‘Pay No Attention to That Jihadi at the Mexican Border…’ By Stephen Kruiser


Don’t look know, but something is amiss down at the Mexican border. Shocking, right? According to the open borders fetish Democrats, nothing but sugar and spice and everything nice make their way up from our neighbor to the south.

When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency in the summer of 2015, the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media referred to his remarks about the kinds of people who make their way illegally across the Mexican border as “controversial.” I was a huge Trump skeptic at the time. I have, however, spent my life living near the Mexican border and found it quite refreshing that someone with a national audience was talking about the criminal element that flows northward from Mexico into the United States.

Robert wrote a post yesterday about an updated version of an old border problem:

We’re used to seeing the establishment media cheerlead for Democrat administrations, but Bloomberg went above and beyond on Wednesday with an article that was condescendingly entitled “Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained.” Gather round, you rubes, and let your moral and intellectual superiors explain away what your lying eyes are showing you! “Skyrocketing terrorist watch list hits at US borders are fueling fear and condemnation of Biden immigration policies,” the Bloomberg article said, but don’t worry: there isn’t any reason to lose confidence in Old Joe and his henchmen: “border buffs dispute whether the numbers indicate a serious threat.” Oh, well then!

When the media starts running spurious explainers of this kind, it’s a sign that they’re feeling the heat. People are noticing how terrorists are taking advantage of the Biden regime’s nonexistent Southern border, and so the “experts” must be called in to reassure everyone that the Left has things completely under control.

Concerns about terrorists finding the Democrats’ border policies useful are nothing new here in the 21st century, at least not to border realists. There has been ample evidence over the years that bad actors from all over the world have used the porous southern border to gain illegal entrance into the United States.

Democrats, of course, are not border realists. In their telling of the story, the only people trying to sneak into the U.S. from Mexico are put-upon poor people who just want to come up here and earn money to send back home. They work the fields and in hotels, but not the local meth and fentanyl trade. It’s yet another case where the Democrats’ reality denial is putting American lives at risk and building a body count.

Here’s the beginning of the media spin that Robert covers in the post:

First, Bloomberg gives us the bad news: “The US Border Patrol reported almost 100 encounters last fiscal year of people whose names appeared on the federal government’s official list of known or suspected terrorists and their associates, up from 16 the previous year.” And those bad old patriots are pouncing, as they do: “The watch list hits represent a tiny percentage of overall encounters of people trying to cross the border without authorization but provide powerful ammunition for President Joe Biden’s critics, who say the administration’s policies have created chaos at the border and undermined national security.”

Given the fact that it took only 19 terrorists to pull off the 9/11 attacks one might think that the government would find a hundred or so sneaking in to be problematic. Here in Joe Biden’s America, however, the bad guys are good, and the good guys are bad. What are a few new al Qaeda cells in the U.S. compared to all of the new welfare state Dems you’re bringing in, right Joe?

An overarching theme for the Democrats in border discussions is that they have always downplayed the criminal threat coming in from Mexico. When they aren’t dismissing it entirely, that is.

The same people who would have us believe that a few drunk dudes in weird costumes were a legitimate threat to overthrow the United States government on Jan. 6, 2021 are OK with turning a blind eye to what one of the largest and most dangerous criminal organizations in the world — the Sinaloa Cartel — is very definitely doing with its easy access to the American market.

Sadly, too many Republicans pussyfoot around the criminal element when it comes to dealing with border issues.

Until the cartels, the terrorists, and the random violent crazies who come across from Mexico are acknowledged and dealt with, everything the Democrats and bipartisan fetish Republicans do regarding the southern border puts American lives at risk.

We’ll have to start with finding someone who can explain to the Democrats that a hundred bad guys is a lot.

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