The Morning Briefing: Liberal Media Bias Is Alive and More Embarrassing Than Ever By Stephen Kruiser

I began writing about politics almost 22 years ago. My main focus when I started was liberal bias in the mainstream media. I didn’t intend for it to be my sole focus but, these two-plus decades later, it’s what I’ve written about the most. It’s kind of my thing. It would be nice if it didn’t have to be, but those people are awful, and I still like calling them out.

The way that the main players (The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.) go about their bias has changed over the years. It’s always been prevalent, but it used to be more subtle. I would have fun figuring out new patterns and tricks, especially in the Times.

That all changed when His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack H. Obama became president of the United States.

The semi-secret relationship between the MSM and liberal bias came out into the open. The smitten kids in the White House press corps would positively gush whenever The Lightbringer would interact with them. They began dotting their i’s with hearts when jotting down notes about him. It was one nauseating public display of affection after another for eight years.

Since then, nobody in the MSM has bothered to hide the bias, despite the fact that they keep insisting that it doesn’t exist.

It’s really gotten weird with President LOLEightyonemillion in office. They have to prop up the mindless loon in the Oval Office, which must be exhausting. The more Biden obviously deteriorates, the more the flying monkeys in the mainstream media go out of their way to make it seem like he’s not.

Mr. Green wrote something yesterday that shows just how ridiculous it’s all gotten:

When Presidentish Joe Biden stages a “surprise” burger order as part of a political ploy to boast about the economy, what’s a respected newspaper to do?

Gush like a schoolgirl, apparently.

In his official capacity as an elected official who can’t even order lunch without making it political, Biden called a new local restaurant to order a burger with a side of braggadocio.

That’s right, they’re going nuts because Sir Sniffsalot ordered a hamburger. I loved the headline for the post, which had that trademark VodkaPundit snark: Biden Orders a Bacon Burger, Washington Post Wets Itself.

As with everything having to do with this kinda/sorta presidency, it gets weirder. More from VodkaPundit:

Indeed, but the most spot-on reply came from Invisible Constituent — a perfect handle in this case — who wrote, “Everyone should be insulted by how stupid this administration thinks you are. This tweet is so f***ing cringe.”

Everyone, that is, except for the Washington Post.

Food reporter Tim Carman had an 850-word puff piece ready to go for WaPo’s Wednesday morning edition.

I don’t exactly expect hard-hitting politico exposés from any paper’s food reporter, although maybe a little less gushing might be nice.

It matters not that this was written by the food reporter. We live in an age when this could just have easily been front page stuff written by an “investigative journalist.”

Leftist media hacks love writing about Biden doing everyday things. Of course, it’s all part of the “Let’s pretend his brain hasn’t left the building” ruse.

They sincerely feel that the public is buying what they’re selling when it comes to Biden. It actually comes off feeling like they’re giving a slow kid a gold star on a refrigerator chart simply for accomplishing a mundane daily task.

“Look, Joey made potty all by himself!”

As I said in the headline, it’s embarrassing.

Hurry up, 2024.

Have a great weekend!

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