There’s No Liar Like A Biden

How do we know when Joe Biden is lying? When he says he gives us his word as a Biden. But that’s not the only time he spins a whopper. He says something untrue quite regularly, the most recent instance a tall tale about his “epiphany” regarding gay marriage.

When asked about his “evolution on marriage equality” during an interview on Monday night’s “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central, Biden radically revised his personal history so that he would appear to have been woke for more than a half century. Our president (how did such a thing ever happen?) said he “hadn’t thought much about” same-sex marriage until his “senior in high school.” But one day as his father was dropping him off, he saw “two well-dressed men in suits” kiss each other.

“I mean they give each other a kiss. … And I’ll never forget, I turned, looked at my dad, he said ‘Joey, it’s simple. They love each other. It’s simple.’ No, I’m not joking. ‘It’s simple. They love each other.’  … It doesn’t matter whether it’s, whether it’s same-sex, or heterosexual couples should be able to be married. What is the problem?”

Here, thanks to PJ Media’s Matt Margolis, is the truth behind another pathological lie from the “Big Guy”:

So Biden claimed he had his epiphany on same-sex marriage as a teenager, yet, in 1973, during his first year in the U.S. Senate, Joe Biden opposed homosexuals working in the federal government, insisting they were a security risk. ‘My gut reaction is that they [homosexuals] are security risks,’ he said, ‘but I must admit I haven’t given this much thought … I’ll be darned!’ He would later support Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the policy concerning gays in the military, in 1993, and voted in favor of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. In fact, Biden defended his vote on DOMA years later and argued that the issue of same-sex marriage should be left to the states. … As vice president, he even opposed civil unions for same-sex couples.

This “epiphany” is similar to Biden’s claims about his grand contributions to the civil rights movement. He’s said a number of times that he was an activist, even as a teen. He’s even told stories about participating in marches and being arrested multiple times at civil rights protests, once in South Africa where he was trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison.

But the facts tell a different story. The New York Times has reported “there is no evidence he was ever arrested during a civil-rights protest.” Nor did he march with activists. A three-decade old book on U.S. politics entitled “What It Takes: The Way to the White House” noted that “Joe didn’t march. He was in high school, playing football.” Biden’s South Africa story was a fabrication, too, as was his claim that while later visiting Washington, Mandela thanked him for his efforts.

Biden has also lied about his education, his family background, his life experiences (he really said that he “used to drive a tractor trailer”), that he was on a plane that was fired at in the Balkans, was on a helicopter forced down by terrorists in Afghanistan, and told at least one group he was a “hard coal miner”). In the 1980s, he plagiarized a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock, appropriating the Labor leader’s story as his own.

Long before he ran against Donald Trump in 2020, Biden was a well-known liar. Yet more than 81 million voters cast their ballot for him, a man who cannot tell fact from fiction. He lied when he promised he’d “shut down” COVID, unite the country and rescue the economy, which had been roaring before it was maimed by lockdowns.

Given his uncontrollable urge to deceive, why did 81 million Americans believe him? Why would just 81, forget a million times that number, put their trust in a man who is the biggest liar in the post-Lyndon Johnson political era? It’s obvious he has a deep character flaw and has been in a decades-long descent into madness. He is a “psychopathic personality of some type.”

And he is president of the United States, a mistake for which we’ll be paying for decades if not longer.

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