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The Bottom Tier Disappears. Biden and Warren Collapse. Bernie, Pete, and Amy Thrive. By Jim Geraghty


After having no discernible results the night of the Iowa caucuses and unclear results in the following days, the voters of New Hampshire brought some needed clarity to the Democratic presidential primary.

They began by clearing out the detritus. The Granite State electorate demonstrated that Andrew Yang, as fun, easygoing, amiable, and thoughtful as he was, was not going to be a factor at all. The Yang Gang was impassioned, but an “extremely online” phenomenon — loud and seemingly numerous on social media, not so numerous in offline life. That having been said, Yang can fairly ask whether having Iowa and New Hampshire go first puts such candidates as him at a deep disadvantage.

Michael Bennet also departed the race, after telling Time magazine Saturday: “We can surprise a lot of people — and it’s not going to take much to surprise them.” No. Shush. You were always in denial about your odds of victory. The media are not being mean, presumptuous, or closed-minded when they say certain long-shot candidates have no shot, and we are under no obligation to play along with lawmakers who are psychologically delusional about how their campaigns are doing.

Deval Patrick also will depart the race Wednesday. The theme of his rally yesterday was, “it’s never too late.” Actually, it was.

A U.S. Senate candidate from Maine uses a guillotine for its logo By Andrea Widburg


“Democrat Bre Kidman, who’s challenging Susan Collins, wants people to think of a revolution when they think about this non-binary person’s candidacy.”

When most people think of a guillotine, they think of rivers of blood flowing during the French Revolution and during Hitler’s ascendancy in Germany (when he guillotined around 16,500 people). Civilized countries do not decapitate people to gain political power. Nevertheless, Bre Kidman, an attorney who is challenging Senator Susan Collins for her Senate seat in Maine, has decided that a stylized image of a guillotine is the perfect logo for its campaign.

(Kidman claims not to be either male or female and adopts the pronouns “they or them.” This is consistent with Progressive demands that individuals who call themselves non-binary should be accorded plural pronouns. That, however, is a grammatical bridge too far. The English language has a perfectly good singular pronoun for things – and people – that are neither male nor female: “it.”)

Of course, Kidman contends that the guillotine is merely symbolic. It’s not a call for actual blood; it’s just a suggestion that, if Kidman and the Left generally do not get the change they demand, there might be blood:

“The guillotine is an image which calls to mind what people have done for revolution before,” said Kidman, an attorney who’s running for the seat held by Republican Sen. Susan Collins. “If we can find a better path to revolution than that we owe it to ourselves and our country.”


Joni Kay Ernst is a former military officer serving as the junior United States Senator for Iowa since 2015. A Republican, she served in the Iowa Senate from 2011 to 2014. She served in the Iowa Army National Guard from 1993 to 2015, retiring as a lieutenant colonel.

To date there are several Democrat challengers to this outstanding Senator.

To learn more and to help please go to


Susan Collins
1996 36.2
Ed Markey
2013 22.8
Gary Peters
2014 13.3
Tina Smith
2018 10.6
Cindy Hyde-Smith
2018 7.2
Steve Daines
2014 17.7
Ben Sasse
2014 32.9
New Hampshire
Jeanne Shaheen
2008 3.3
New Jersey
Cory Booker
2013 13.5
New Mexico
Tom Udall
2008 11.2
North Carolina
Thom Tillis
2014 1.5
Jim Inhofe
1994 39.5
Jeff Merkley
2008 18.8
Rhode Island
Jack Reed
1996 41.4
South Carolina
Lindsey Graham
2002 15.7
South Dakota
Mike Rounds
2014 20.9


Loeffler was appointed and confirmed after Senator Sen. Johnny Isakson retired due to illness. If you wish to know more about her please check out her website at:


Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) will launch a bid against appointed Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) in the coming days, according to multiple reports, setting up a party showdown that threatens to split Republicans across the state.




 State Sen. James C. Simpson, a fiscally conservative Democrat from Charles County,  is considering running against Representative Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md.-5th.

Why I’m Running

I have always had a public spirit — a passion for how public policy can affect our lives. That public spirit has grown to grave concern as I watch our nation being torn apart by a political system that tosses aside the fabric of our Constitution and the rule of law.As a student and instructor of economics in the 1980s, I was fascinated by the morbid attraction so many people have for socialism. Socialism’s fatal flaws can easily be identified by any half-decent, first year economics student. In my wildest dreams, I never thought that socialism would be mainstream in American politics… but here we are. 

James Simpson is an economist, investigative journalist, businessman and author. His most recent book is The Red Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America. His articles and research work have been published in Accuracy in Media, American Thinker, Breitbart, Capital Research Center, Center for Security Policy, Daily Caller, PJ Media, Washington Times, and elsewhere. Mr. Simpson is also featured in the documentaries The Enemies Within, AGENDA: Grinding America Down, AGENDA II: Masters of Deceit, and most recently, Sabotage, How the Islamists, Marxists and Their “Useful Idiots” Are Destroying America from Within. Follow Jim on Twitter & Facebook.

A Closer Look At The Iraqi Immigrant Woman Challenging Rep. Ilhan Omar by Erielle Davidson

Baghdad-born Dalia al-Aqidi says Rep. Illhan Omar ‘supports Islamists and enemies of America and Israel, and there are no exceptions.’

In 2004, the Chicago Tribune referred to her as “the most watched TV reporter nobody in America has seen,” and this turn-of-phrase seemed stunningly apt. Baghdad-born Dalia al-Aqidi was 36, and a fixture of Middle East media. In sharp contrast to programming on Qatar’s popular Al-Jazeera, Dalia was a leading voice on Alhurra, an American-sponsored television channel broadcasting in the Middle East and delivering a strongly pro-America message.

Al-Aqidi was the only Iraqi covering the 2004 presidential campaign within the traveling White House press corps, providing news on Washington to millions in the Arabic-speaking world. Fifteen years later, the famed Iraqi reporter is running for Congress against the darling of the left, also an immigrant from a Muslim-majority country, a woman named Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.

Omar was catapulted to leftist fame after being elected to represent Minnesota’s Fifth District in the 2018 midterms and espousing radically left-wing policies. She eventually joined forces with three other socialist-leaning, freshman voices in the House, the anti-Trump foursome collectively being referred to as the “Squad.” But Omar will have competition in the coming election from al-Aqidi. 



Who  is Sean Parnell?

Army Ranger, combat infantryman with the elite 10th Mountain Division, and veteran of 485 days of fierce fighting along the Afghan-Pakistan border, Captain Sean Parnell’s unique leadership skills welded his platoon into one of the most fierce and effective American fighting units in modern military history. Repeatedly outnumbered and outgunned by a foe whose avowed purpose was to overrun his platoon, Sean’s “Outlaws” battled furiously in the most rugged terrain on the planet—the towering Hindu Kush Mountains. Eighty-five percent of his platoon received Purple Hearts for wounds incurred in battle, but his men gave far more than they received. Outlaw Platoon killed over 350 enemy fighters in some of the biggest firefights of the Afghan War. His platoon remains one of the most decorated Army units since 9-11.

Since leaving the Army, Sean has penned the New York Times best-selling book, Outlaw Platoon, which is the story of his platoon’s crucible of combat in Eastern Afghanistan. He is a regular guest on Fox News and has appeared on dozens of national TV and radio shows. He is a subject matter expert on Afghanistan, the insurgency we face there, leadership and how to use it to inspire and motivate men and women to achieve common objectives.

Pennsylvania House Races Serve as 2020 Harbinger By Salena Zito


HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania — Eugene DePasquale and Sean Parnell couldn’t be more different politically. DePasquale is a seasoned statewide-elected official and Democrat from York County, Pennsylvania, while Parnell is a western Pennsylvania Republican newcomer who has never run for office. Yet they share one very important thing this year: They are both challenging incumbent members of Congress in Pennsylvania districts President Donald Trump won in 2016.

Both of their races tell the story of not just how truly uncertain the Keystone State is politically but also how completely divided it is.

They also show us how hard it is to predict results in this state, both for the presidential election and for which party might eventually hold the majority in the Pennsylvania congressional delegation — or whether it will remain split, with some of the partisan office holders rearranging seats.

“Interestingly, Pennsylvania is the only state that currently has an exactly split (U.S.) House delegation by party,” noted Kyle Kondik, managing editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics.

“The split is a good illustration of how divided Pennsylvania is,” he said of the 9-9 partisan split. The state has swung wildly since 2006 in terms of who holds the state House and congressional majorities, with the trends often serving as a harbinger for the entire country.

Michael Bloomberg is playing the race card By Andrea Widburg


Mike Bloomberg is not your ordinary Leftist. Yes, he wants gun control, abortion on demand, birth control for school girls, government-controlled education, the end of the coal industry, open borders, and amnesty for illegal aliens — plus, he likes China’s repressive government.

On the other hand, Bloomberg supports strict drug laws (except for pot), opposes social promotion in schools and, in a most un-socialist way, is a fiscal conservative who dislikes high taxes.

Bloomberg can more accurately be described as a despot. A despot is a ruler with unlimited power, which seems to be Bloomberg’s dream. His goal is to micromanage every citizen’s life, right down to how Jewish kids get circumcised and how much salt people can eat. Many of his initiatives have less to do with ideology than with raw power (but always, of course, for the good of the little people).

One thing Bloomberg understands is that, if criminals can get away with little crimes, they’ll start committing bigger crimes until civil society breaks down. Exhibit A for this breakdown in America is San Francisco, followed by Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and every other Leftist-government city that believes it’s racist to police criminals in order to protect law-abiding citizens.

As New York’s mayor, Bloomberg strongly supported “stop-and-frisk,” a policy that allowed police to stop and search anyone they suspected was carrying illegal weapons or drugs. Whether because of racism or because minorities lag economically and therefore are in an economic class more prone to criminal activity, the New York police were stopping and frisking a lot of blacks.