From Transgender Homecoming Queen to Transhumanism Can only an apocalypse save us? by Jason D. Hill

Last week, a biological male named Tristan Young who “identifies” as a female beat out several young ladies for the title of “homecoming queen” at Oak Park High School in Kansas City, Missouri.

In July, the Netherlands crowned a biological male identifying as a woman as its first transgendered Miss Netherlands.

Leaving aside the question of who is spearheading this annihilative agenda, we should be clear on what is the intended goal of the perpetrators. When a biological male who looks like a man in drag is crowned as homecoming queen, the adults behind this agenda are sending a clear message that this is a socially endorsed beauty contest. And further, that teenage boys should find male homecoming queens attractive and even sexually alluring.

There are two issues here to consider. One is the normalization of transgenderism. Its mainstreamed nature will brand as a homophobe or transphobe anyone who claims not to be attracted to trans “women” since they are to be regarded as actual women. The perception of discrimination, and discrimination associated with transwomen of color will increase. America will be viewed as less tolerant, more systemically racist and—if heterosexual men reject biological male transwomen—as irredeemably misogynistic.

The second factor to consider is that a form of socio-sexual eugenics is spreading like an epidemic in our society.  Boys who normally would not have been attracted to biological male trans-women will be increasingly attracted to such persons. The result will be a further increased segment of the copulating population incapable of reproducing. According to a recent survey of over 1,000 members of generation Z, 27% don’t want to have kids. When asked why, 89% of generation Z women said they enjoy the flexibility in their lives of not having children and 70% responded that they value their alone time.

Since it is women who both grant access to sex and determine if children come into the world, one can imagine a scenario in which an already declining U.S. population could precipitously slip further into an irreversible decline if a significant portion of transwomen become the partners not of gay men (not likely) but of re-socialized and sexually re-engineered heterosexual males.

The other factor to consider is that the agenda has as its end goal—the elimination of the male pronoun, men as we know them and any memory of a term such as heroic masculinity. Think about it: a biological male/ trans-woman is a feminized woman; a trans-man (biological female identifying as a biological male) looks often like a diminutive male with none of the primal and elemental raw masculinity of men. Although we live in a culture that problematizes the definition of women, it is men who are being erased.

We will have a bunch of eunuchs pairing with other eunuchs. With all pronouns eliminated, and all individuations abolished, we will collapse into a great One. It will be a world where unity really means compliance as we adhere to a universal script with codified norms and protocols.  This is what unfolded when hundreds cheered with glee for Tristan Young as he was crowned Homecoming Queen at Oak Park High. They know that if they say or even think that there are only two genders, they have committed a social crime that can get them in big trouble.

If the philosophy of Transhumanism which undergirds what I have described gains any further ascendancy in our culture, we are sure to, at best, sound anachronistic when using a two-gender sexual dyad. Indeed, in From Transgender to Transhuman by Martine Rothblatt, we are told exactly what the logical concomitant of that homecoming pageant and its winner is. It is a world in which multisexuality has become the gender norm of the day. Rothblatt writes on multisexuality:

Sexual orientation in the third millennium will evolve toward a multisexual model because “male” or “female” types will fade away. Persons of any genitalia will feel free to identify themselves as olives, magenta, coral, ebony, or white, or as femme, butch, tough, tender, or trans.  Within this continuum of sexual possibilities, gay or straight and even bisexual labels will lose all meaning; people will fall in love with people; sir and madame will have gone the way of thou and lord. We will still have our preferences…But whether the entrepreneur or the mate was born with a penis or vagina will have the same relevance as size, hair color, and skin tone. Apartheid of sex will go the way of apartheid of race, of class, of nationality, and/or religion. (p. 92)

That “sir” or “madam” will have been abolished reveals that this movement is not about options and choice, really. The heterosexual option is verboten and worse: criminalized.

At the heart of the transhumanist project is the idea that sex is in the mind, and that it gives rise, through technology, to an explosion of human identities. Our minds are said to be infinitely unique in sexual identity—just so long as it abolishes the heterosexual imaginary. Magenta and coral can mate—as two perverse options along the allegedly infinite sexual identity spectrum. But two transmen—magenta and coral, cannot reproduce. Transhumanism demands freedom from the strictures of biological form. Rothblatt writes:

Advanced technological instruments taught us that people are born with a continuum, not a duality, of sexual biomarkers such as reproductive system morphology, hormonal endocrinology, and cerebral neurology. (p.104)

Exponentially growing technology lies at the heart of transcending biology, according to Transhumanism.

With the growing number of children identifying as Minotaurs being hailed as a gender revolution by Diane Ehrensaft, a prominent California hospital executive and professor, it is not hard to foresee an era where, given also the number of adults and adolescents identifying as cats and other animal creatures, that the line demarcating human-to-human contact and bestiality gets eroded. Children Identifying as ‘Minotaurs’ Are Part of Gender Revolution” says Feminist Professor – Prepare Yourself for Gender Terms You’ve Probably Never Heard Of! – Mama Say What?! Copulation with an animal that matches one’s feline or other animal gender identity would be a natural outcome of blurring the distinction between, say, biological cats and adults who identify as cats and, indeed, see such an identity as an unalterable and constitutive attribute of one’s identity. And what is to stop a forty-five-year-old long-standing heterosexual man who now identifies as a fifteen-year-old lesbian girl, and who petitions the state to adjust his chronological age to his newly gendered age, from pursuing another fifteen-year-old girl?

If we follow the logic defending trans women participating in female sports and winning beauty pageants (the claim is that they really are women), then the scenario that I have just described is an incontrovertible, logical end point of what a forty-five-year-old man identifying as a lesbian trans girl could “rationally” demand as his right to pursue as a way of legitimizing, affirming and validating his identity.

Is it any wonder that the progressive left has sought to jettison the term pedophilia and replace it with Minor Attracted Persons (MAPS)? The forty-five-year-old man identifying as a fifteen-year-old trans girl will be regarded as no less of a minor than the fourteen-year-old girl he’s pursuing for sex. This, too, is the crazed endpoint of radical egalitarianism.

This is here we are headed, folks – this and several other darker and more demonic places. In such cases, follow the logic of transgender transhumanism and its ideology, and extrapolate it to various scenarios. The logic will hold consistently. These scenarios played out to their logical end will lead ineluctably to such irreversible harm and evil that only an apocalypse—manmade or God-stricken—can create, not an antidote, but a truly brave new world.

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