John Kerry: Goodbye, Good Riddance

In a city overflowing with useless people, agencies and institutions, one of its most worthless figures is (finally) leaving his government post. While John Kerry is not quite going away, he is closer to the exit than the entrance. This is good for the country.

At some point this spring, Kerry will leave his billet as the administration’s climate envoy (see what we mean by “useless”?). He will reportedly join the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden, who was for decades useless but eventually became destructive, as the last three years have shown. If voters act rationally, Kerry, an insufferable hypocrite, will disappear from public life for good by the middle of November.

Ever an imperious scold, a male Karen before that term became widely used, Kerry has spent much of his adult life, more than four decades, implementing the Democratic Party dream, which is to convert our civil society to a political society. It’s a point we’ve made before that can’t be made enough:

The left, which has marched through our institutions, won’t rest until the civil society we have flourished in has been replaced with a political society. It craves a societal breakdown, to bury the political and social norms that stand in its path to unchallengeable power.

Most recently Kerry has served as the administration’s climate czar. It was the perfect post for a gasbag, providing its occupant endless opportunities to lecture climate crisis skeptics, whom Kerry surely regards as “stupid.”

But it is Kerry instead who is dim. When it was reported in 2020 that he “would love to take a new Cabinet position devoted to climate change,” economist David Kreutzer noted that “Kerry has proven he is totally ignorant of the basics of climate science.”

This of course never stopped the pompous, condescending Kerry from ridiculing “those who know more,” a practice, says Kreutzer, in which the former Massachusetts senator was “aided and abetted by the media.”

Though in his own league, Kerry is representative of the Washington blob that does more to hold back this country than to move it ahead (which would require dissolution of the blob). This clot of politicians, staffers, regulators, lobbyists, lawyers, journalists and activists is an offense to the system of limited power that the Founders left for us. Washington is filled with busybodies, aspiring tyrants, meddlers, scoundrels, grifters, mediocrities, the unaccountable and the shiftless who could not thrive in the private sector.

Yes, the departure of John Kerry from the capital would be a blessing. But in a deep, dark sea of wretches, the loss of one, no matter how notable, is merely a good start.

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