The Truth is Coming Out

These are tough times for the “great reset.” The broad and global EV market is failing, mRNA shots are in disrepute, the reality of surveillance and censorship is getting media attention, and public anger at the whole of the wild push to wreck freedom and rights is rising quickly all over the world.

The more time has passed since lockdowns, the more clear it becomes that this was part of a much larger agenda. But here’s the problem. They are not giving up, not even close. The reason there have been no apologies is that they are not sorry. They are more determined than ever.

The one path of resistance is the creation of new information infrastructures such as Brownstone Institute. It’s our hope to shine a light on truth, protect the rights of serious research and commentary, and use every freedom we have left to highlight genuine science, logic, and enlightenment ideals.

In passing, our supper clubs are now selling out completely. This has to be a good sign!

We deeply appreciate your support. Given the odds, we certainly need it!

Here is some content since our last email:

Pfizer Never Stops Gaslighting Us By Lori Weintz. Pfizer’s cheery Super Bowl ad cannot change the fact that they never tested their BNT162b2 vaccine during clinical trials to see if it prevented transmission of Covid-19. Nor did Pfizer stop distribution when 90 days into the vaccination campaign, there had already been 1,123 vaccine-related deaths, and over 40,000 vaccine injuries.

Florida Still Stands Alone By Steve Templeton. Florida might be the only state investigating the truth about the US Covid response, but it’s still important that these efforts continue. The actions of the grand jury, the integrity committee, the surgeon general, and the governor might provide only a spotlight on the systemic problems and corruption of US public agencies. But it’s a necessary one. Even if people of all political persuasions don’t want to hear the truth, and try to bury it, throw it into a volcano, or shoot it into the sun, it’s still the truth, waiting for a chance to be seen, heard, spoken, and believed once again.

‘Experts’ Continue to Spread Misinformation By Ian Miller. Their proposed changes center around very basic guidance on isolation due to a Covid infection. You’d think that a very mild alteration to a policy so small would be widely celebrated, considering most members of the general public have long since abandoned isolation guidelines anyway. But that assumption rests on a misguided understanding of how committed Covid extremists are to pushing endless panic. And some of those extremists happen to work at the New York Times.

France’s “Pfizer Amendment” Could Turn mRNA Critics into Criminals By Sonia Elijah. On Wednesday, February 14th a highly controversial law was pushed through the National Assembly in France, potentially turning a critic of mRNA treatment into a criminal. The draconian law, which was quietly passed with virtually no debate, could throw anyone who advises against the use of therapeutic or prophylactic treatment (including experimental mRNA gene therapy) into prison for up to 3 years and pay a hefty fine of 45,000 euros.

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize By Ramesh Thakur. It’s hard to see the Norwegian Nobel Committee defying the suffocating Covid narrative that took over the Western world, with a very few honourable exceptions. Of course if they were to do so, that would really stir things up and help to dismantle the narrative. One can but hope for the best while expecting otherwise.

The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK, Jr.: Review and Analysis By Debbie Lerman. The Wuhan Cover-Up does a better job than any other book or article I have read at exposing the trends, forces, and institutions that brought us the Covid catastrophe – with hundreds of pages of notes and references. What’s frightening is that the enormity of the problem is beyond the scope of the book, not just to solve, but even to fully acknowledge.

The Great Reset Didn’t Work: The Case of EVs By Jeffrey Tucker. It turns out that the entire bit, including the fake prosperity of the lockdown economy, made possible by money printing and grotesque levels of government spending, was unsustainable. Even sophisticated car companies bought into the nonsense. Now they are paying a very heavy price. The new market depended on a panic of buying that turned out to be temporary.

Authority Isn’t What It Used to Be By Bert Olivier. My final rejection of ‘mainstream’ claims to authority happened during the Covid debacle. Whether a new, revitalised sense of legitimate authority could eventually be generated in the place of the spurious claims to authority on the part of those representatives of the supposed ‘New World Order’ who still wield power, only time will tell.

Rational Policy Over Panic By REPPARE. In view of their influence, international health agencies have a particular responsibility to ensure their policies are well-grounded in data and objective analysis. Moreover, governments have a responsibility to take the time, and effort, to ensure that their populations are well-served. It is hoped that the evaluation in the REPPARE report Rational Policy Over Panic presented with this article will contribute to this effort.

New Media Sues the State Department Over Censorship By Robert Malone. According to a new lawsuit filed in December on behalf of two media organizations, those being The Daily Wire and The Federalist, as well as the State of Texas and AG Ken Paxton versus the US Department of State (the State Department) through its Global Engagement Center (GEC) and various US government officials, it is alleged that the defendants are actively intervening in the news media market to both censor and limit the circulation of disfavored press outlets.

Gears of the Refugee Machine By Spike Hampson. In short, Americans (indeed, the entire world) now realize that the Biden administration is dedicated to getting as many illegal aliens into the country as possible. This is, of course, aiding and abetting illegal behavior, but rampant corruption in the media, academia, and politics ignores or dismisses it.

Conspiracy Theory Debunker Finds Real Conspiracies By Doran Howitt. The 2023 book Misbelief by Dan Ariely belongs to a genre I would label “debunking Covid conspiracy theories.” The book is meant to explore the thought process of people who subscribe to conspiracy theories, especially about Covid and the Covid vaccines. Thus I was surprised to encounter in the book two stories in which the author uncovered real conspiracies to hide information about Covid from the public.

Trump’s Covid Response Casts a Long Shadow By Thomas Buckley. Neither candidate has any reason to bring up the issue of the pandemic response. The situation is somewhat akin to the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine of the Cold War – we won’t push the button if you don’t push the button and neither of us should push the button because we’re both going to die if we do.

Foxes and Hedgehogs By Julie Ponesse. The philosopher Isaiah Berlin starts his 1953 essay, “The Hedgehog and the Fox,” with this perplexing proverb attributed to the Greek poet Archilochus. Berlin goes on to explain that there are two types of thinkers: hedgehogs, who see the world through the lens of a “single central vision,” and foxes, who pursue many different ideas, seizing upon a variety of experiences and explanations simultaneously.

Political Shrinkflation By El Gato Malo. And his ruinous speech/diatribe defending himself that came off more like “old man yells at clouds” than “elder statesman,” Senor Biden is taking big hits left and right. And the knives are fully out for him and in plain view. No one is hiding anymore.

Intellectuals for Sale By Jeffrey Tucker. We’ve lived through this and seen too much to have the same level of trust we once had. What can we do? We can rebuild the ideal as it existed in the old world. The kind of genius we know was on display in a place like Salamanca, or in interwar Vienna, or even in the coffee houses of London in the 18th century, can return, even if on a small level. They have to, simply because the shape of the world around us depends fundamentally on the ideas we hold about ourselves and the world around us. Those should not be for sale to the highest bidder.

Another Variant, Another Desperate Cry for Masks By Ian Miller. Those who were responsible for incalculable damage will continue to skate scot free, while the cycle of unnecessary panic, inaccurate predictions, and the call for more masking rears its ugly head every few months as new variants emerge. Although it’s frustratingly predictable and infuriatingly obvious, best to prepare for a whole lot more of it.

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