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If anyone still needs proof that the NY Times is a bias, anti-Israel publication, please read today’s featured article (Ira Stoll, Algemeiner, Jan 17).

The editorial board members practically sound like paid lobbyists for the Palestine Liberation Organization, badgering the politicians to back the idea of evacuating American diplomats from the Jerusalem embassy in the next Democratic administration. krd

Democratic presidential candidates hoping to win the endorsement of The New York Times are being interrogated by Times editors about whether they’ll commit to shutting down the American embassy in Israel’s capital.

President Donald Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem in May 2018, fulfilling a campaign promise and finally bringing America into compliance with the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. The widely predicted violent reaction by regional Arabs rapidly fizzled out. But the Times editorial board members appear to be nursing a grudge about the matter, at least to judge by their questions to the Democratic presidential candidates.

Undoing the embassy move has emerged as a standard topic in the Times endorsement interviews, as much a part of the routine as questions on more traditional Democratic platform planks such as reproductive rights or antitrust enforcement against technology companies.




In “‘No Zionists’ and ‘No Straights’: Tweets from Teacher Rattle Elite New York City School” (Washington Free Beacon, Jan 9), Adam Kredo exposes even more anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism at Fieldston School, this time from history teacher J.B. Brager. Bad enough? This particular teacher was slated to teach an elective history course titled “Nazi Germany and the Holocaust” later this month.Plus, when Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Congressman Max Rose (NY-11) got word about the anti-Semite who Fieldston forced on their students at a required assembly, their response in a letter to Fieldston’s leadership was perfect:

There should be no place in our national discourse for hate-filled speech targeting any group. As Jewish Members of Congress dedicated to combatting anti-Semitism, we would like to understand how such a speaker could be invited to address ECFS students, what steps the school has taken to hold those responsible accountable, how the school has communicated to students and parents that such rhetoric is unacceptable, and how ECFS will implement processes to prevent future incidents. By drawing comparisons between the Holocaust and the State of Israel, these statements misrepresent current events while devaluing the horrors of the attempt to eliminate European Jewry.

Breaking News: Fieldston has fired J.B. Brager.

Plus, anti-Semitism continues around the globe:
A 30-year old Jewish man was beaten and subjected to anti-Semitic abuse on Tuesday on a Berlin subway:
A man in Toronto finds a swastika scrawled on his Alzheimer-stricken uncle’s head; and
A Holocaust monument and newly renovated synagogue were vandalized in Greece.



Bari Weiss was a star at the NYC Solidarity March on Sunday! Watch her on video as she was interviewed by CNN walking over the Brooklyn Bridge (it’s a worthwhile five minutes), and read her speech (today’s featured article). She did not disappoint!

Colin Kaepernick mourns the death of a terrorist because of the color of his skin (one really can’t make this stuff up)!

Kaepernick had some choice words about the early Friday killing of Soleimani, which was ordered by President Donald Trump. “There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people for the expansion of American imperialism,” the football player wrote in a tweet published at about 3 p.m. Saturday. A minute later, Kaepernick followed up with another tweet accusing the United States of using its military might to enforce its will onto non-white people. “America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad,” he wrote. “America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world.” (Newsweek, Jan 5);

I Was Protested At Bard College For Being A Jew Batya Ungar-Sargon


When I was asked to speak at last week’s conference on racism and anti-Semitism at Bard College’s Hannah Arendt Center, I think my heart actually skipped a beat.

Arendt, the German-born political philosopher who fled the Nazis in the 1930s and eventually settled in New York, is the thinker who has most deeply influenced me, and racism and anti-Semitism are two topics I think about constantly, the most pressing issues of our time. It was the perfect combination of topic and venue, and the list of confirmed speakers included luminaries whose work I had read, whose writing and thinking I deeply admired.

Watch video of the conference here.

“I am so incredibly humbled to be included in this event and I accept with great honor,” I wrote back to Roger Berkowitz, the founder and director of the center and organizer of the conference.

I was invited to host a breakout session of my choosing, and I proposed a workshop on navigating other people’s opinions in the age of Trump – a topic of deep importance to my work as Opinion Editor of The Forward, where we insist on representing the full gamut of legitimate opinion. Ten days before the conference started on Thursday, I found out I would also be one of three people on a panel called “Racism and Zionism: Black-Jewish relations,” and moderator of another session, with Ruth Wisse, a Harvard professor of Yiddish literature and scholar of Jewish history and culture, and Shany Mor, an Israeli thinker who is affiliated with the Hannah Arendt Center.

I prepared eagerly. I read everything Wisse had written on anti-Semitism, and formulated some questions to probe at the areas where our views diverged. I wrote up my thoughts the charge that Zionism as racism – a holdover of Soviet propaganda that I looked forward to debating, as well as polling that shows African-Americans overall to be more pro-Israel and less sympathetic to the Palestinians than white liberals.

Save Me from My Defenders! A protest against me, and its aftermath, at Bard College by Ruth R. Wisse


Being silenced or harassed for unpopular speech on a university campus is by now such a mark of distinction that I may be accused of exercising bragging rights in describing a recent incident in which I was involved. The real danger I encountered, however, was different from the one against which I had been warned. Read on.

In January 2019, I received an invitation from Roger Berkowitz, founding director of Bard’s Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities, to speak at its annual conference. The topic: “Racism and Anti-Semitism.” In adopting the name of the German-Jewish philosopher it describes as “the most taught and arguably most influential political thinker of the 20th century,” the Center emphasized Arendt’s insistence on the need for public debate on controversial matters. She had theorized about anti-Semitism as a form of racism, and because I was among those who found this formulation unhelpful, the conveners thought I might provide some valuable critical engagement. For my part, I was readying a second edition of my book on anti-Semitism, Jews and Power, so writing a talk for the conference was a way of getting back into a subject that had become much more pressing since I first published the book 13 years ago. I accepted the invitation and spent many hours preparing the talk.

All the advance arrangements for the conference were handled graciously, and the courtesies accorded me from the moment I arrived at the Bard campus in New York’s Dutchess County went beyond the usual. Though I am by now among the oldest in any academic gathering, the solicitude of my greeters actually made me wonder whether I appeared much more fragile than I felt. Unusually, several members of the administration showed up for my talk. With the dean, a former fellow professor of literature, I conversed about the 19th-century British novel the way academics used to do when I began teaching in the late 1960s.

Three Jewish Students Assaulted by 11 Men at Indiana University


Three Jewish students were badly beaten by a group of 11 men at the Indiana University, according to a security footage posted Sunday.

According to Indiana Daily Student newspaper, the fight broke out between members of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and the Jewish Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, the members of which apparently tried to enter a party at the Pi Kappa Phi house uninvited. In the footage, the three students are seen being badly beaten while the 11 men are reportedly heard saying “He’s a fucking douche,” and “F*** that kid,” during the fight. According to unconfirmed reports, the students were also called anti-Semitic slurs.

Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity said the three suffered concussions as a result of the assault.

Update: The fraternity has just been suspended. 

American Leftists Believed Corbyn’s Inevitable Victory Would Be Their Model By Jonathan Chait


“Corbyn’s victory became a matter of faith, and its adherents continued to tout wisps of evidence for it even in the face of dismal polling ….Whether a more moderate Labour leader would have defeated Johnson — who is highly unpopular, yet still far less unpopular than Corbyn — is unknowable. What is certain is that his delirious backers assumed his success, and built around it a self-serving theory from which they refused to deviate in the face of mounting indications of doom.”

The British election results, like any election results, are the result of unique circumstances and multiple factors. They are also, however, a test of a widely articulated political theory that has important implications for American politics. That theory holds that Corbyn’s populist left-wing platform is both necessary and sufficient in order to defeat the rising nationalist right. Corbyn’s crushing defeat is a decisive refutation.

Many writers, not only on the left, detected parallels between the rise of Corbyn and the movement around Bernie Sanders. The latter is considerably more moderate and pragmatic than the former, and also not laden with the political baggage of Corbyn’s widely derided openness to anti-Semitic allies. And yet many leftists have emphasized the similarities between the two, which are indeed evident. Both built youth-oriented movements led by cadres of radical activists who openly set out to destroy and remake their parties. Both lost in somewhat close fashion, Sanders in 2016 and Corbyn the next year. And fervent supporters of both men treated their narrow defeats as quasi-victories, proof of victory just around the corner.

Arguments of this sort tend to quickly devolve into straw-man attacks. So, in order to show that the view I’m describing is widespread, I am sharing lengthy excerpts from a half-dozen essays written by American leftists in recent years:

Anti-Semitism at Ethical Culture Fieldston School


For those high school parents who felt their children were safe (at least for now) from being exposed to rabid anti-Semitism, I am sorry to say “think again.” Today’s featured article exposes what is likely the tip of the iceberg at public and private high schools. It’s infuriating (to say the least).

Remarks by a guest speaker at an elite New York City private school who charged that Jews have fallen into a historical cycle in which the oppressed become the oppressor have sparked internal controversy—and elicited the condemnation of the Anti-Defamation League.

Addressing high school students at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School last Thursday, A. Kayum Ahmed, the director of access and accountability at the Open Society Foundations and a former CEO of the South African Human Rights Commission, said he had observed “the fluidity of those who are victims becoming the perpetrators.”

“I use the same example in talking about the Holocaust, that Jews who suffered in the Holocaust and established the state of Israel today perpetuate violence against Palestinians that are unthinkable,” Ahmed said.

Though Ethical Culture Fieldston is among the most liberal of New York City’s elite private schools—the school says it is committed to providing students a “progressive education” and a series of “Awareness Days” on issues like “Undoing ‘Slut’ Shaming and Sexual Bullying”—Ahmed’s remarks sparked outrage from some students and parents.

A spokeswoman for Fieldston declined to comment.



Yair Lapid didn’t mince words at the ELNET conference in Paris. His message to anti-Semites (today’s featured article) is one you must read;
Ilhan Omar is once again facing accusations of anti-Semitism;
The UN sells anti-Semitic texts at it’s book fair (because why not make a profit on something you are good at?);
George Washington University students share an anti-Semitic video on snapchat;
Elizabeth Warren makes an immoral and dangerous vow: To divide Jerusalem;
The NY Times and NBC troublingly smear the victims of violent murder in Mexico to deflect from the border crisis

A call to action: Check out the list of congressional representatives who support CAIR. If your representative is on it, please contact him/her with the information provided in the article.




As the world marks the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, when German forces invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, is the history still relevant? Does it have contemporary meaning? Or is it destined to fade away, as the wartime generation of soldiers, eyewitnesses, and survivors reaches the twilight of their lives? There are, I believe, five enduring lessons of this defining period in modern history.

First, a failure of imagination can be catastrophic.



Prominent Palestinian religious leader denounced “Jewish attacks” against Palestinian religious symbols in Jerusalem and referred to the Jewish presence in the land of Israel as a “colonialist cancer,” NGO Palestinian Media Watch said on Monday. According to a report by the Palestinian Authority official daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, as quoted by PMW, the Supreme Fatwa Council, led by Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, “Warned of the danger of attacks against the religious and national symbols in occupied Jerusalem, and held the occupation government fully responsible for these violations.” “The council expressed its rejection of all types of settlements and emphasized that the Palestinian people will not stand idly by in the face of this colonialist cancer,” the report added.
   The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is the Palestinian Authority’s highest religious leader. Hussein, a former imam of the Al Aqsa mosque, was appointed by PA President Mahmoud Abbas in 2006.


SILENCE OF THE LIBS: IS SECURITY A JEWISH VALUE? (David Suissa, Jewish Journal, Aug 25)

What I found odd with T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC), Rabbis for Human Rights, and the New Israel Fund when I took a close look at their websites is that while they mention plenty of Jewish values, I didn’t see one mention of “security.” The closest was Rabbis for Human Rights, which mentions “safety” for “the stranger, the different and the weak, the convert, the widow and the orphan.” That is indeed noble, but what about “safety” for a 17-year-old Jewish girl whose only crime was to go on a nature walk with her family? Is it possible that the silence of these groups after the murder of Rina Shnerb was connected to the absence of “security for the Jewish people” in their values statements? After all, they are very loud when they pounce on Israel for any violation of the human rights of Palestinians…