MASSIVE Academic Fraud, Scientific Exposed Ben Bartee

It turns out that the High Priests of The Science™ are just as susceptible to the earthly temptation to engage in corruption as the lowly peasants they rule over.

Via Stat News (emphasis added):

There was a time when an allegation of data mishandling, scientific misconduct, or just a technical error felt like a crisis to Barrett Rollins, an oncologist and research integrity officer at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Now, it’s just another Tuesday.

The renowned cancer treatment and research center is in the midst of a lengthy review of possible discrepancies involving around 60 papers co-authored by four of its top researchers over a period of over 15 years, including CEO Laurie Glimcher and COO William Hahn. And it’s hardly alone. Over the past decade, the number of research misconduct allegations reported to the National Institutes of Health has more than doubled, climbing from 74 in 2013 to 169 in 2022. And scientific sleuths are finding plenty of other problems that don’t always qualify as outright misconduct.

Via American Council on Science and Health (emphasis added):

According to a 2022 study in the Netherlands, over the last three years, one in two researchers had engaged frequently in at least one “questionable research practice,” with “not submitting or resubmitting valid negative studies for publication” being the most common practice. The fields of life and medical sciences had the highest prevalence (55.3%) of engaging in questionable practices compared to other disciplines.

Never publishing studies that show unfavorable results — or else not conducting studies in the first place likely to show unfavorable results even when doing the research would be a valuable addition to the general body of scientific knowledge — is likely a far more common corrupt practice than actively rigging of studies themselves, although that happens often as well, as seen in the case of the Pfizer COVID shots, among numerous other forms of data-rigging activity to push them through the regulatory process, for which no Pfizer scientist or executive has yet been punished.


(Maybe if Congress holds a few more sharp-tongued hearings on COVID malfeasance, we can finally get some action on the prosecution front. But that’s a story for another day.)

This era of research must be The Science™’s own version of the Brandon entity’s “most transparent administration in history” hoax.

Via (emphasis added):

The Covid-19 vaccines are most the closely scrutinised vaccines [in] human history for safety and done so in such large numbers. First there are the clinical trials which were done with each vaccine. These trials were done with approximately 40,000 people each…

The minor side effect is that in the first couple of days you will feel a little uncomfortable and just “not right” but it will go away shortly.
Dr Norman Swan, Physician and Journalist

Related: Peer-Reviewed Study: ‘The Higher the Number of Vaccines Previously Received, the Higher the Risk of Contracting COVID-19’

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but something tells me all of the fraudulent studies published by Pfizer lackeys in the service of promoting the “most scrutinized vaccines” in world history.


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