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France: Can this Journalist Become President and Save France? by Guy Millière


Zemmour… tells the leaders of The Republicans that his proposals are exactly those included in their party’s program from 1990… close the borders, suspend immigration, provide social benefits only for the French, and fight the increasing Islamization of the country. He tells Macron that “opening up to diversity” leads to the dissolution of France. Zemmour notes that he does not want to shrink the country, but save it from destruction and will not refuse to see what Islam is and what it can do. He frequently quotes the Algerian author Boualem Sansal, that Islamic neighborhoods in France are “budding Islamic republics”. He tells those who say he is a far-right Jew that he is just a conservative attached to the French republic and to all the values ​​that made France great. He states that he is a French Jew, proud of his name, and that those who murdered Jews in France in recent years were not Jews. He rejects the charge of being an apologist for the anti-Semitic Vichy regime by pointing out that what he says about French Jews during WWII was laid out in a book, Vichy and The Holocaust: An Inquiry on a French Paradox, by Rabbi, Alain Michel, who works for the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel. Zemmour stresses that he does not defend the Vichy regime at all, does not say that the Vichy regime “protected” French Jews, but only cites historical facts — and asks those who criticize him on this point if they think Rabbi Alain Michel is an anti-Semite.

When asked about the Jews murdered by an Islamic terrorist at a Jewish school in Toulouse, Zemmour says that he does not blame their families for having them buried in Israel, that he does not think their families behaved like “foreigners.” He simply notes a fact: that they think that above all they are Jews, which is the right of every Jew. He says that the concept of a “great replacement” of Western Christendom by Islam is not a conspiracy theory but a reality: that demographic data show that in many places throughout history, there is documentation of people who have replaced other people after they have imported a civilization that does not have the same values as theirs. He adds that this is not an idea shared only by white nationalists, but by all those who read history and live in areas that are changing rapidly.

France is in an extremely serious situation today. There are more than 700 “no-go zones” (Zones Urbaines Sensibles) ruled by ethnic gangs and radical imams. The police can only intervene in these zones through commando operations. A new kind of disturbance, defined by sociologists as “gratuitous violence” — violence practiced for the pleasure of injuring and killing — has been spreading. Hundreds of assaults take place every day; police reports show that the majority of them are committed by “suburban youths”….

A recent survey showed that 14% of young people in France aged 18-30 approved of the motives of the motives of [schoolteacher Samuel] Paty’s murderer. A poll conducted in November 2020 showed that 57% of Muslims in France aged 18-25 consider Sharia law to be superior to the laws of the republic…. Entire French towns are now predominantly Muslim: Roubaix, Trappes, Sevran, Aubervilliers…. Each year, 400,000 immigrants legally arrive in France, mostly from the Muslim world. In addition, each year, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, also mostly from the Muslim world, are added to that number…. the newcomers are young, and their birthrate is far higher than that of non-Muslims. A population change is taking place…. If the change continues at the present rate, France could be a predominantly Muslim country around 2050.

Zemmour is also the only presidential candidate who has dared to say that the Palestinian people were invented — a statement long ago affirmed by former Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat — and that Israel is a nation state that, like all states, has the right to defend itself and fight for its survival.

When Zemmour’s supporters are questioned at a public meeting, they unanimously say that he is the only one telling the truth: that a “great replacement” is clearly taking place and could cause France as they know it — proud of its secularism, Judeo-Christian values and individual liberty — to “die”.

September 16. Éric Zemmour’s new book, France Has Not Yet Said Her Last Word, immediately book becomes a bestseller. Two of his previous books, The French Suicide and A Five-Year Term for Nothing: Chronicles of the War of Civilizations, sold more than 500,000 copies, a high number for non-fiction in France. He is an exception. All authors who write of immigration and Islam without political correctness have been ostracized by the media for years. Not Zemmour. Each time he was fired by radio and television stations, another one hired him. As the last politically incorrect talk show host, his audience consists of people weary of political correctness. He has been dragged into court countless times and ordered to pay high fines, presumably to force him to be quiet. He has paid the fines but would not be quiet.

The EU’s Dangerous Policy Towards Iran’s Mullahs by Majid Rafizadeh


The EU also made many concessions to Iran, such as agreeing to include in the nuclear deal sunset clauses enabling the mullahs soon to have as many nuclear weapons as they like.

Meanwhile, the EU, which never stops moralizing to other countries about how they should be conducting themselves, has turned a blind eye to credible reports regarding Iran’s continually violating the nuclear deal as well as pursuing clandestine nuclear activities. By February 2016, Iran had already exceeded its threshold for heavy water for the second time.

At the same time, when it comes to terrorism, members of the EU have been among the main targets of Iran’s terrorist plots. The Iranian regime has been implicated in a series of assassinations, seizing European hostages and other hostile acts across Europe….

The EU might also do well to see how Iran’s military adventurism in the region has escalated — and will continue to escalate unless it is stopped.

If Iran acquires nuclear capability, it will no longer even have to use terrorism or hostage-taking — or even its new bombs — to blackmail Europe: the mere threat of using one should be sufficient.

Will the EU please wake up in time and alter its dangerous policy towards Iran?

For almost six years since the 2015 “nuclear deal,” the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, was reached, the European Union has been appeasing Iran’s ruling mullahs. What the EU fails to see is that that its soft policy towards the mullahs has been a total disaster and dangerous.

Right after the “nuclear deal” was reached — which by the way the Iranian regime never signed — the EU, alongside the Obama administration, lifted nearly all its economic sanctions. It was a gift that helped the Iranian regime to reintegrate into the global financial system. The EU also made many concessions to Iran, such as agreeing to include in the nuclear deal sunset clauses enabling the mullahs soon to have as many nuclear weapons as they like.

Greek-U.S.-French Pact Is a Deterrent to Turkish Aggression by Burak Bekdil


The strategic part of the deal states that France will rush to Greece’s aid militarily in the event of a third country attacking Greece. The clause adds that “even if the attacker is part of the NATO alliance.”

The accord rang alarm bells in Ankara. Turkey condemned the deal, along with “Greece’s maximalist claims” and said the accord is a threat to regional peace and stability. Ankara did not say, however, why Turkey is never a threat to regional peace and stability when it buys frigates, submarines and other naval platforms.

One should ask the Turks why they are upset about a military deal between two NATO allies. What is the difference between Greece buying frigates from France, and Turkey, for decades, buying frigates and submarines from Germany?

The emerging military pact within NATO that brings together the allies Greece, United States and France is bad news for Turkey — that is, if its President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan intends to fuel tensions in the Aegean and Mediterranean seas as part of his campaign strategy before presidential elections in 2023.

In recent months, Greek diplomacy has made a number of smart moves on the difficult chess board called the Aegean. These moves, coupled with Turkey’s increasingly pressing problems at home and on foreign fronts, will restrict Erdoğan’s aggression to “aggressive rhetoric” only, and rule out “aggressive action.”

The Role of Iran’s Palestinian Mercenaries by Khaled Abu Toameh


Hamas and PIJ, it seems, want to continue receiving funds and weapons from Iran, but they do not want to be seen by Arabs and Muslims as mercenaries serving Iran’s interests in the Middle East.

Hamas and PIJ want the Palestinians and the rest of the Arabs and Muslims to believe that their only goal is to “liberate all of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea” — a euphemism for driving the Jews out of Israel and replacing it with an Islamist state.

That is most likely why both Palestinian terror groups were quick to issue statements denying that their main goal is to defend Iran and serve its interests in the Middle East.

“Take your armies and go with them back to Iran, where you can fight your battles away from the peoples you occupy to achieve your agendas,” said Sami Gemayel, head of the Lebanese Kataeb Party. He also criticized the failure of Lebanese leaders to respond to the admission that Hezbollah was created to serve Iran, and not Lebanon: “Are you ready now to face the truth?”

The Iranian commander’s [Maj. Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid’s] statements coincide with the Biden administration’s delusional commitment to the fiction that the US will somehow convince Iran to abandon its plans to acquire nuclear weapons.

While the Biden administration is talking about “diplomacy” as the best way to rein in Iran’s nuclear program, the mullahs are preparing for war and advancing their scheme to annihilate Israel and, with the help of their six “armies,” occupy still more Arab countries.

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) are embarrassed: Iran just admitted that both of those terrorist groups serve as mercenaries for the mullahs in Tehran.

For Hamas and PIJ, the admission is yet another sign that the truth can be painful and inconvenient, especially when it comes from a major ally such as Iran.

Poland Claws Back Sovereignty from European Union by Soeren Kern


Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal has ruled that Polish law takes precedence over European Union law.

The power struggle has angered European federalists, who are seeking to turn the 27-member EU into a European superstate — a United States of Europe — and who do not take kindly to those who challenge their authority.

“We ought to be anxious about the gradual transformation of the European Union into an entity that would cease to be an alliance of free, equal and sovereign states, and instead become a single, centrally managed organism, run by institutions deprived of democratic control by the citizens of European countries.” — Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, in an October 18 letter to EU leaders.

“Today’s judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal is an appeal to the EU bodies to stop violating the treaties by trying to obtain through usurpation and blackmail competences that have not been obtained in the treaties.” — Polish Deputy Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta.

“The call for the ‘Polexit’ could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The European Union is committing suicide in its drive for unity.” — Commentator Marco Gallina, Tichys Einblick.

“It is not the truth that is at stake here but the EU seeking to get rid of the inconvenient government in Warsaw. According to the EU, Europe is to be progressive, open, liberal, tolerant and uniform. Anyone who does not like it has no place in the EU.” — Commentator Aleksandra Rybińska, writing for the Polish media group Wpolityce.

Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal has ruled that Polish law takes precedence over European Union law. The landmark ruling, which seeks to reassert national sovereignty over certain judicial matters, has called into question the legitimacy of the EU’s supranational legal and political order.

The power struggle has angered European federalists, who are seeking to turn the 27-member EU into a European superstate — a United States of Europe — and who do not take kindly to those who challenge their authority.

France: Can Éric Zemmour Be the Next President? The Journalist Who Is Reshuffling the Cards in French Politics by Yves Mamou


Zemmour represents the France of yesteryear: the France of Napoleon, Notre Dame de Paris and General Charles de Gaulle, a France that does not want to become an Islamic Republic. “The danger for France is to become a second Lebanon,” Zemmour often says, meaning a country fragmented between sectarian communities that hate and fear one another.

He is the man who broke through the glass ceiling to insert into the media discussion topics such as “immigration” and “jihad” — which no one had ever dared to talk about publicly. He is a man who embodies the fear of seeing traditional France — the one of church steeples and the “baguette” — disappear under the blows of jihad and political correctness.

The meteoric rise of Zemmour has had a second effect: he has broken a degrading electoral trap in which the French people are stuck…. dividing the right to prevent them from returning to power.

From the middle of the eighties until now, the media and the left, together, manufactured an industrial-strength shame-machine to stigmatize as “racist” and “Nazi” anyone who dared to raise his voice on issues of immigration…

The Zemmour fight is just beginning. One thing, however, is certain: Zemmour is restoring an authentic democratic debate about topics — security, immigration, Islam — that really matter to the French. For many, Zemmour is the last chance for France not to become an Islamic nation or a “Lebanon in Europe.”

The Financial Times calls him “the extreme right-winger”. For the New York Times he is the “right wing pundit”. For Die Zeit, he is “the man who divides France”… Eric Zemmour, journalist and essayist, is not (yet) an official candidate for the French presidency, but because of his popularity, France is already living at election time.

London’s Khan to Provide £25k Grants to Rename Streets in Latest BLM Push


London’s leftist mayor Sadiq Khan is making £25,000 grants available to change street names in a Black Lives Matter-inspired diversity drive.

The so-called “Untold Stories” grants are to be backed by a £1 million fund of public money, which campaigners will be able to use to hire consultants, remunerate impacted residents, and so on throughout the renaming process — which is not as simple as might be supposed, having an expensive knock-on effect on emergency and postal services, for example.

They will be administered by the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm, established by Mayor Khan after the BLM violence sparked by the death of George Floyd in America crossed the Atlantic to decide whether monuments and memorials to historic figures deemed “problematic” by the modern left should be removed.

“London’s diversity is its greatest strength but for far too long our capital’s statues, street names, and buildings have only shown a limited perspective on our city’s complex history,” Khan asserted, in comments reported by The Telegraph.

“I’m determined to do everything I can to ensure our public realm presents a more complete picture of everyone who has made London the incredible city it is today,” he vowed.

Solar and Wind Force Poverty on Africa Letting us use reliable energy doesn’t mean a climate disaster. By Yoweri K. Museveni


Mr. Museveni is president of Uganda.

Africa can’t sacrifice its future prosperity for Western climate goals. The continent should balance its energy mix, not rush straight toward renewables—even though that will likely frustrate some of those gathering at next week’s global climate conference in Glasgow.

My continent’s energy choices will dictate much of the climate’s future. Conservative estimates project that Africa’s population of 1.3 billion will double by 2050. Africans’ energy consumption will likely surpass that of the European Union around the same time.

Knowing this, many developed nations are pushing an accelerated transition to renewables on Africa. The Western aid-industrial complex, composed of nongovernmental organizations and state development agencies, has poured money into wind and solar projects across the continent. This earns them praise in the U.S. and Europe but leaves many Africans with unreliable and expensive electricity that depends on diesel generators or batteries on overcast or still days. Generators and the mining of lithium for batteries are both highly polluting.

This stands to forestall Africa’s attempts to rise out of poverty, which require reliable energy. African manufacturing will struggle to attract investment and therefore to create jobs without consistent energy sources. Agriculture will suffer if the continent can’t use natural gas to create synthetic fertilizer or to power efficient freight transportation.

A better solution is for Africa to move slowly toward a variety of reliable green energy sources. Wildlife-friendly minihydro technologies should be a part of the continent’s energy mix. They allow for 24-hour-a-day energy production and can be installed along minor rivers without the need for backup energy. Coal-fired power stations can be converted to burning biomass, and carbon capture can help in the meantime. Nuclear power is also already being put to good use in South Africa, while Algeria, Ghana and Nigeria operate research reactors with the intent of building full-scale nuclear facilities.

The U.N. Should Open Its Door to Democratic Taiwan Expelled 50 years ago to make room for the Beijing government, today it deserves full recognition. By Gary Schmitt and Michael Mazza


Taiwan wasn’t always a pariah at the United Nations. For more than 20 years the Taipei-based government represented China there, including on the Security Council. That changed on Oct. 25, 1971, when the General Assembly voted to admit delegates from the People’s Republic of China. The Republic of China lost its seat and has been on the outside looking in ever since. Resolution 2758 marked the beginning of Beijing’s assault on Taiwan’s international status.

In 1970 Beijing’s supporters in the U.N. faced an uphill battle. Only a year later the proposal passed in a landslide. What changed? In July of that year, President Richard Nixon revealed that national security adviser Henry Kissinger had visited Beijing, that Nixon himself would do so before May 1972, and that the latter meeting would “seek the normalization of relations between the two countries.”

In 1971 there was a reasonable case for the Beijing government’s inclusion in the U.N. It had all the qualifications of statehood, and the 850 million people living on the mainland had no representation. It also seemed increasingly untenable to exclude a nuclear power.

There was no such case, however, for excluding Taiwan. At the time, it had diplomatic relations with 54 countries, including the U.S., Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, West Germany, Israel and South Africa. Its mutual defense treaty with the U.S. would remain in force for the rest of the decade. Taiwan, a founding member of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, remained a member of those organizations until losing its seats to China in 1980. A true reckoning would have recognized the existence of two states, each with a right to U.N. membership—a solution not unlike those later reached to admit both North and South Korea and both East and West Germany.

Instead, the U.N. has only compounded its 1971 error in recent decades. In the early 2000s, to explain why he had blocked a Taiwanese diplomat from speaking to the U.N. Correspondents Association, Secretary-General Kofi Annan invented a U.N. “one-China policy.” His successor, Ban Ki-moon, went even further, invoking Resolution 2758 and claiming that “the United Nations considers Taiwan for all purposes to be an integral part of the People’s Republic of China.”

But Resolution 2758 says nothing of the sort—it doesn’t even refer to Taiwan. The U.N. charter doesn’t give the U.N. the power to make territorial decisions, nor does international law recognize a U.N. vote as a legitimate means of drawing sovereign boundaries.

So what explains the U.N.’s legal and moral malfeasance in its treatment of democratic Taiwan—preventing it, for example, from even participating as an observer in World Health Organization meetings? The obvious answer is the U.N.’s deference to China. Beijing’s diplomats throw temper tantrums, mobilize partners to advance China’s interests, and have been especially successful at putting Chinese officials in positions of authority in various U.N. bodies such as the International Telecommunications Union.

Why the French establishment fears Eric Zemmour by Jonathan Miller


“He decried political correctness, wokeness, the obsession with transgenderism. He demanded the expulsion from France of those who betray the principles of the Republic. He also spoke passionately against the imposition of lockdowns during the Covid crisis, a policy he denounced as having been inspired by China.”

It’s a book tour, mais pas comme des autres. Last night, Eric Zemmour, rising star of the French right and undeclared candidate for the presidency, rocked up in Béziers to promote La France n’a pas dit son dernier mot (France hasn’t yet had its final say), his book which has sold 250,000 copies in a month. A political campaign rally? Perish the thought.

I got there early and spent an hour talking to dozens of Zemmour’s fans, lining up to enter the hall. Many had come hundreds of kilometers. There were scores of students. All were disillusioned with Marine Le Pen. Many admitted they’d previously voted for Nicolas Sarkozy. This was not a traditional National Front crowd in their blue smocks, driving those battered Renault vans that look like garden sheds on wheels. The car park was filled with Audis, BMWs, top-line Peugeots and a Jaguar or two. The crowd was well-spoken and smartly dressed.

The Zinga Zanga conference hall was filled to the rafters and hundreds more stood outside as Zemmour took the stage, an hour late, to thunderous applause and chants of ‘Zemmour président.’ The night before, he’d been in Nîmes where he’d had an equally supercharged reaction. Versailles is next, to be followed by Rouen, Caen, Rennes and Nantes. He spoke fluently for 25 minutes and took questions for another 25 minutes.

Afterwards he spent an hour signing copies of his book and met scores of journalists. I grabbed just a moment with him and asked him how he viewed the threats of Macron’s government to cut off electricity supplies to Britain in retaliation for the squabble over post-Brexit fishing rights.

Zemmour is lazily labelled a racist and right-wing extremist by corporate journalists in both France, Britain and the United States but he resembles above all the Margaret Thatcher that France never had. He’s a conservative, combative, fearless and lucid.

Ever the intellectual, he noted that Anglo-French relations have been worse – a reference to the Napoleonic wars, doubtless — and then put the blame firmly on Europe and particularly the negotiations led by Michel Barnier, who has himself subsequently declared that he’s a candidate for the presidency.

‘The French fishermen thought they could continue as always, the English that they’d get everything back. This was the result of holes in Barnier’s dossier, the consequence of poor negotiation.’

On stage, repeatedly denying he has decided to present himself as a candidate for the presidency next year, Zemmour’s elocution was nevertheless in every respect a campaign speech.