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Pardon the grammatical lapse, but the World Health Organization  is an agency of the United Nations headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO is a member of the United Nations Development Group. WHO statistics and recommendations have stoked corona virus panic through their press releases.

The United Nations is the most politicized, anti Western organization in the world.

They have two primary sources of revenue: assessed contributions (set amounts expected to be paid by member-state governments, scaled by income and population) and, voluntary contributions (other funds provided by member states, plus contributions from private organizations and individuals.)

Who are these private organizations and individuals?  Just asking. rsk


The candidacy of Joseph Biden, and the effort to make him credible  is akin to putting lipstick on a pig. The lavish endorsements from other candidates and legislators and the media’s airbrushing of his gaffes and memory loss and, at times, incomprehensible babble make me a tad suspicious.

I think a scheme is afoot. At some point when he is the established candidate of the Democrat party, and he has chosen a politically correct and able and nationally acceptable candidate for Vice President, he  will be forced to withdraw and all will hail the new top of the ticket.

How awful to deliberately bring such an ignoble end to the reputation and legislative career of a long serving Senator and former Vice President. And, how callous of his wife and handlers to abet this humiliation.

But then, it’s the party that hailed John Kerry and John Edwards as the best they could do.


My e-mails overflow with news that Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon has harshly criticized Bernie Sanders calling him a liar and ignorant fool. To be fair Sanders started the volley by calling Israel’s Prime Minister a “racist.” Danon said these things at a public forum that guaranteed media coverage.
Israeli diplomats should not butt into American elections just as American diplomats and legislators should not butt into Israeli elections….rsk


Bernie Sanders forays into foreign policy display hatred of Israel and admiration and respect for Cuba. He spent some time in a socialist kibbutz in Israel where no doubt they sang “Hava Nagila’ a popular Jewish song.

Could it be that he heard “Havana Gila?” What else could explain his cupidity? rsk


Bernie rises to the top….don’t gloat.

In 1972 Eugene McGovern democrat Senator from North Dakota challenged incumbent President Richard Nixon. McGovern won the nomination in a crowded field of contenders including Senator “Scoop” Jackson and Hubert Humphrey. He was a socialist and his slogans were rather anodyne “Come Home America” and “A Democrat for the People.”

Nixon boasted a  strong economy and  success in foreign affairs, while McGovern ran on a platform calling for an end to the Vietnam War and a guaranteed national minimum wage.

Nixon won in a major landslide which was at the time  the largest margin of victory in the Electoral College for a Republican in a U.S. presidential election,taking 60.7% of the popular vote and carrying 49 states.

On August 9, 1974, he resigned in the face of almost certain impeachment and removal from office.
Caution Mr. President and jubilant Republicans. Democrat scoundrels are continually plotting your removal.rsk


Bernie Sanders has opened a serious lead in the polls which is giving the party hives. No debate here, but Bernie is an inveterate socialist/communist and way far left. If he is the Democrat candidate in November the party will crash and the grandees know it.

Elections have coat tails and Trump’s enormous rallies which have attracted minorities in numbers heretofore unseen could also effect local races for Congress.

So, what to do? Start spreading the dirt. Russian collusion is just the tip of what is ahead in an effort to bring Bernie down. Don’t get me wrong…I love every minute…..rsk


Yesterday, after a full week of imposed house/bed rest due to a vicious virus, I finally left my home. I had purchased tickets to a City Center performance of Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake where the swans and the doomed lovers are all performed by male dancers. When it premiered in 1995 antedating political correctness it caused quite a stir. I was curious to see its latest revival. I had an aisle seat and as soon as I was comfortably ensconced, I calculated the distance to the quickest exit.

When I saw the magnificent set and the music began I eased into the performance and actually enjoyed it and remained until the last note.

I love ballet and often the combination of music and great dancing transcends admittedly silly plots and gives way to enchantment.

That never happened at this performance although most of the dancing was superb and a raucous bar scene featured excellent ballerinas as well in vivacious and demanding roles. This is a dark and strange version of a classic ballet.

 I was surprised at my reaction and enjoyment -evidence of “ars vincit omnia”- art conquers all. Sometimes. Rsk


In their zeal to destroy our President, the Dem-wits of Congress have ignored:
Coronavirus and the threat of epidemic; Real immigration reform;Control of our northern and southern borders; Foreign policy other than knee-jerk opposition to the killing of Soleimani and the Mid-East Peace Plan ;Homeland Security- the threat of homegrown terrorism ;Infrastructure- Repair of bridges, tunnels and highways that could employ thousands ;Real Election Reform- as evidenced by the chaos in Iowa
Elections are coming. Clean the House and throw the rascals out…..rsk


Prince Charles to make Great Britain’s first official royal visit to Israel By Ruth S. King


In what may well be a dress rehearsal for his forthcoming ascension to the throne, Prince Charles will be making Britain’s first official royal visit to Israel to attend an event at Yad Vashem, “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism,” on January 23. He will be joining the presidents of Russia, France, Germany, Italy and Austria, as well as the kings of Spain and Belgium. These are all nations where anti-Semitism has a vigorous past and present presence.

Prince Charles to make Great Britain’s first official royal visit to Israel By Ruth S. King


In what may well be a dress rehearsal for his forthcoming ascension to the throne, Prince Charles will be making Britain’s first official royal visit to Israel to attend an event at Yad Vashem, “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting Antisemitism,” on January 23. He will be joining the presidents of Russia, France, Germany, Italy and Austria, as well as the kings of Spain and Belgium. These are all nations where anti-Semitism has a vigorous past and present presence.

Charles himself, his brother Edward, and his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, have all traveled to Israel, but never in an official capacity. In 1994 the Duke attended a ceremony at Yad Vashem honoring his mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, who had been awarded the title for saving many Jewish lives during the Holocaust. She is buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem at her own dying request, a fact omitted in the Netflix series “The Crown.” Charles also represented the Queen privately at the funerals of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 and Shimon Peres in 2016.

The no longer “bonnie” prince carries a historic burden.

 Great Britain has a sordid history with respect to the Holocaust and Israel.  After a betrayal of the promise of the Balfour Declaration, in 1922 eighty percent of the Palestine Mandate was deeded to the Hashemites with no historical or religious ties to ancient Palestine. This was followed by a series of “White Papers” which severely limited Jewish immigration to Palestine. At the Evian conference of 1938 the British slammed the door of Palestine against any sizable admissions of Jewish refugees effectively trapping millions of hapless Jews in Europe.

While British callousness to Jewish suffering in slamming shut the gates of Palestine is well known, less widely known is how indifferent the royals were.

King George, father of the present Queen Elizabeth, was stalwart during the Blitz but no friend of the Jews. The King not only supported the White Paper but also stated that he was “glad to think that steps are being taken to prevent these people (read Jews) leaving their country of origin.” Halifax’s office telegraphed Britain’s ambassador in Berlin asking him to encourage the German government “to check the unauthorized emigration of Jews.” The King and Queen, who visited veterans and orphans in displays of solidarity with ordinary people, were silent on the Holocaust.