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Biden Is Practically Engineering a Recession His regulatory and tax agendas seem designed to negate the good things the economy has going for it. By David R. Henderson and Casey B. Mulligan


Most discussion about the possibility of recession focuses on the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies. But there are also factors on the supply side of the economy that may tip the U.S. economy into a recession. Among them are the tax and regulatory policies of the Biden administration.

A recession is sometimes defined as a decrease in employment. Other times it is defined as a reduction in real gross domestic product for two quarters or more. Strong labor-force and productivity growth are supply-side factors that make a recession less likely, as is recovery from the pandemic. But increased regulation and increased taxation of capital—two Biden administration policy priorities—are supply-side headwinds that make recession more likely.

Adult population growth is normally an economic tailwind. But it has fallen substantially, from above 1% between 1980 and 2018 to about 0.4%. President Trump’s restrictive policies on even legal immigration are partly to blame for this decline. President Biden has done little to reverse those policies.

Recovery from the pandemic has also been a tailwind. It will continue to lift employment, but most of the recovery in employment has already occurred. Workers lost skills and capital laid idle during the pandemic. These are recovering, though strictly from an accounting point of view, their recovery won’t be fully recognized in the growth data.

Tom Fitton: Our Military Is Being Undermined From Within By Woke, Racist, Marxist Democrats


“Judicial Watch” founder Tom Fitton talks about the anti-racism training the officer corps of the U.S. military is being taught on FNC’s Tucker Carlson:

TOM FITTON: We had to sue to get the documents, and they’re mandating or pushing critical race theory training on the cadets [at West Point]. This is where our next officer corps is trained and they’re being told “whiteness” is something that is what the critical race theorists say, full of characteristics that are negative.

They suggest that blacks are still the equivalent of slaves today, and they’re pushing queer theory, which is a cousin of the Marxist critical race theory.

And so, you know, our military is being undermined from within. You know, this is the type of Marxist revolutionary language that our military was designed, during the Cold War to try to protect this nation from. And now they’re on the inside.

And, you know, this is the Biden Defense Department. Because you remember, Trump tried to slow this down and it’s now the animating force for the Biden administration, and our military’s being abused.

So, you know, you’re pointing out senators are controlling our guns, right? While ignoring the abuse of our cadets at West Point with racist theories. When you have a white cadet come in and told they’re bad people because of the color of their skin, or blacks are told they are being oppressed because of the color of their skin, that’s racism and frankly, it’s banned under the law.

There’s got to be a rescue operation for our military from this woke madness.

NPR visits a swing district — and much to its surprise, learns that voters don’t care about Dems’ Jan. 6 hearings By Monica Showalter


“Even NPR is tiptoeing around that issue, not being able to find anyone to claim anything else. They must have tried. They came up empty. Nobody cares about the Jan. 6 sh**show while inflation is ravaging the country.”

Someone at NPR came up with the idea of finding out what voters are thinking in the swing districts, now that the Democrats’ Jan. 6 spectacular, starring Liz Cheney, is in full throttle.


To say the least, the prim Victorian-gentlemen leftists at that award-laden outfit were in for a surprise:

Kimberly Berryman lives in the countryside outside Fredericksburg, Va., but drives 20 miles to the suburbs to do her shopping. She keeps a cooler in the trunk to keep her corn cold as she travels from store to store, trying to find the best deals on groceries.

For Berryman, it’s worlds away from the hearings about the Jan. 6 insurrection going on at the U.S. Capitol.

“I got other things to do,” she said with a laugh.

Berryman, who works with special needs students, said she was shocked and scared by the attack at the Capitol. But she said she’s more worried about price hikes and supply shortages than litigating Jan. 6.

“Just move on to something else,” she said.

Bill Barr Hits Bottom Former AG backs the Democrats’ Jan. 6 show trial. Lloyd Billingsley


Last week, former Attorney General William Barr told the Democrats’ Jan. 6 Committee he hadn’t seen evidence of voter fraud on a scale that could have affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. In late November of 2020, Barr told reporters, “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Before the 2020 election, voters may recall, Joe Biden openly touted “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Voter fraud is a crime, but Biden’s boast failed to spark any investigation by Attorney General William Barr. The addled Biden hunkered down in a basement and scarcely campaigned at all.

For AG William Barr, the Delaware Democrat won fair and square. Barr saw no need to look for evidence of voter fraud, now available in the form of Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules.

The film used cell phone data and government surveillance tapes to document illegal vote harvesting in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Texas. In Georgia alone, the film reviewed four million minutes of drop-box video. In his deposition for the Democrats, Barr erupted in laughter.

The Feds: Fully on Board the Trans Train Biden administration doubles down on the transgender fad. Larry Sand


Back in March, the Biden administration celebrated the “International Transgender Day of Visibility” by extolling the virtues of the kindly sounding “gender-affirming care.” But this innocuous sounding term can be extraordinarily hazardous to the health of young people – puberty blockers, hormone therapy and “gender affirming” therapies – all irreversible – are part of the program.

This bit of insanity was followed by a major rewrite of Title IX in May, which prohibits sex discrimination and harassment in programs receiving federal funds, and now includes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender. As The Federalist’s Joy Pullman explains, any establishments that accept any federal funding for food, including schools, “must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas.” These organizations must also follow protocols “such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.”

Then on June 15, Biden furthered his descent into the child abuse abyss by signing an executive order that directs his Departments of Health and Human Services and Education to further push his “gender-affirming care” agenda, allowing treatments in children who claim gender confusion, and increase LGBTQ activism infiltration, under the guise of anti-bullying and anti-suicide programs, in public schools throughout the United States. As noted by Dr. Susan Berry, the order is specifically aimed at states that have “banned transgender medical interventions for minors, promoted parental rights, and blocked public schools from teaching concepts related to gender identity and sexuality to young children.” There are 33 states and the District of Columbia that have some legal provisions which allow minors to obtain routine health care without parental consent, while 17 states have no such provisions. In the states that do have legal provisions, it is possible for adolescents to obtain puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones under certain circumstance without parental approval.

Five lessons for Joe Biden from Jimmy Carter’s one-term presidency Biden should learn these lessons from Carter who also faced soaring inflation and an energy crisis: Liz Peek


On the evening of July 15, 1979, Jimmy Carter gave his infamous “malaise” speech, in which he blamed Americans discouraged by soaring inflation and an energy crisis for losing confidence in our country.   

Days ago, Joe Biden gave his own malaise speech. Sitting down with an AP reporter for a rare interview, the president described the American people as “really, really down,” and repeated: “They’re really down. Their need for mental health in America has skyrocketed because people have seen everything upset.”

Like Carter, the president insisted that he wanted Americans to “be confident. Because I am confident.”

But Americans do not share Joe’s confidence, just as they did not share Carter’s. 

When consumer sentiment and small business confidence hit an all-time low – worse than when our country is in the midst of a pandemic or in a deep recession – something is terribly wrong. That’s where we are now, according to the University of Michigan and the NFIB, which track the nation’s mood. 

There are many parallels between Joe Biden’s first year and a half in office and Carter’s presidency: soaring inflation, a looming recession, international crises and an energy shortage, for starters.

Memo To The Clintons: Please Go Away And Don’t Come Back


The Clintons are back at the top of the news, claiming in recent separate interviews that we are at risk of “losing our democracy.” Of course we’re not a democracy, and shrieking about “losing” it is the Democrats’ cover for their campaign to achieve absolute and unchallenged political power in this country. And no one is more to blame for that than the Clintons.

In an interview with talk show host James Corden, a hopelessly silly man who apparently fawns over every Democrat he talks to, Bill said he believes “there’s a fair chance that we could completely lose our constitutional democracy for a couple of decades if we keep making – if we make bad decisions.” Two days later, Hillary, who said she won’t run for president in 2024, assured a Financial Times reporter that “we are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy.”

It’s become a Democratic Party talking point, and fits in neatly with the Jan. 6 show trial. The implication is that Democrats’ political opponents are authoritarians who will, well, we really don’t know how the Democrats think “democracy” will be lost. They never say. Voters are simply supposed to believe them.

This type of talk could never happen in a country where the political divide wasn’t white hot. Yet it’s where we are today, and the Clintons were central to the destruction of civil politics in the U.S. (though not to the extent that Barack Obama was, but they did set the table for him).

What Do ‘Men Give Birth’ and ‘Defund the Police’ Have in Common? By Dennis Prager

Unless you are brainwashed, you regard the statements “men give birth” and “defund the police” as absurd.
Why, then, do leftists (as opposed to liberals and conservatives) say these things and even believe them?
I think there are two — related — explanations.

One is that the Left seeks to tear down every normative institution. If men give birth, “man” and “woman” no longer mean anything. “Men give birth” means the end of the male-female distinction, the most basic distinction in the human race. Racial distinctions pale in comparison. So do national distinctions. 

Marxists support the obliteration of the male-female distinction because the only distinction that matters to Marxists is that of class. 

The other explanation is that the endgame of leftism is chaos. It is related to the first explanation, since the obliteration of all distinctions is chaos. Distinctions mean order. Having no distinctions means chaos.

The Case for Donald Trump 2024 Kurt Schlichter


Time for some real talk. There are a lot of Republicans with doubts about President Trump running again in 2024, and you hear it often when conservatives gather together. They worry that him going Grover Cleveland could spoil a sure thing, but that’s not necessarily so. Whether you love Donald Trump, or whether you doubt him – if you hate him, shut up and go back to the Bulwark offices with the other losers – you need to look hard at the facts.

We’re not progressives who let our feelz control us, and we must ruthlessly assess our own potential courses of action when it comes to replacing that desiccated old pervert masquerading as our president. We must look at his downside, but also his upside – and he has one. The fact is that Donald Trump 2024 has a reasonable chance to beat anyone the Democrats launch at him – hell, in ’16 he defied the conventional wisdom to crush Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit, the Smartest Woman Ever Was, and there are a lot of reasons why he might well pummel whatever pea-brained nimrod the Dems deploy against him in 2024.

Let’s look where all smart tacticians will look first – at logistics. Trump has money, oodles of it, and his supporters now have two campaigns worth of experience instead of the none they had in 2016. He also has his own social media outlet, as well as friendly conservative media, and Twitter may even be under free speech advocate Elon Musk by then. They can’t shut him up again.

Then there is the opposition. He faces a clown for an opponent – Grandpa Badfinger is the only guy dumb enough to forget how to ride a bike – and some polls already show Trump beating Biden in a head-to-(empty)-head race two-plus years out. None of those who will be seeking to shiv the Crusty-in-Chief and send him off to Sunny Acres so they can grab the Dem nom is a bigger threat. Kackling Kamala? Supply chain chump Pete Buttigieg? Maybe AOC will run – voters will love her. Perhaps Hillary will step into the ring to get humiliated yet again. All of them are potentially beatable by DJT in 2024.

The generals’ marvelous Doha adventure Caroline Glick


The resignation from the Brookings Institute of former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan Gen. (ret.) John Allen could have massive implications for Israel.

A drama now unfolding in the United States has massive implications for Israel. Unfortunately, since there is no anti-Netanyahu angle to the story, the media are ignoring it, and the police are pretending there’s nothing to see here.

Last Monday, former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan Gen. John Allen resigned his position as president of the Brookings Institute under a cloud of criminal suspicion. Allen has been the subject of an FBI probe for the past several months. He is suspected of deliberately failing to register as a foreign agent while acting as an agent of Qatar in 2017. Under U.S. law, a citizen is permitted to serve the interests of a foreign government only if he registers as its agent with the relevant federal authorities. Failure to register is a felony.

Allen’s resignation was precipitated by an AP story earlier in the month that set out the contents of a 77-page search warrant for his electronic communications that the FBI submitted to federal court in April. The warrant, which was removed from the court’s online docket after the AP published its report, set out the evidence the FBI had gathered in support of its request to search Allen’s electronic communications.