‘A Nation Cannot Exist Without Confidence in its Ruler’ by Lawrence Kadish


“Tsekung asked about government and Confucius replied: ‘People must have sufficient to eat; there must be a sufficient army; and there must be confidence of people in the ruler.’ ‘If you are forced to give up one of these three objectives, what would you go without first,’ asked Tsekung. Confucius said, ‘ I would go without the army first.’ ‘And if you were forced to go without one of the two remaining factors, what would you rather go without,’ asked Tsekung again. ‘I would rather go without sufficient food for the people…. [A] nation cannot exist without confidence in its ruler.'”
— From The Wisdom of China and India by Lin Yutang.

Our election integrity is under assault, as is our Constitution. We have lost confidence in our rulers. We have lost confidence in how we elect our rulers. As of this writing, the US midterm election has been over for more than two weeks; in Arizona, which reported massive voting problems – from voting machines that failed to work to “mixed ballots” — the result still has not been tallied. We have lost confidence in mail-in ballots — a reservation about which the Carter Commission warned in 2005; in ballot-harvesting and “ballot hunting” as opposed to verifiable voting with one-man-one-vote. We have lost confidence in the hundreds of “dirty,” uncleaned voter rolls and the lack of voter identification in many states.

Most of all we have lost confidence in the millions of political dollars such as Mark Zuckerberg’s “Zuckbucks”, provided privately, where $400 million, laundered through supposedly non-governmental organizations, effectively “swung” elections in Georgia. Now, they are available “on steroids.” After 25 states ruled out private political donations such as Zuckbucks, the Biden administration put $370 billion in public funds — nearly a thousand times what Zuckerberg used — in the hands of long-time Democrat political operative John Podesta, to be disbursed at his discretion, ostensibly for climate change. What cannot be said out loud is that the climate change NGOs that hope to receive this bounty,will most likely be asked quietly to agree that a goodly percentage of what they get be used to “educate” voters in districts known through gerrymandering to be sympathetic.

We have lost confidence in the blindingly unequal application of the law. This abuse of political power cuts through the leadership of virtually all of the government agencies, starting with the Department of Justice and its offshoot, the FBI.

The Department of Justice was recently exposed, among other matters, as having supported a fake investigation for three years. costing $40 million in taxpayer money, into a fraudulent campaign to unjustly discredit former President Donald J. Trump when the people leading the investigation have been shown to have known from the start that it was fraudulent. The FBI deliberately launched a campaign to discredit as “having all the earmarks of Russian disinformation” the contents of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, which again they know from the start to be genuine – again to meddle in US elections and throw the vote to a mentally incapacitated and reportedly compromised President Joe Biden.

The Internal Revenue Service was caught targeting “conservatives”, and even the Environmental Protection Agency has been capriciously harassing ranchers (here and here). Now, Congress has voted $80 billion for the Biden administration to hire 87,000 more IRS agents to harass small shopkeepers and hard-working Americans who cannot afford expensive accounting firms — not the billionaires and large corporations who can — into paying even more taxes. Worse, in the middle of a recession that the Biden administration induced on day one by launching a war on fossil fuels, thereby causing the price of literally everything to skyrocket, people who can afford it the least are forced to choose between “eat or heat.”

Where were the dollars appropriated for more agents at the US Southern border to stop the entry of 5 million illegal immigrants, along with fentanyl from China that has been poisoning more than 100,000 Americans; massive human trafficking and sex-slavery; the possible unspeakable future of thousands of unaccounted-for children; nearly a million “gotaways” about whom we know nothing; and the nearly one million who have died trying to enter?


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