I’ll skip the requisite fulsome praise for Ken Burns. Yes, he has made some great documentaries. And yes, his documentary on the Holocaust has devastating information on our nation’s indifference to the plight of Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.

 However, he is a polemical dolt for the inference that there is moral equivalence between Jewish refugees seeking asylum before the Holocaust, and those undocumented pouring into our border states.

For elucidation: Jewish refugees desperate to flee Europe would gladly have gone to any and all of the nations that are the locus of the present border surge.

They would have welcomed any harbor and accepted political harassment and economic woes, shacks for homes, lack of potable water, deplorable hygiene, and political strife rather than Hitler’s plan for the Jews disclosed in Mein Kampf in 1925. By 1933 it was a best seller.

No such document or genocidal agenda exists in any single nation south of our broken Southern border. Rsk



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