Poking the Snoring Conservative Dragon. Part Two Victor Davis Hanson


In 2024, the Left will spend $4-5 billion on the presidential and congressional races, with another $4-5 billion in free advertising in propaganda from network news, PBS, NPR, and the Silicon Valley mob. The latter again will do their leftist best, from rigging the order of Google searches, to banning supposed “misinformation” and “disinformation” from non-Twitter social media, to blacklisting traffickers in “hate speech” who might critique Democratic candidates.

The only remedy would be millions of poll watchers to turn out on Election Day 2024. The Right must draft legions of lawyers right now to ensure balloting laws are not massaged by leftist activist lawyers and judges.

There must be a rare conservative mass get-out-the-vote effort (i.e., mail-in and early balloting), targeted at rest homes and retirement communities. Republicans, until they restore integrity to balloting, must bring Barack Obama’s proverbial “gun to a knife fight” (a phrase Obama stole from David Mamet’s screenplay of The Untouchables) determination not to keep losing, and master third-party vote harvesting and ballot curing.

The Left does not have the numbers (look at the poor poll numbers on every of Joe Biden’s current policies), but neither do conservatives—unless they organize and trump the tactics of the Left. (No, I am not suggesting protestors mass outside Hunter Biden’s house in the fashion leftists swarm with impunity the homes of Supreme Court justices in felonious, but exempt, efforts to intimidate them into rendering more favorable opinions.)

But there are things the Right can do, if it wishes to stop losing the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections (George W. Bush’s razor-thin 2004 being the outlier)—and finally for the first time in 36 years win 51% of the popular vote, as George H.W. Bush last managed in 1988 against a weak Mike Dukakis.

So what would an aroused dragon do?

Start focusing on local and state prosecutor races to stop George Soros’s stealthy efforts to destroy American jurisprudence and render existing laws null and void. Nullifying the law is eroding the major American cities as we once knew them, and empowering thousands of career criminals to hurt, maim, and kill the innocent, and in general wreck the civilization of our now medieval urban centers.

Future historians will ponder how San Franciscans destroyed their once beautiful city in about three years, by defunding the police, decriminalizing theft and assault, transmogrifying the homeless into blameless victims, and creating a climate overtly hostile to the old two-parent, three-child nuclear family.

The only mystery is to what degree a San Franciscan—mugged, his house robbed, his shoe bottoms stained with human feces, his car window smashed, his beloved Whole Foods locked and shuttered, his Walgreen’s shelves caged like a prison infirmary, and his taxes and fees astronomical—finally cannot take it anymore and either leaves en masse or votes for adults of the real world?

Match lawsuit for lawsuit to ensure balloting in key states returns to majority vote casting on Election Day. Require identification to vote. Note the Left believes in process, or rather changing any rules and traditions deemed not useful.

When they are in the Senate minority, they praise the filibuster, when not, they would junk it as a “Jim Crow relic.” They worshiped the “blue wall” of the Electoral College. When it crumbled, it became a fossilized relic of old white-male Founders.

They loved the 9-person Warren Court that created new laws faster than the Congress. And they reveled in flipping to the left Republican appointees like Harry Blackman, William Brennan, Lewis Powell, David Souter, John Paul Stevens, and Earl Warren, as well as Sandra Day O’Connor and John Roberts. And when the court went rightward, then they blasted it as a racist clique and pushed for a 15-justice court, to be packed by the Left.

Remember, the Left will try to ensure that no more than 30 percent of the voters in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin cast ballots on Election Day 2024. They know the error rate on tens of millions of mail-in ballots is a fraction of what it is on millions of in-person, Election-Day cast ballots. Leftist logic: swarm registrars with hordes of mail-in ballots that they do not dare reject or do not have the time and resources to check for full names, proper addresses, valid signatures, or matches with registrar rolls.

In 2022, California sent out 21.9 million ballots. But only 11.1 million people supposedly voted.

That left about 10.8 million ghost ballots floating about and supposedly never cast and thus unaccounted for. The Left claims that the fact nearly 11 million ballots were mass mailed but never claimed or used, is no indication that the state simply sends out ballots to anyone who breathes or that many of the 11 million who voted were not eligible but simply got one of the 21.9 million ballots and sighed, “Well, why not then?”

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