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December 2022

Thanks For Letting Us Know, Joe: Your True Border Policy Is Chaos


During the last presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden got away with trashing then-President Donald Trump for his border policies. After this week’s trip to Arizona without visiting the border mess he created, we finally got proof the border nightmare’s no accident. It’s policy.

Biden’s recent sojourn in the Grand Canyon State cleared up a conundrum for us: Was Biden’s destructive border policy a result of age-related mental issues and incompetence? Or is it what he wanted all along?

The answer came when he was questioned by Fox’s Peter Doucy about his curious Arizona itinerary, which brought him to Phoenix, just 100 miles from the border: “Why go to a border state and not visit the border?” Doocy asked.

Biden’s response: “Because there are more important things going on. They’re going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise.”

“More important things” than millions of undocumented people, including some affiliated with terror groups, crossing our border? More important than the hundreds of migrants who died on the journey, or were sold into virtual slavery by human traffickers?

More important than the thousands of Americans who will die from overdoses of fentanyl that had been carried across the border by members of Mexico’s vicious drug cartels, which now also control the illegal immigration business, pocketing billions of dollars?

A Corrupt, Evil Regime Intent on Imprisoning Trump J.B. Shurk,


Gunrunner, never-charged criminal, political hack, and perpetually aggrieved former attorney general Eric Holder is back, bloviating about President Trump being imminently arrested.  Given that we live in post-Republic times and that the Department of (in)Justice has exhibited no shame or remorse in its years-long campaign of political persecution and partisan double-standards, I’ll take Obama’s contemptible “wingman” at his word just this once.  So Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and the Deep State Leviathan plan on humiliating President Trump by frog-marching him before the world and tossing him in the clink.

So what?  They’ve been telegraphing this play for months, if not years.  We get it.  The U.S. government is irredeemably corrupt, we’ve officially entered banana republic territory, and all the worst tyrants in D.C. plan on rounding up and punishing anyone brave enough to fight back or dissent.  

News flash, Deep State: You kind of got your point across when Hillary Clinton’s political henchmen and Barack Obama’s FBI (political henchmen with badges?) worked with the Intelligence Community to frame candidate Trump as a Russian spy six years ago and none of the perpetrators ended up in prison.  You made things quite clear when you gave tens of millions of dollars to Andrew Weissmann to run the Mueller Inquisition, so that he and his Democrat friends could pave over the lawless bureaucracy’s Russia Hoax tracks; harass the Trump administration in pursuit of nonexistent crimes; and immunize Hillary, the FBI, and their political agents from prosecution.  

When you started locking up anybody remotely connected to the president for excrement-laden process crimes that were used as part of a stick-or-carrot approach to suborn false testimony against Trump, most of us understood that America had descended into a Lavrentiy Beria Soviet police State once and for all.  

For the slow learners out there, these people made things very easy to understand when they decided to use members of the military (who in the old days would have just been called “double agents” or “saboteurs” but are now venerated as “whistleblowers”) to impeach President Trump for a quid-pro-quo hoax in order to damage his re-election campaign and cover up Joe Biden’s actual quid-pro-quo scheming in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere.  

We watched state attorneys general, secretaries of state, and both federal and state courts look the other way while mail-in ballot dumps and suspicious “pauses” in vote-counting (in explicit violation of state statutory laws) were used to flip battleground states days after the 2020 election and hand Biden an inexplicable “victory” over a sitting president who had won nearly every bellwether county across the country by double-digits, expanded his 2016 vote totals by over ten million, and received more votes than any incumbent in history — all feats that had meant certain vict

Liz Peek: Herschel Walker just wrote Donald Trump’s political obituary


Herschel Walker, the Heisman Trophy winner who led the Georgia Bulldogs to a national championship in 1982, just wrote Donald Trump’s political obituary. 

Walker lost his bid to replace Georgia’s incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock, handing Democrats in that chamber a critical majority. A majority which will enable Joe Biden to appoint more judges, enact more legislation and put in place more appointees willing and able to carry out his far-left agenda. Walker was endorsed by former President Trump. 

Having suffered the rare humiliation of failing to win a second term in the Oval Office, and having cost his party a majority in the senate – three times – it is time for Donald Trump to step away from politics. It is the right thing to do for his party, for the country, and for himself. 

Mr. Trump will not win another election. His most glaring political strength today is his ability to energize Democrats, causing not only historic turnout but attracting gushers of campaign cash – for the opposition.

It is notable that Trump-backed candidates all came up short in fund-raising. The Georgia senate race cost more than $400 million. As of mid-November, Democrat Raphael Warnock had outspent Republican Herschel Walker $126 million to $48.5 million.

The Pentagon Marches Off to Climate War Biden’s new mandate on contractors adds green politics and costs to weapons.


The war in Ukraine is draining U.S. arms stockpiles while geopolitical risks grow. Yet the Biden Administration is worried about—you can’t make this up—the climate impact of U.S. weapons and wants to impose costly green mandates on federal contractors.

A little-noticed rule-making proposed by the Department of Defense, NASA and the General Services Administration last month would require federal contractors to disclose and reduce their CO2 emissions as well as climate financial risks. The rule would cover 5,766 contractors that have received at least $7.5 million from the feds in the prior year.

Smaller contractors would have to publicly report their so-called Scope 1 and 2 emissions—i.e., those they generate at their facilities and from the electricity and heating they use. Firms with larger contracts would also have to tabulate their upstream and downstream Scope 3 emissions, including those from customers, suppliers and products used in the field.

For example, weapons manufacturers would have to quantify and disclose the amount of CO2 generated from their own facilities; manufacturers that produce steel, computer chips and motors used in their weapons; propellants and fuel; and even munition storage areas. It’s unclear if CO2 emissions will influence procurement decisions.