Northwestern University Received $4 Billion From U.S. Taxpayers Since 2018, While Their Endowment Soared To $15 Billion Plus, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and others gave $1 billion to the university in foreign gifts (2007-2022)-Adam Andrzejewski

This spring, students on dozens of college campuses have built encampments and occupied buildings in anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and pro-terrorist demonstrations.

Not surprisingly, some have turned violent.

In general, universities that cracked down on disruptive demonstrations and disciplined the students involved, limited damage both to their buildings and reputations. But other colleges did the opposite and “negotiated” themselves into shocking concessions.

Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois

Northwestern University is an elite college and admits just seven percent of applicants. It has top faculties in medicine, law, engineering, business, the arts and sciences, journalism, and even theatre. Students come from around the world and from all 50 states. Long called a “near-Ivy,” its place among the best U.S. universities is unquestioned.

And yet, as happened at so many distinguished schools, this spring, Northwestern students set up an anti-Israel encampment. Positioned on the lawn of its neo-Gothic Deering Library, the camp supported the terrorist organization Hamas, its nearly 20-year misrule of Gaza, and its genocidal intentions for Jews and the State of Israel.

Dubbed the “Northwestern Liberated Zone,” students there demanded the university divest its endowment from Israeli companies and cut ties with institutions connected to Israel.

A mere five days later, university leadership rolled over and agreed with the protestors, making commitments that include:

  • Keeping one “aid tent” on Deering lawn for Hamas supporters to use until June,
  • Condemning identification of Hamas supporters, and urging employers “not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment,”
  • Re-establishing an Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility to single out Israel for sanctions, with Hamas-supporting students, as well as faculty and staff representatives,
  • Creating five full scholarships for Palestinian undergraduate students,
  • Funding two pro-Hamas Palestinian faculty,
  • “[E]ngag[ing] students in a process dedicated to ensuring additional support for Jewish and Muslim students within Student Affairs/Religious & Spiritual Life.”
  • Immediately providing temporary meeting space for Middle Eastern, North African, and Muslim students, to be followed by a house for “community building” by 2026, and finally…
  • Incorporating students into vendor supplying decisions for the university’s dining services.

The concessions concerned Jewish students and all those who abhor violence, support the rule of law and abjure terrorism.

For good measure, Northwestern also hosted “Palestine Week,” starting May 12, which included an “art build” where students could paint Palestine-themed artwork and learn about the history of the keffiyeh—a garment worn across the Middle East that has become associated with pro-terror sentiments.

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