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UK: Radical Muslims Welcome, Persecuted Christians Need Not Apply by Raymond Ibrahim


In rejecting the claim for asylum of a man who converted from Islam to Christianity, and presumably compelling his return to Iran, the British government is effectively sentencing him to death.

“[O]ut of 4,850 Syrian refugees accepted for resettlement by the Home Office in 2017, only eleven were Christian, representing just 0.2% of all Syrian refugees accepted by the UK.” — Barnabas Fund.

At the same time, the Home Office allowed a Pakistani cleric, Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri, considered so extreme that he is banned even from his native Pakistan, to come and lecture in UK mosques.

“It’s unbelievable that these persecuted Christians who come from the cradle of Christianity are being told there is no room at the inn, when the UK is offering a welcome to Islamists who persecute Christians…. There is a serious systemic problem when Islamist leaders who advocate persecution of Christians are given the green light telling them that their applications for UK visas will be looked on favourably, while visas for short pastoral visits to the UK are denied to Christian leaders whose churches are facing genocide. That is an urgent issue that Home Office ministers need to grasp and correct.” — Dr. Martin Parsons, Barnabas Fund.

Mourning a Massacre with the Veil of Oppression Peter Smith


This from BBC News on May 19 last year:

It is five years since Iranian Masih Alinejad started a movement – since joined by thousands of women – protesting against the compulsory wearing of the hijab, or headscarf, in her country. It spread on social media and led to unprecedented demonstrations in the streets …Niloofar (not her real name) was arrested for demonstrating against the mandatory hijab. She says she was held in solitary confinement and subjected to torture and beatings. An active member of the movement who still lives in Iran, she says that through Masih’s campaigns “ordinary people get together to make the government react”.

Now let’s cut to New Zealand and Jacinda Ardern draping herself in a headscarf to signify solidarity with Muslims. Reportedly, New Zealand women generally were encouraged to wear a scarf to show their solidarity. A heavily-armed policewoman is pictured in newspapers with a headscarf while guarding a funeral of one of the victims of the shootings. It is false, it is virtue-signaling, and it is sickeningly unsupportive of brave Muslim women trying to throw off their oppression along with their scarfs.

It was a terrible event in New Zealand. An outpouring of grief and sympathy should be forthcoming. But perspective is required. You don’t have to show sympathy by donning clothing which is used in so many places to keep so many women in check and under the yolk of religious fundamentalists.

“New Europe” and the Islamist Agenda By Rachel Ehrenfeld


The European Union’s Progressive-Left post-nationalist leadership is set on challenging the sovereignty of  nation-states, by eliminating borders and letting in millions of Muslims.   This policy has already contributed to moving the “old” European continent towards a new Europe, occupied by new people with a new culture. Apparently, opening the continent to millions of mostly unqualified migrants who refuse to assimilate, and who drain the coffers of their host countries, seems like the preferred solution to the negative birthrates among the Europeans.

On August 30, 2010, as he was folding his tent near the Vatican, on his last visit to Rome, Italy, then Libya’s leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, forewarned: “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration; it could turn into Africa. There is a dangerous level of immigration from Africa into Europe, and we don’t know what will happen. What will be the reaction of the white Christian Europeans to this mass of hungry, uneducated Africans? We don’t know if Europe will remain an advanced and cohesive continent or if it will be destroyed by this barbarian invasion.”Kaddafi urged the Europeans, “imagine that this could happen, but before it does, we need to work together.”

He proceeded to offer the Europeans a deal, asking for a modest fee of 5bn euros, to stop the mass migration to Europe, which as he predicted, are costing billions of euros annually.

Putin Pulls a Syria in Venezuela The Russian is betting he can prop up Maduro at little political cost.


Vladimir Putin has made a career of intervening abroad and seeing if the world lets him get away with it. He did this in Georgia when George W. Bush was President, then in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and Syria in Barack Obama’s Presidency. Now he’s doing the same on Donald Trump’s watch—this time in America’s backyard in Venezuela.

Two planes arrived in Caracas last weekend with 100 Russian troops, and in recent years Russia has provided cash, food and weapons to prop up the regime of Nicolás Maduro. The U.S. has thrown its support behind Juan Guaidó, the interim president chosen by the National Assembly and backed by nearly every country in the region. But Mr. Putin is betting that with a limited military and financial investment he can keep Mr. Maduro in power, expand his control over Venezuela’s oil company, impress the world with his moxie, and embarrass Mr. Trump.

Stop Iran From Going Nuclear by Majid Rafizadeh


“Thank God, the tests on the IR4 and IR2M (centrifuges) have been completed. They were tested for over 12 years. Today we have all the data, and we can easily manufacture them on an industrial scale.” — Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was not allowed to inspect or monitor Iran’s military sites where nuclear activities were most likely being carried out. Among the many concessions that the Obama administration gave the Iranian government, one was accepting the Iranian leaders’ demand that these military sites would be out of the IAEA’s reach.

Due to this surrender, various high-profile Iranian sites such as the Parchin military complex, located southeast of Tehran, were free to engage in nuclear activities without the risk of inspection.

Once the authoritarian, anti-Semitic and anti-American government of Iran possess a nuclear bomb, no amount of actions will be able reverse the catastrophe.

In Sweden, a glimpse of America’s future Kowtowing to Islam inch by inch. Bruce Bawer


Not so many years ago, the notion that a hijab-wearing jihad enthusiast like Linda Sarsour could become a leading figure in the American feminist movement would have seemed risible. The spectacle of a congresswoman, also in hijab, who routinely spouted anti-Semitic rhetoric and gave speeches to groups with known terrorist connections, would have been unimaginable. But here we are. And the important thing to realize is that, unless things change radically, this is just the beginning. Before you know it, three Muslim members of Congress can turn into five, then ten, then twenty. There are now fifteen Muslims in the British Parliament, up from thirteen in 2015 and eight in 2010.

Meanwhile, in Sweden, the taxpayer-funded TV network, SVT, now has a Stockholm-based news reporter who appears on-camera in hijab. As the alternative news website Samnytt reported recently, the young woman, who goes by the name Cheyma Moufid, began work as an intern at SVT last September and has been a full-time SVT journalist since January, doing remotes as well as in-studio reportage. In one report, Moufid, who is 23 years old, charged that the municipality of Stockholm was doing a less thorough job of clearing snow in Muslim neighborhoods than in other parts of the city. She presented this disparity as evidence of racism. Anyone familiar with the current state of affairs in those Muslim areas, however, might conclude, alternately, that snow removal teams avoid them for the same reason that police and firefighters do – namely, because they’re no-go zones, sharia zones, where infidel interlopers are not exactly treated with hospitality.

Islamist Bachelor of the Year! Is CAIR sex predator Ahmad Saleem looking for a child bride in Pakistan? Joe Kaufman


Former CAIR representative Ahmad Saleem, who made national headlines when he was arrested for soliciting sex from a 12-year-old girl, is in the market for a wife, and he may have found the perfect place to find one. It is Pakistan, a haven for child marriage.

On the night of May 20, 2015, Ahmad Abrar Saleem (a.k.a. Ahmad Shaheen) was arrested in Clermont, Florida, a short distance from his Orlando home. Saleem was intending to meet the twelve-year-old girl he had been chatting with online but, instead, met Sheriff’s deputies waiting for him and 21 others in a child sex sting operation. He was charged with “use of computer to seduce/solicit/entice a child to commit sex act” and “travel to seduce, solicit, lure a child to commit sex act.”

In July 2014, Saleem referred to himself as a “rising star.” Indeed, his celebrity within the Islamist community was growing. He had held the position of President of the University of Central Florida’s (UCF) Muslim Students Association (MSA) and, countrywide, served as MSA National Service Director; he was being invited to speak at mainstream Islamist conferences; and he had been named Orlando Regional Coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Turkey: Women’s Rights Abuses Widespread and Systematic by Uzay Bulut


“As the largest jailer of journalists in the world, it’s no surprise that Turkey has the most female journalists behind bars… most detained on anti-state charges.” — Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

The new bill, expected to be voted on ahead of the March 31 local elections, aims to lower the age at which sexual relations with a child (under the cover of marriage) is considered a crime from 15-years-old to 12-years-old. If it passes, it will “pardon” the underage-marriage offenses of approximately 10,000 men currently serving prison sentences on sexual-abuse charges.

“Such an amnesty would whitewash… and encourage… illegal ‘marriages’ with children… It would also discourage the victims from appealing to the legal mechanisms and reintroduce the concept of ‘marriage with rape offenders’ into law.” — The “TCK (Turkish Penal Code) 103 Women’s Platform,” an umbrella organization for 157 women’s and LGBT groups.

International Women’s Day kicked off in Istanbul with the murder of a woman by her boyfriend. A few hours later, thousands of mostly female demonstrators participating in the “17th Feminist Night March,” were attacked with pepper spray by riot police attempting to disperse the annual March 8 event, launched in 2003. This year, however, Turkish police had declared the march “unauthorized,” and closed off all streets leading to the avenue on which it was to take place. Scuffles ensued between the police and women who circumvented the barricades.

Gender Pronouns Now a Police Matter in the UK By Jim Treacher


Thank goodness they’ve solved all the other crimes in Britain.

I realize I’m just another dumb white cishet male and therefore the source of all the problems in the world, but I am utterly baffled by the growing insistence that gender pronouns are a matter of opinion.

Back in the old days, when “science” wasn’t just a word you threw at a political opponent to make him shut up about the weather, you had boys and girls. Men and women. He and she, him and her, his and hers. Easy to remember, and backed up by an ancient system of arcane witchcraft called “biology.” Sure, you had people who weren’t so easily categorized, like Prince and Rosie O’Donnell, but they were the exception. Most people were at peace with the fate dictated by their chromosomes. It was all good, man.

In 2019, now that we’ve apparently run out of absolutely anything else to worry about, more and more men and women are insisting they’re neither men nor women. They’re “nonbinary.” And if you address them by the same pronouns you used as recently as a year ago? They’ll call the cops.*

Now we’re supposed to use “they” as a gender pronoun. Not “he” or “she,” but “they.” As in: “There goes Dale, they work in my office. I’m their colleague. Pretty nice individual, once you get to know them.” Imagine being so confused about yourself that you insist on being identified as a plural.

The religious violence they don’t report: Srjda Trifkovic


In his latest interview for Serbia’s top-rated Pink TV morning program (Tuesday, March 19) Srdja Trifkovic analyzes Western media coverage of last Friday’s mass shooting in Christchurch. [You can watch the video here.]

ST: What is truly striking about Western reactions to the shootings in New Zealand is, first of all, the level of self-hatred, of civilizational and racial self-loathing. So much self-recrimination over an isolated act by a single deranged person defies belief. On the other hand, whenever some Islamists carry out an attack on non-Muslims—which happens on average once a week, most recently in the Dutch city of Utrecht yesterday [March 18, killing three persons on a tram]—three features are invariably present in Western media reports.

First, the attacker is probably insane. This was initially claimed about the Tunisian who killed 86 French people with a truck in Nice on Bastille Day 2016; they claimed exactly the same about Major Nidal Hasan who murdered 13 soldiers [at Ft. Hood] in the United States; and so on.
Second, if the attacker screams “Allahu akbar!” the commentariat nevertheless will wonder what could have possibly motivated him to carry out the attack. We need to look for the “true causes”: Islamic fundamentalism per se cannot be the reason since Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, so there must be some dissonance here. Aha, it’s probably all our fault, because we have not provided sufficient employment opportunities, sufficient level of integration, so the poor attacker was feeling marginalized and discriminated against.