Who Created the Monsters Among Us? Victor Davis Hanson


Students at UCLA and on other campuses, some of them on foreign student visas, and others on some sort of taxpayer-funded support, are now marching with the chant, “Israel, Israel you cannot hide, we charge you with genocide.” So, Hamas gunmen break into Israel, slaughter over 1,000 civilians, mutilate them, behead some, and commit any sort of atrocity, and when the IDF responds our students charge “genocide”?

How would you like any of those graduating college chanters operating on your heart, defending you in court, doing your income taxes, or serving you at the DMV?

Note the irony of our students accusing Israel of genocide often simultaneously chanting, “From the river to the sea”—a euphemism for the mass killing of Jews and the extinction of Israel. Those calling for the mass extinction of Jews following the butchery of more than 1,000 inside Israel now claim victim status when the victim responds. And they of all people now charge Israel with the very crimes that they have been clamoring for in their chanting “From the river to the sea”?

How did we accomplish turning our universities into Nazi-like centers of indoctrination?

Answer: the woke/DEI revolution, and its predecessors of identity politics, were mortal sins of both commission and omission.

Students were taught binaries of victims/victimizers or oppressed/oppressors, based on chauvinist, racist romances about “marginalized peoples” and the demonization of so-called “whites.”

These were collectives, or rather racial stereotypes that gave no room for individual differences: you all are what you are based on skin color.

Much of the hatred was predicated on careerism—we saw that in the “shocked” tears of a few “death to Israel” students who lost their invitations to six-figure corporate incomes.

On campus, the more one stressed his “difference” and “otherness,” whether defined by skin color, sexual orientation, or gender, the more exempt he became in descending down into the dark recesses of pre-civilizational hatred.

Millions of college students mouthing hatred of Jews and of whites (“white rage”/“white privilege”/“white supremacy”) in general, won social acceptance, fit in with the perceived biases of racist faculties, and supposedly fueled careerist “diversity/equity/inclusion” based hiring.

But there were greater sins of omission. What was lost when we hired thousands of DEI hacks, whose only mission was to find and exploit oppression where it did not exist?

In our zero-sum game of higher education, millions of hours of instruction in science, math, languages, history, literature, and philosophy—and the faculty positions that went with them—were lost to make way for North Korean or Iranian indoctrination.

At Stanford, a classroom instructor separates Jews from their possessions. At UC Davis, a faculty member urges Jewish children to be hounded. In New York, college students hide in a library, beset by a crowd of pro-Hamas protesters—in Walking Dead/zombie style pounding on the windows and chanting threats. And on and on, goes our collective return to the 1930s.

Note the White House’s reaction. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre grimaces when asked about this epidemic of anti-Semitism—60% of all religious hate crimes victims are Jewish (2% of the population)—and then flat-out lies that it is nonexistent. Her lies are a precursor to her warning about endemic Islamophobia that so far does not exist—even when tens of thousands of Middle Eastern immigrants and visiting Muslims call for the extermination of Israel, tear down photos of Jewish captives of Hamas, celebrate the murder of 1,000 civilians, express venom for the United States, and seek to assault any Jews who approach their frenzied protests.

To save us from the monsters we created, we must act boldly and quickly with a 10-point plan:

1) Tax all university endowment income.
2) Get the government out of the student loan racket.
3) Enforce the Supreme Court’s cancellation of affirmative action.
4) Require a nationwide exit, Bar Exam-like test, of all graduates, in order to receive the BA/BS degree.
5) Cut all federal funds to campuses that do not ensure Bill of Rights protections for their students.
6) Put a moratorium on all student visas and green cards from countries in the Middle East that tolerate or promote terrorism.
7) Close the U.S. border with a wall and begin massive deportations of illegal entries.
8) Tax all remittances 10% that are sent from the United States to foreign countries.
9) End tenure and replace it with 5-year contractual requirements.
10) End all race-based theme houses, safe spaces, and graduation ceremonies.

In sum, the universities have far too much money. They charge far too much for delivering far too little. They despise those who are subsidizing them.

Instead of creating educated, civic-minded youth, they produce moral monsters. And we need to stop subsidizing now those who celebrate mass murder.

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