Our Lethal Frenemies 12 Comments / March 8, 2023 Víctor Davis Hanson


Over 100,000 Americans are dying from opiate overdoses per year—mostly fentanyl coming across the southern border. China ships to the cartels the raw product. They refine it and stamp it into pills for export solely to the U.S., deliberately using shapes and sizes to make their export seem similar to other less deadly drugs.

China sees fentanyl as divine nemesis for the 19th-century Opium Wars: Just as Great Britain in the 1830s and 1840s once sent mass death and addiction into China via opium, so it now will do the same as payback to the U.S.

Ditto Mexico. It feels that the loss of the American southwest by intrusive Texans and others in the 1840s is now divinely paid back by millions of Mexicans pouring northward de facto to reclaim lost lands (this fantasy is often explicitly boasted about in radical La Raza literature).

Or as President Lopez Obrador of Mexico recently boasted to a visiting clueless Biden of massive unchecked and green-lighted illegal immigration into the U.S: “Just imagine: There are 40 million Mexicans in the United States—40 million who were born here in Mexico, (or) who are the children of people who were born in Mexico!”

Lopez Obrador strangely thought it reflected well on his Mexico that 40 millions of his own citizens wanted to leave his country as soon as possible and at any cost.

The open border is now a conduit to mass death. Let me be clear: The cartels, the Mexican government (Mexico’s top drug enforcement officer is currently on trial in the U.S. for involvement in drug trafficking), and China are making billions of dollars on the mass death of Americans, a toll each year about 12 times more than all the Americans killed in Afghanistan and Iraq over some 20 years.

I am not excusing the culpability of Americans who ingest these lethal doses, but many are young and some not sure what they are swallowing in the zest of pre-adult ignorance. But I am sure that Mexico and China and the cartels either do not care about the mass death or in some sick way think it aids their national interests (China’s especially).

Note that the border is wide open. Over five million foreigners crossed since Biden took office—almost all illegally. Biden mocked the new sections of the wall, where now illegals do not cross. The amount of destruction, costs, and illegality that Biden has brought his country, including the genocide from fentanyl through his open border, is quite astonishing, and seems an obvious impeachable offense by a bankrupt president who refused to enforce his own country’s laws.

As for Mexico, the cartels are making tens of billions of dollars from illegally transporting millions of aliens into the U.S. and selling lethal drugs—huge sums sucked out of the U.S. that trickle down throughout the Mexican economy.

Add the $60 billion Mexico City receives from remittances from its some 20 million illegal aliens (our state and federal entitlements free up the cash for illegals to send these huge sums back home to subsidize family members whom the Mexican government will not or cannot help).

What to do?

Three simple suggestions:

1) The next Republican administration should finish the wall along the complete length of the border. No talk about virtual fences, surveillance, drones, etc. Just complete the entire new wall first and then worry about stopping those who try to go over it.

2) Place a ten-percent tax on all remittances sent to Mexico. Use the accruing $6 billion to pay for finishing the wall. Place a twenty-percent tax on any remittances sent to Mexico by anyone who cannot provide proof of legal residence in the U.S. or is currently receiving state or federal assistance.

3) Declare the cartels terrorist organizations and fine all banks known to transfer or deposit their profits. Deport immediately anyone found with cartel ties.

As for China, it would be quite easy to stop their export of fentanyl to North Americans:

Begin by denying visas to the 300,000 plus Chinese students in the U.S.

Calibrate the progress of cutbacks on the approximate reduction in fentanyl exports.

The students for the most part subsidize bankrupt budgeting of our universitas, whose wasteful expenditures require massive numbers of full-paying foreign students.

Most Chinese students in the STEM return to China and fuel its technological war against the U.S. About 1-2 percent are engaged in espionage. Once attention is focused on China’s exports of death, most will understand why China’s thousands of students are no longer welcome until the drugs cease.

How strange this country sleeps while we suffer a Vietnam-War-like death toll every year.

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