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The Malignant Tradition of UC Irvine’s Hate-Israel Activists Still crazy after all these years. Richard L. Cravatts


If any area of the United States can be identified as the epicenter of anti-Israelism on campus, California, the nation’s most populous state, can certainly be said to have earned that dubious distinction. In fact, observers of out of control anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic activity on campuses consider California’s universities to be the veritable ground zero of such vitriol, with particularly troubling and persistent problems of radical student groups, venom-spewing guest speakers, annual hate-fests targeting Israel and Jewish students, and a pervasive mood on campus in which Jewish students and other pro-Israel faculty and students experienced visceral and real “harassment, intimidation and discrimination,” as a Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA) complaint to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights described the situation on one campus, the University of California at Irvine.

In fact, UC-Irvine has for two decades been the epicenter of anti-Israel activism in California—and as a result, in the entire country—and this month, the university’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) continued that noxious tradition by successfully pushing a BDS resolution through the student government, a bill entitled “UC Divestment from Apartheid 2021,” which, in addition to once again leveling the mendacious charge of apartheid against Israel, suggested that “Israel has terrorized, displaced, and killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from its founding,” and that “Israel continues to follow the methods of terror from its founding until the present day.”

Oregon Promotes ‘Dismantling Racism’ in Math Instruction Is expecting the “right” answer a characteristic of “white supremacy”? Sara Dogan


In a February 2021 bulletin sent out by the Oregon Department of Education, just below a feature on Black History Month, is a notice announcing a “micro-course” for educators titled “A Pathway to Math Equity.” The course promises to provide educators with “key tools for engagement [and] strategies to improve equitable outcomes for Black, Latinx, and multilingual students” and knowledge on how to “dismantle racism in mathematics instruction.”

One might well ask, how can math—which more than any other subject deals in the realm of pure logic—possibly be racist? The “toolkit” provided as a resource for the first course session is happy to answer this question.

“We see white supremacy culture show up in the mathematics classroom even as we carry out our professional responsibilities” explains the guide. Educators must therefore take on the responsibility for “visibilizing the toxic characteristics of white supremacy culture with respect to math.”

These “toxic characteristics” include basic academic principles such as:

The focus is on getting the “right” answer.
Teachers are teachers and students are learners.
Independent practice is valued over teamwork or collaboration.
Students are required to “show their work.”
Grading practices are focused on lack of knowledge.
“Real-world math” is valued over math in the real world.
Students are tracked (into courses/pathways and within the classroom).
Participation structures reinforce dominant ways of being.

Chicago’s Big Education, Inc. The teachers’ union’s outsize power comes at the expense of students, parents, and taxpayers. Adam Andrzejewski


On Super Bowl Sunday, the Chicago Teachers Union announced its intention to return to the classroom. Finally, Chicago’s 347,476 public school students can receive the same in-person instruction that many private and parochial students have already been receiving throughout the pandemic. Why does this seem like such a big achievement?

Other “essential” workers such as grocery clerks, doctors and nurses, and package-delivery workers haven’t enjoyed the same luxury of working remotely—and they’ve kept doing their jobs without the generous pay and benefits earned by Chicago’s public-school teachers.

In 2020, Chicago had 20,927 full-time teachers at a total payroll cost of $2.3 billion, according to a response to a Freedom of Information Act request by our organization, OpenTheBooks.com. Our auditors found that the average Chicago teacher earned $108,730 last year—$81,422 in salary and another $27,307 in benefits. Further, teachers are allowed to accumulate up to 244 sick days for use or pension credit. (A full school year runs only 175 days.)

It’s not just unionized teachers who enjoy excellent pay, perks, and pension benefits. The most highly compensated Chicago Public Schools (CPU) employee was the CEO, Janice K. Jackson, who made $322,839—a $260,000 salary and an additional $62,839 in benefits. Jackson’s salary alone was $61,000 higher than that of the U.S. Secretary of Education, a cabinet-level position. And Chicago’s 522 school principals averaged $194,000 in pay and benefits last year, with the most highly compensated earning up to $219,000. Another 304 acting, interim, assistant, and resident principals averaged $171,315 in pay and perks.

Suicide Of The Humanities-Rod Dreher


This NYT profile of Dan-el Padilla Peralta, a radical Princeton Classics scholar, epitomizes what is wrong with the academic humanities in this radical era, and how dangerous the radicalization is to all of us.

Dan-el Padilla Peralta is a black Dominican Classics scholar at Princeton. He is also the leading figure in a move to tear down the field of Classics, which is the study of Ancient Greece and Rome. He came to this country as a small child when his mother required medical treatment in New York for complications related to the impending birth of his younger brother. After the brother was born, the family decided to stay in the US illegally. Eventually the father went back to the Dominican Republic; the mother and the children remained in the US, trying to regularize their immigration status.

As a nine-year-old boy living in a Chinatown homeless shelter, Padilla started reading about history. A child’s textbook about the Classical world lit a fire in his mind. An older New Yorker saw the child reading a big book about Napoleon Bonaparte, and decided to help him get a good education. Padilla went to an excellent school in New York, on scholarship, and excelled. Then:

Years passed before Padilla started to question the way the textbook had presented the classical world to him. He was accepted on a full scholarship to Princeton, where he was often the only Black person in his Latin and Greek courses. “The hardest thing for me as I was making my way into the discipline as a college student was appreciating how lonely I might be,” Padilla told me. In his sophomore year, when it came time to select a major, the most forceful resistance to his choice came from his close friends, many of whom were also immigrants or the children of immigrants. They asked Padilla questions he felt unprepared to answer. What are you doing with this blanquito stuff? How is this going to help us? Padilla argued that he and others shouldn’t shun certain pursuits just because the world said they weren’t for Black and brown people. There was a special joy and vindication in upending their expectations, but he found he wasn’t completely satisfied by his own arguments. The question of classics’ utility was not a trivial one. How could he take his education in Latin and Greek and make it into something liberatory? “That became the most urgent question that guided me through my undergraduate years and beyond,” Padilla said.

The Confucius Institutes: A Study in Subversion By Carole Hornsby Haynes


Even in the final hours of his administration, President Trump was working to stop China’s infiltration of American education.  He proposed a rule to force schools to publicly disclose their connection with the Confucius Institutes and classrooms or lose certification for the Student and Exchange Visitor Program.  On January 26, “President” Biden revoked that rule.  Now Democrats have voted to give federal relief money to educational institutions that partner with the Chinese Communist Party.

The Confucius Institutes are Chinese government-funded locations on college campuses, primarily in the United States and other western countries, ostensibly to teach Mandarin and Chinese culture.  In reality, the institutes are a communist front for centers of propaganda. 

The first Confucius Institute opened in South Korea in 2004.  A 2017 study by the National Association of Scholars found that the number of Confucius Institutes housed at colleges and universities is more than 1,000 worldwide with 103 in the United States. In addition, over 500 Confucius classrooms are housed in U.S. kindergarten through 12th grade schools.

An agency of the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Hanban, operates the Confucius Institute and provides teachers, institute directors, textbooks, classroom materials, and operating funds. A five-year contract with the host institution gives the Chinese government total control over staffing and curriculum.  Since 2006 the Chinese government has provided more than $158 million to more than 100 U.S. schools for Constitution Institutes. 

ICNA School Project Features Individual Who Joked About Threatening to Blow Up School Radical Muslim Syed Ammar Ahmed continues to affiliate with colleges and kids. Joe Kaufman


Last month, the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) announced its sponsorship of a school project that would provide grants to Muslim teachers and schools in need, what might seem to be an innocuous and laudable undertaking. However, the group sponsoring the project, ICNA, has ties to overseas terror, and the face of the project, Syed Ammar Ahmed, is a radical who once joked about threatening to blow up a school. And to provide a further grim irony, Ahmed is currently an adjunct professor affiliated with different colleges. Why are American youth being subjected to such groups and individuals without so much as an internet background check?

ICNA is the American arm of South Asian Islamist group, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). JI’s militant apparatuses have caused much murder and mayhem. One former JI death squad leader, Ashrafuz Zaman Khan, who was sentenced to death himself, in absentia, for multiple murders in Bangladesh, is currently active in ICNA and has served for years in ICNA’s top leadership. ICNA has used the web to promote terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban, and in December 2017, ICNA organized an event featuring Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF), a US-banned front for Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the group responsible for the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Syed Ammar Ahmed is the Public Relations and Government Affairs Coordinator of ICNA Relief USA, ICNA’s US-based social service division and the group leading ICNA’s school project. In February 2010, following a debate he participated in at a school, Ahmed wrote, “I hate white people”; he called himself a “terrorist”; and at the suggestion of an acquaintance, he joked that he “should have threatened to blow up the school.” Prior to ICNA, Ahmed was an Organizing Director for Emgage, an Islamist group attempting to disguise its agenda as political advocacy, whose founder and co-chair Khurrum Wahid was reportedly placed on a federal terror watch list.

Prominent University College London Scholar Resigns After Academic Board Rejects Leading Definition of Antisemitism: ‘You Are All Going to Hell!’ By Benjamin Kerstein


DPS Note: This is in the UK. But if you’re in America and have access to news other than from the legacy media, you know it’s here and getting worse. In fact, if you happen to be in Congress, you can be a real Jew hater and get to be vice chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s subcommittee on Africa and global human rights issues which covers Israel amongst other countries.

A prominent scholar at University College London has resigned in disgust after the institution’s Academic Board demanded the administration rescind its adoption of the leading definition of antisemitism.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition, which has been adopted by governments and educational institutions worldwide, is opposed by some in academia for including antisemitic ideas and rhetoric that attack Israel and Zionism.

The Board called on the university to “replace the IHRA working definition with a more precise definition of antisemitism.”

Don’t Give Money to Your Alma Mater! Demand reforms, and wait until those reforms are carried out before you give them another dime. By Peter D’Abrosca


A couple of months ago I wrote about my esteemed alma mater, Elon University. 

At the time, I was miffed about the administration’s decision to hire far-left radical Megan Squire, a purported educator and a fellow at America’s most prestigious hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center—a woman whose sole purpose in her sad life is to deplatform young conservatives from the internet over alleged thought crimes. For the record, I remain miffed about that. 

But I regret to inform you that my alma mater is at it again. 

Last week, I read that Elon University was, until recently, segregating “white-identifying individuals to engage in conversations that unpack race and systemic oppression . . . in a way that does not burden or re-traumatize people of color.” 

This form of segregation, I learned, is called a “white caucus,” and it gives “white people a space to learn about and process their awareness of and complicity in unjust systems without harming their friends of color.”

After this report became widely circulated and ridiculed, the school said it canceled the “white caucus.” 

Maybe you’re wondering how white students at Elon will learn to hate themselves for their immutable characteristics—an exercise that’s considered essential in today’s academy—now that the “white caucus” has been dismantled. 

If that’s the case, please don’t be alarmed. 

In July, Elon President Connie Book sent an email to all alumni informing us she had created a new position called the “Vice President and Associate Provost for Inclusive Excellence,” which she filled immediately. She also vowed to assemble the faculty brain trust, minuscule though it might be, to “require students in all majors to take courses that drive [a] deeper understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Faculty and staff will now be graded and considered for raises and promotions based on how well they promote the school’s social justice agenda.

After all, white students couldn’t possibly learn biology without also learning how biology is racist. They couldn’t possibly obtain a degree in say, mathematics, without also being taught that long division is somehow “racist.” 

If all of this is sounding a bit bizarre to you, that’s because it is. But it’s not unusual. 

Israeli flag pelted with eggs at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


“We are not the type of people to be scared. We’re not the type of people that would be silenced. We’re not the type of people to back down from what we believe in,” says student Jeremy Zelner.

An Israeli flag draped over the apartment balcony of a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Jewish student was pelted with 10 to 20 eggs on Monday.

Jeremy Zelner told the local news station WCIA that he was at his apartment complex working on a paper at around 1:00 a.m. when he heard something hitting the window. He went outside and saw his flag covered with egg.

“But by that time, the egging stopped, and I looked outside and nobody was there,” he said. “So, it was a pretty relatively quick thing, but there was probably like 10, 15, 20 eggs that were just all over the balcony.”

Zelner contacted Champaign police and university officials. Police said they are still gathering information before beginning an initial investigation, according to WCIA.

The Israeli flag will remain on display, assured Zelner.

Cancel Culture Comes for Chaucer “De-colonizing” the curriculum to focus on race and “diversity.” Mark Tapson


Another week, another Dead White Male toppled off his perch in the classics canon by university administration milquetoasts pandering to the woke, anti-intellectual mob. This time the DWM in question is medieval literary giant Geoffrey Chaucer of The Canterbury Tales fame, courses on whom are being eliminated at the University of Leicester in England because the man often called the Father of English Literature doesn’t match the current “enthusiasms” of students there.

Last month, the University announced its intention to remove courses in The Canterbury Tales and replace them with courses centered on – what else? – sexuality, diversity, race, and ethnicity. “We want to offer courses that match our students’ own interests and enthusiasms, as reflected in their own choices and the feedback we have been hearing,” a university spokesperson explained to MailOnline. Students’ “interests and enthusiasms” apparently now are dominated by an obsession with the power dynamics of skin color and genitalia, and thus Chaucer is no longer relevant.

And not just Chaucer’s works, but anything written prior to the year 1500. Also potentially on the chopping block, reportedly, are courses on: Beowulf, the heroic epic considered to be the earliest work of English literature; John Milton’s magisterial Paradise Lost; the works of poet John Donne and playwright Christopher Marlowe; the chivalric romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; and Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur, the 15th-century chronicle of the legend of King Arthur.

Leicester University management emailed the English department to notify them of these changes, stating, “The aim of our proposals [is] to offer a suite of undergraduate degrees that provide modules which students expect of an English degree.” Apparently a familiarity with Chaucer and other medieval authors is no longer what students expect of an English degree, but race-mongering identity politics is.