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Tonight, after a year of separation and pandemic, my family will gather to celebrate Passover with a retelling of the Jewish exodus from slavery in ancient Egypt, good and plentiful traditional food, political bickering, laughter, love and a prayer for the souls of the Warsaw ghetto who resisted as Rita Kramer details below.

This year so many former Pharaohs have turned to accommodation and recognition of Israel and they too will reap the blessings of Israel’s amazing research and development of life enhancing technology and science.

Thanks to the efforts of President Donald Trump, “this year in Jerusalem” will herald the arrival of diplomats from many nations to their relocated embassies in the nation’s ancient and eternal capital.

May God bless America and Israel and people of good faith everywhere. rsk


Real liberals of both major parties cherish homeland security, the right to dissent and criticize without punishment, freedom of peaceful assembly, border security and freedom to vote.

On issues of homeland security there is a terrible border crisis which includes pathetic and unaccompanied children as well as unvetted criminals, human traffickers and multitudes susceptible and possible carriers of Covid.

The right to dissent is continually challenged by big tech and legislators who approve of censorship and punitive measures. “Cancel culture” seeks to silence the dissent of 75 million Americans.

The right to assembly is only reserved for destructive rioters in many cities. Those who attended the January 6th rally in Washington are derided as white supremacists, racists and extremists, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority gathered peacefully and politely.

The unfettered right to vote is now challenged by a forthcoming bill mid-wifed by Nancy Pelosi to consolidate power for decades.

Where is liberal outrage at the torrent of tyrannical dictates? And please don’t mention Joe Manchin who teases but ultimately votes with the herd.

Their silence is acquiescence to authoritarian one-party rule inimical to democracy. 

There is an old saw that says that conservatives are liberals who were mugged.  How many muggings will it take this time? rsk


Those who chose Donald Trump knew exactly who their candidate was. Those who chose Joseph Biden voted for a carefully scripted Potemkin candidate.

All evidence of his frailty and diminishing cognitive skills was successfully disguised with the excuse of the pandemic.

 He was presented as a healer who would restore civility, and media went into overdrive to burnish his reputation.

The Hunter Biden laptop story which could incriminate the former Vice President in an influence peddling scandal was spiked by mainstream media and all charges of his sexual harassment- more credible than anything leveled against Justice Kavanaugh- were erased.

The Presidency is the toughest and most demanding job in the world. Every second presents crises and challenges in domestic as well as global affairs. Joseph Biden is clearly not up to the job and his choice of Kamala Harris as President in waiting is a dismal and frightening choice.

She was rejected by the Democrat party In December 2019 when her poll numbers tanked. She has neither the skills nor the experience to steer the ship of state. Like Joseph Biden she will be a puppet of the swamp.

The whole thing is a con job and political mugging…. rsk


“Why Johnny Can’t Read—And What You Can Do About It” is a 1955 book-length exposé on American reading education by Rudolf Flesch. It was an immediate bestseller for 37 weeks.

 I will respectfully add more reasons for why Johnny can’t read:

He is taught  that he could be Janie struggling to get out of his boy’s anatomy and told that he is genetically and inherently a racist and has to shed his “whiteness.” Both sound very painful.

He’s confused about the fact that non-racist sum of 2+2 may not be 4.

He’s alarmed that impending global warming may melt Yankee Stadium.

He is bewildered by the fact that he may only describe his best friend as “they.”

He is told that his parents who supported Donald Trump are white supremacists.

All the above is delivered in online classes.

The poor kid is anxious and terrified. No wonder he can’t read…rsk


I am always dazzled by the genius of John Stuart Mill-philosopher, political economist, parliamentarian, and civil servant.  In a few pithy words he lances the arguments defending the present curtailment of freedom of speech and opinion.

“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”

― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty


I went to the Bronx High School of Science, year of don’t ask, don’t tell. At that time the class was predominantly Jewish, immigrants as well as first generation Americans. The diversity was economic- wealthier kids from stately doormen buildings in Manhattan, and working class students from the Bronx, but all passed a highly competitive test to gain admission.

Formerly an all boys school, in 1946 under the guidance of Principal Morris Meister, the faculty and parents the school became co-ed without any local government mandates.

Over the ensuing years the demographics changed, and more blacks and Hispanics, as well as a significant number of Asians entered the school. No government or local intervention. Today, the majority of students are Asian, a fact that ruffles “progressive” feathers and local leaders lobby for a lowering of admission standards to achieve “diversity.”

That is really ridiculous! Great diversity exists in the Asian-American community. A Filipino has nothing in common with a Lebanese, who has nothing in common with  Korean or Chinese students, who have nothing in common with Saudis or Arab Israelis (Israel is an Asian nation).

Much of this mirrors higher education where universities and colleges opened admissions and abandoned formerly restrictive quotas without any legislative interference.

The obsession with diversity has had the pernicious effect of restoring the once reviled quotas…..rsk


I often ask if there is a single Democrat in Congress with integrity and independence. There was. Tulsi Gabbard retired from the House District-2 in Hawaii.

She is an Iraq War veteran and the first Hindu elected to Congress. She is a liberal who continually ruffles “progressive” feathers.   She’s met with Donald Trump, and she would not march in the anti-Trump women’s rally.   Her views on foreign policy, immigration, and gun laws run contra current progressive cant. She opposed the first impeachment and is against open borders.

In September 2020 she warned:

“We’re getting closer and closer to Election Day now, and it is critical to remember that the strength of our democracy lies in the integrity of our elections, that every one of us has to have faith that our vote will count. But right now, there are still many states in our country that allow for something called ballot harvesting. This is a system that allows for third parties to collect and deliver ballots for other people, potentially large numbers of people.Unfortunately, ballot harvesting has allowed for fraud and abuse to occur by those who could tamper with or discard ballots to try to sway an election.” (https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2020/09/29/tulsi-gabbard-raises-)

Her recent words: January 27, 2021 :

“The mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country. But let’s be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs, and oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance, are also domestic enemies, and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol.”( https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/tyler-o-neil/2021/01/26/gabbard-sounds-the-alarm-leftists-are-plotting-kgb-style-surveillance-of-conservatives-n1411860)

Senator Mazie Hirono, whose pulse is higher than her I.Q. was re-elected in 2018 but maybe Gabbard could run against Hawaii’s “progressive” Democrat Brian Schatz in 2 years.

My Say: China Bad ?What Phyllis Schlafly Knew in June 1998


Congress Must Stop Kowtowing to China

The vote on Most Favored Nation (MFN) status for Communist China is coming up again. Taking a principled position against MFN would give Republicans the high ground on morals, national security, and economics. It would put them on the side of human rights, freedom, fair trade, and jobs for Americans, while at the same time exposing Clinton’s policy of abandoning human rights, exporting U.S. jobs, and endangering national security in order to get cash for his reelection.

We were promised that trade relations would encourage the Chinese Communists to become civilized members of the family of nations and open up a billion-person market. We gave them 17 years of MFN to prove it, and they flunked the test.

The Chinese cracked down brutally on all the brave Tiananmen Square youngsters in 1989. If we care about human rights, we must not forget those who marched with the papier-maché Statue of Liberty.

China leads the world in the persecution of people of all religious faiths, especially Christians. China bans all religious activity and expression unless directed by Communist Party officials. Priests have been arrested for saying Mass. Evangelical “house churches” have been disrupted and closed. Christians have been interned for “re-education.” The police intimidate the people with anti-religious slogans painted in public places. China’s policy of forced abortions, sterilizations, and infanticide is a festering scandal.

The Chinese are professional thieves. Chinese plants openly steal, then manufacture and sell, our computer software, video films, musical recordings, compact disks, books, and other intellectual property. These illegal products are sold all over the world, resulting in a loss to Americans of $2 billion a year.

In 1996, the Chinese were caught red-handed smuggling 2,000 AK-47 automatic assault rifles to Los Angeles street gangs. Our BATF uncovered a sophisticated operation, which must have enjoyed the complicity of the Chinese government, to sell weapons at a 400% mark-up to U.S. big-city gangs that want to wipe out their rivals. Those arrested had direct links to China’s Defense Ministry, Deng Xiaoping’s son-in-law, and arms dealer Wang Jun (the same one who attended a Clinton White House coffee).


In April 2014, in China, a courtroom was convened in Beijing to convict a member of  the resistance group New Citizens Movement .

Xu Zhiyong  was accused and convicted of “inciting a crowd to disturb public order.” His response to the court ?

“This ridiculous judgment cannot hold back the tide of human progress. The haze of the communist dictatorship must eventually lift and the light of freedom, fairness, justice and love will eventually fill China.”


To understand his decency, his wisdom and his legacy, here is a list of the mediocre secretaries of state who followed him until the advent of the equally admirable Michael Pompeo:

  James Addison Baker (1989-1992)-Nasty obsessively anti- Israel ,

 Lawrence Sidney Eagleburger (1992-1993) Very brief tenure….no lasting impact.

Warren Minor Christopher (1993-1997)-Very Minor well named.

Madeleine Korbel Albright (1997-2001) Better named Halfbright. Discovered her Judaism in her 50s (??)

Colin Luther Powell (2001-2005) No lasting legacy.

 Condoleezza Rice (2005-2009) Nothing to remember her by except for disastrous North Korea policy.

 Hillary Rodham Clinton (2009-2013) Deleter of the free world.

 John Kerry (2013-2017) Quit possibly the worst ever!

 Rex Wayne Tillerson (2017-2018) A parenthesis at best and worst.

 Michael R. Pompeo (2018-2021)-His legacy is a new Middle East, and recognition of America’s enemies like George Shultz (RIP)