Covering for Fetterman May Cost Media a Senate Seat Like most liars, the media lied itself into a much worse situation. by Daniel Greenfield

The media could have pushed for the truth after Lt. Gov Fetterman’s stroke, instead, it continued to favor the woke Frankenstein because he had all the left views.

As the campaign continued, it doubled down on the cover-ups because the media was now stuck with a candidate that it was beginning to realize was broken, but was now the standard bearer of its party.

Up until the debate, the cover-up continued. Anyone in the media who insisted on asking questions about Fetterman’s functionality was threatened and smeared.

Then the debate arrived and Fetterman’s performance made it clear that there was something wrong there.

Now the media has defaulted to praising his “courage” for running and attacking anyone who points out the obvious as “ableist”.

This follows the familiar media cover-up pattern.

  1. It’s absolutely not true
  2. Maybe it’s a little true, but conservatives are blowing it out of proportion
  3. It’s absolutely true and we should all embrace it

Much like drag queens in schools and the Taliban overruning Afghanistan, we’re in phase 3 now. Fetterman is clearly disabled, but that means he’s just like FDR and we should admire him. Maybe that position might have been respectable if it had been the default one all along.

But admitting that Fetterman is in trouble was the last resort of liars and cowards in the media after they previously tried every possible lie and misdirection and exhausted all the happy talk.

Had the media done its job and sought the truth from the start, Fetterman would have likely been forced to drop out, making way for Connor Lamb who, at least, knows what year it is and how to finish a sentence. Instead, all the lying and gaslighting may cost the media a Senate seat. There’s a certain poetic justice in recognizing that the media got itself into this mess.

Like most liars, the media lied itself into a much worse situation. And now no one will believe it when it claims that Fetterman will recover. Why should anyone believe hacks who already proved that they were liars?

Why did the media think it could get away with it?

There’s an ice cream cone-licking and hair-sniffing patient wandering around the White House that seemed to back up the media’s approach. But Biden, by now, was smaller than life whereas Fetterman is anything but. Keeping him chained up in the basement wasn’t going to work. And without an incumbent in the race, as in 2020, it’s hard to shift attention and blame.

The Biden strategy wasn’t going to work for Fetterman. And it won’t even work for Biden for much longer.

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