orleans to Chicago and back to test the feasibility of taking a road trip in an electric vehicle. She wouldn’t soon do it again.

I thought it would be fun.

That’s what I told my friend Mack when I asked her to drive with me from New Orleans to Chicago and back in an electric car.

I’d made long road trips before, surviving popped tires, blown headlights and shredded wheel-well liners in my 2008 Volkswagen Jetta. I figured driving the brand-new Kia EV6 I’d rented would be a piece of cake.

If, that is, the public-charging infrastructure cooperated. We wouldn’t be the first to test it. Sales of pure and hybrid plug-ins doubled in the U.S. last year to 656,866—over 4% of the total market, according to database EV-volumes. More than half of car buyers say they want their next car to be an EV, according to recent Ernst & Young Global Ltd. data.

By the Numbers

The Buy Side team is independent from the Wall Street Journal newsroom.

Our reporter’s four-day, three-night EV road trip included many charging stops, little sleep—and less junk food than you might expect

Miles driven: 2,013
Number of charges: 14
Total charging cost: $175
Hours spent waiting to charge: 18
Hours of sleep: 16
Calories of junk food consumed (estimated): 1,465
Giant chicken statues passed: 1

Oh—and we aimed to make the 2,000-mile trip in just under four days so Mack could make her Thursday-afternoon shift as a restaurant server.

The Show Trials Begin Kenneth R. Timmerman


Thursday evening’s disgraceful spectacle concocted by congressional Democrats and the media will go down in history — but not in the way they intended.

Far from shocking Americans with “new” testimony from a visibly terrified Ivanka Trump or a know-nothing Capitol police officer who described the Jan. 6 confrontations as “a war scene,” which it most certainly was not, Thursday’s spectacle only reinforced the national divide between Trump supporters and the Democrats and the media elites.

Even Democrat strategists and media commentators admit that the hearings are not aimed at changing public opinion. “Instead, the committee’s work is most clearly aimed at the top brass at the Department of Justice who will decide whether to bring charges against Trump and members of his inner circle,” Jonathan Allen wrote in a commentary for NBC News.

That in itself should be enough to terrify any American who lived through the Cold War, or who read Kafka in high school or college.

We have entered an era of show trials, just like the extravaganzas produced by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin in the 1930s.

The goal of the show trial is to intimidate and to deflect. In this case, the Democrats want to intimidate Donald Trump and his supporters, by threatening them with prosecution on charges of sedition for allegedly planning, encouraging, and supporting the rioters. (This is undoubtedly why Ivanka Trump looked like a deer in the headlights in the 16 second video clip of her testimony Rep. Liz Cheney aired at the hearing on a giant screen above the committee members’ heads).

Trump or DeSantis? David Solway


Speculation is rife concerning the possible presidential candidates representing the two major parties as the nation approaches the 2024 elections. Everyone has an opinion, and the pundits are competing in the expertise sweepstakes. What can we say with some degree of plausibility?

The Democrat roster is, by all accounts, dramatically uninspiring. Biden, who speaks in tongues, is plainly beyond redeeming; the question is whether he will manage to survive the year, let alone stumble, lollop, and whiffle to the end of his first term. Kamala Harris belongs in vaudeville or farce, given her talent for provoking laughter. Both will have to be retired in favor of an electable candidate. But who?

Pete Buttigieg is a perpetual embarrassment, in effect a political pothole. Elizabeth Warren is a professional liar and fraud, as everybody knows. Hillary is an overdone political brisket. Gavin Newsom has destroyed his state, an enviable record for a leftie, but California, despite the hype, is not America. Bernie Sanders is a geriatric commie with three tony residences, a typical dacha commissar whose appeal is mainly to the badly educated young. Michelle Obama would be a celebrity candidate; the thing is, most Americans are not celebrities, and Camelot has lost its luster. As they say, there is no there there.

The fact is that the Dems have nothing to offer apart from a voluble vacuum that cannot be filled with anyone or anything of substance. The party cannot be expected to win the forthcoming presidential election absent a Diabolus ex Machina descending from the ceiling via a system of invisible ropes and pulleys or an asteroid wiping out the Republican heartland. Regrettably, we know such things can happen.

Importing COVID: Biden administration releases 7,000 COVID-infected illegal border-crossers into McAllen, Texas By Monica Showalter


So much for Title 42, the court-reinforced order to keep illegal border-crossers out of the U.S. to protect the public here during the pandemic.

Actually, they’re letting them in…and letting them in.  There’s no limit.

Here’s the news from just one border city, McAllen, Texas, reported by Fox News:

The Texas border city of McAllen says more than 7,000 COVID-positive migrants have been released into the city since February, and more than 1,500 in the past week — the latest example of growing concern about the potential impact of the border crisis on efforts to control COVID-19 in the U.S.

In a statement announcing the building of new temporary shelters to deal with a “rapidly escalating” surge of immigrants being released into the border city, McAllen warned of the release of thousands of migrants with COVID-19.

“Since mid-February of 2021 there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into the city of McAllen by [Customs and Border Protection], including over 1,500 new cases in the past seven days,” the statement said.

Immigrants released by CBP are dropped off with Catholic Charities and tested for COVID by a third party. If they test positive, they are asked to quarantine and offered a room at a quarantine site.