In Support of Kanye West by David Horowitz

Kanye West is one of the most important voices in the black community and a leading force in the battle to save our country from the onslaught of the Biden administration and the fascist Left. Despite the mountain of slanders directed at him in the last week, Kanye West is not an anti-Semite any more than Donald Trump is a white supremacist. Both are targets of the largest and most vicious witch-hunt in American history, directed by the Biden administration and its kept media.

This character-assassinating cabal will distort any statement and invent any lie to destroy its opposition and advance its campaign to create a one-party state. Nor is any hypocrisy too brazen or disgusting to advance their cause.

Thus, while they defame West with the charge of “anti-Semitism,” the vast mass of politicians, media attack dogs and empty-headed celebrities defaming Kanye are supporters of the Biden administration’s support for the Iranian Nazis and the Hamas terrorists who overtly and openly seek the destruction of the Jews.

Anyone who has an interest in the truth and wants to understand this complex, brilliant, innovative and courageous individual who now calls himself ‘Ye’, should click on this link: – and listen to the interview with Ye, and put first things first.

In the war to save America, Ye is a heroic leader and should be supported by every patriot who loves our country.

To wet your appetite, here’s an excerpt of his remarks on anti-Semitism:

“I don’t hate Jewish people.”

“I’m jealous of Jewish people.”

“I’m jealous that they don’t abort their children.”

“I’m jealous that Jewish people don’t kill each other in the streets”

“I’m jealous of how Jewish people do business with each other.”

“And I hate how Jewish people control the black voice through media.”

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