Welcome To Biden’s Police State, Part III

Try, if you can, to imagine the reaction if the Justice Department had, in President Donald Trump’s second year in office, orchestrated a raid of Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, N.Y., home, rummaging through rooms and cracking the Clintons’ safe looking for government documents she hadn’t turned over when she left the State Department.

You can bet, at the very least, that newspapers wouldn’t be carrying run-of-the-mill headlines such as “F.B.I. Searches Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence” or “FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in document investigation.” The Washington Post thought the important story to tell was how “Top Republicans echo Trump’s evidence-free claims to discredit FBI search.”

No, the press would be in a full meltdown. Democrats would be calling for Trump’s impeachment. Celebrities would be making videos in which they cry about the future of the country. Never Trumpers would be patting themselves on the back and shouting “I told you so.” Colleges would be canceling classes so students could comfort each other and draw in their school-issued coloring books. The gnashing and grinding of teeth could be heard from space.

Needless to say, it would have been the end of the Trump administration.

But this is the Biden administration we’re talking about. And when it acts dictatorial – which is more frequent with each passing month – it’s the ends that matter, not the means, because the ends are about delivering on a leftist agenda. Did Biden authorize this raid? How far up the chain of command did it go? Don’t expect the “watchdog” press to ask such questions.

Instead, the response to the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home is, if anything, celebratory.

The Los Angeles Times, for example, immediately ran a piece titled “Raid May Signal End of Another ‘Long National Nightmare.’”

The New York Times published a story with what can only be read as a hopeful headline: “If Donald Trump broke a law on the removal of official records, would he be barred from future office?” (Anyone recall the Times asking this about Hillary Clinton and her purloined documents?)

We won’t even bother relaying what cable new “pundits” or that hive of scum and villainy on Twitter are saying.

So, what exactly was the FBI looking for that required such extreme measures?

CNN described it this way: “Following the National Archives’ recovering of White House records from Mar-a-Lago in recent months, the FBI on Monday had to verify that nothing was left behind.”

Wait, that’s it? Not that the FBI had good reason to believe Trump illegally absconded with sensitive documents? It just wanted to make sure there weren’t any left in the house? Was there any reason to believe there were any such documents there? Or that Trump was purposefully withholding them? Did the agents have a list of “missing” documents they were trying to retrieve?

Is this the standard now for FBI raids? “We don’t have a good reason to bust into your home, we just want to make sure you don’t have anything you shouldn’t have.” If federal agents have such a low standard to search a former president’s home, what can’t they do?

The raid also draws a stark and undeniable contrast between how the FBI handled Clinton’s private server and her attempt to hide the fact that it contained official documents that she failed to turn over to the State Department, including top-secret documents that she claimed never existed.

In that case, the FBI treated Clinton with whatever is gentler than kid gloves. They gave her every benefit of the doubt. They excused the fact that she broke the law because she didn’t intend to do the nation harm.

This is, of course, a long-standing pattern in Washington. Republicans are vilified for any and all wrongdoings and made to answer for every crime, no matter how petty. Democrats get a finger-wagging, at worst.

You’d think that the FBI, its reputation for impartiality in tatters after its politicized handling of the Clinton email scandal and its eagerness to traffic in fake Russia-collusion documents, would want to act with a smidgen more restraint.

It turns out that the FBI’s campaign against Trump isn’t finished. It tried to keep him out of the White House by pushing the Russia hoax, and when that failed tried to run him out of office by dragging the investigation out for years. Now the bureau is apparently trying to make sure that Trump never holds office again. What’s the one thing we know Trump has been guilty of? He’s not a liberal Democrat or a cowardly Republican.

There’s a word for this, when law enforcement becomes an arm of one political party. What is it again? Oh, right, a police state.

This is what the left is celebrating. This is why the public needs to strip Democrats of power at the first opportunity, and never give it back.

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