DOJ Refuses to Release Its Plan to Implement Biden’s Voting Initiative By Andrew C. McCarthy

Despite a court-imposed September 8 deadline, the Justice Department has failed to produce its strategic plan to implement President Biden’s directive regarding voter registration and participation.

On March 7, 2021, Biden issued an executive order requiring federal agencies to submit within 200 days their plans to promote voter participation. This directive, EO 14019, was premised on the fiction that “many Americans, including people of color, confront significant obstacles to exercising that fundamental right” (to vote). The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), the public-interest group that filed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking disclosure from the DOJ, says there has been no explanation from Main Justice for its resistance to release relevant documents.

In a lawsuit it filed shortly after the directive, FGA noted the observation of many congressional Republicans that EO 14019 bore a striking resemblance to “a federal election takeover plan crafted by the radical left-leaning group known as Demos.” This plan, the lawmakers said, “called for the weaponization of the DOJ” for the purpose of imposing federal standards on the states. To attempt this in light of the fact that the Constitution essentially commits elections to the states is worrisome enough. But here, Biden is attempting to proceed by federal executive fiat, under circumstances in which the Constitution reserves only to Congress the prerogative of altering states’ election procedures.

This summer, a federal court ordered the Justice Department to respond well in advance of the midterm elections, and imposed a September 8 deadline for the production of documents. FGA reports that DOJ has turned over some heavily redacted documents but has refused to disclose its 15-page strategic plan.

FGO’s Tarren Bragdon asks why DOJ is “treating these documents like they are classified information dealing with nuclear weapons?”

Obviously, given the failure of Democrats — despite control of both congressional chambers — to legislatively enact their attempted federal takeover of elections, Biden–administration officials will try to impose their progressive wish list by lawless executive action. Indeed, they have recently endeavored this in erasing student debt: another policy that lawmakers accountable to voters could not bring themselves to enact.

The Justice Department’s job is to uphold federal election law. It is antithetical to the Justice Department’s duty to participate in a partisan political initiative in favor of some voters over others. Attorney General Merrick Garland owes the public a comprehensive disclosure of any DOJ plan to implement Biden’s dubious executive order.

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