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June 2022

Trump’s Growing Rivalry with DeSantis Must Be Contained The threat to the GOP in 2024 will come not from the Left but rather from a potential schism between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. 


Donald Trump is “absolutely” running for president again in 2024. That is what one person deep within the former president’s orbit told me off-the-record in March when I asked him. Trump himself was recorded by someone who attended a golfing event earlier this year in which the person recording the video said, “first on tee, the 45th president of the United States!” This comment prompted Trump to look up angrily at the camera and declare, “Forty-fifth and the 47th president!”

Given Trump’s penchant for the “art of the comeback,” one would be foolish to assume that Trump’s days as a presidential contender are behind him.

Trump even went as far as teasing in the last week that he would announce his intentions about running again in 2024 after the 2022 midterm elections. In the meantime, Trump has worked assiduously to cultivate a strong following among GOP candidates and has tried ensuring that his endorsement becomes a qualifier for primary candidates seeking GOP nominations this year. While these attempts to become the kingmaker of the GOP have had mixed results, the fact is that even out of office and having been kicked off Twitter, Trump is the star of this show. 

And that’s another aspect animating Trump’s continued dance in the political arena. He wants to be front-and-center, not only to avenge himself against his political rivals for what he believes was Biden’s theft of the 2020 presidential election but to also protect his brand. Should he no longer be the only star of the potential Republican 2024 presidential field, these things might be damaged—which could negatively impact Trump’s bottom line. 

Yet, there are other rising stars and potential rivals on the Right and there is much time between 2024 and today. Of note, former Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Vice President Mike Pence, and current Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have all been rumored to be interested in running for the Republican nomination in 2024. Still, Trump is by far the most visible political figure in America today—and certainly the most popular on the Right. 

The dystopian state of our nation By Patricia McCarthy


“If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”  Voltaire

The signs of decline are everywhere: violent crimes, corruption, riots, all with little or no consequences for the perpetrators, election fraud, medical mandates for vaccines that do not work.  

“Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.”   Voltaire

All of this is part of the left’s grand plan to “transform” American society from the free nation of our founding into something resembling communist China.  The one thing they did not plan on was the presidency of Donald Trump.  His four-year term in the White House was not only unexpected because the Democrats were certain that they had that election in the bag.  Hillary was on board with their globalist/Marxist plan, and they just knew that all their plans were a go.  But they underestimated the America First movement and were gobsmacked by Trump’s thoroughly unpredictable victory.  That is how blinkered they are. 

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”   Voltaire

The leftists “know” that if they are doing it, it is the right thing to do.  Convince people that there are multiple genders, that men can get pregnant, that it is fair for men to compete against women as women, that small children can be “trans.”  Anyone who publicly notes their destructive bent will be called a racist or homophobic or transphobic.  That is how they roll, our left.  

Sanctuary Cities Now Provide Sanctuary For Deadly Illegal Drugs The NYC Health Dept. shows how to use them “safely.” Michael Cutler


On May 11, 2022 the New York Times reported: Overdose Deaths Continue Rising, With Fentanyl and Meth Key Culprits.  The subtitle of that reports is stunning:  New data shows a surge in overdose deaths involving fentanyl and methamphetamine. Overall, the nation saw a 15 percent increase in deaths from overdoses in 2021.

Let us begin by noting that fentanyl and other narcotics are illegal because they have the potential to kill or otherwise inflict serious harm.                                              

I can still remember my dad telling me when I was a teenager, so many years ago: “nothing is so good it could not be made better, or be so bad that it could not be made worse.”

My dad’s sage advice certainly came to my mind when I saw a the May 27, 2022 CBS News article, “Let’s Talk Fentanyl” ad campaign raises eyebrows for some straphangers.

You would think that an agency called The New York City Department Of Health would be focused on the health and well-being of the residents of New York City and consequently would do as much as possible to discourage drug use, period. 

Biden’s Flagrant Abuse of Emergency Powers Must Be Stopped By Dominic Pino


The president is misusing the Defense Production Act and harming the economy by pretending green energy is essential to our national defense.

In a spate of executive actions on Monday, President Biden invoked his authority under the Defense Production Act (DPA) to declare that a variety of green-energy-related materials were “essential to national defense,” and that as a result, the government would be stepping in to increase their production.

Biden’s actions are an abuse of presidential power, and they have the potential to cause serious harm to the American economy in the long run.

In five separate presidential memoranda, Biden said he was using his authority under Section 303 of the DPA to mandate that the government stimulate the production of materials critical to the green-energy sector, including: electrolyzers, fuel cells, and platinum group metals; solar photovoltaic modules and module components; transformers and electric-power-grid components; electric heat pumps; and insulation.

Per the Congressional Research Service (CRS), Section 303 grants the president much broader authority than the section of the law Biden invoked last month in an effort to address the nationwide baby-formula shortage: It allows the government to make purchase commitments for the resources named, directly subsidize their production, and install and purchase equipment used for their production in either government or privately owned facilities. To unlock those considerable economic powers, the law says that the president has to determine that the resource is “essential to national defense,” that U.S. industry won’t produce enough of the resource in a timely manner, and that the actions taken are “the most cost-effective, expedient, and practical alternative method for meeting the need” for the resource.

Importing COVID: Biden administration releases 7,000 COVID-infected illegal border-crossers into McAllen, Texas By Monica Showalter


So much for Title 42, the court-reinforced order to keep illegal border-crossers out of the U.S. to protect the public here during the pandemic.

Actually, they’re letting them in…and letting them in.  There’s no limit.

Here’s the news from just one border city, McAllen, Texas, reported by Fox News:

The Texas border city of McAllen says more than 7,000 COVID-positive migrants have been released into the city since February, and more than 1,500 in the past week — the latest example of growing concern about the potential impact of the border crisis on efforts to control COVID-19 in the U.S.

In a statement announcing the building of new temporary shelters to deal with a “rapidly escalating” surge of immigrants being released into the border city, McAllen warned of the release of thousands of migrants with COVID-19.

“Since mid-February of 2021 there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into the city of McAllen by [Customs and Border Protection], including over 1,500 new cases in the past seven days,” the statement said.

Immigrants released by CBP are dropped off with Catholic Charities and tested for COVID by a third party. If they test positive, they are asked to quarantine and offered a room at a quarantine site.

If Biden Intended To Destroy America, What Would He Be Doing Differently?


Deliberate and intentional. Two words you can expect Republicans to utter a lot more as they make the case that what ails America now isn’t an accident. It’s Joe Biden’s design.”

That’s how Just the News’ John Solomon characterizes the shift in tone among Republicans in the runup to the midterm elections this fall. The leftist media is sure to attack this sort of language as crazy and dangerous QAnon conspiracy talk.

But ask yourself, what would Biden be doing differently if his goal was to purposely send the country into a tailspin?

He set off a 40-decade-high inflation spiral with his $2 trillion “rescue” plan. He exacerbated supply-chain problems by paying people not to work. He threw open the borders to millions of illegal immigrants. He needlessly kept COVID mandates and restrictions in place. He worsened shortages of baby formula and spiking gasoline prices. He encouraged foreign adversaries with his disastrous Afghanistan retreat.

In every instance, Biden has said he and his top officials were “caught off guard.” In other words, his is pleading incompetence. The public has picked up on this, which is why most Americans now believe that “incompetent” is the word that best describes this president.

But incompetence doesn’t do Biden justice. In every case, Biden knew, or should have known, what would happen if he pushed his policies. Yet he did so anyway.

The World Health Organization’s Climate Neurosis The global health shop says eco-anxiety is an urgent problem.


Measles cases are spiking globally. More than 1,000 monkeypox cases have been reported in 29 countries, and children around the world are developing hepatitis for unknown reasons. And what is the World Health Organization focused on? Climate change, naturally.

The WHO on Friday published a report on the potential mental-health impact of climate change, and better see your psychiatrist before it’s too late. “There are gaps in understanding the impact of climate change on mental health and psychosocial well-being, but current knowledge is sufficient to act!” the 16-page report says. When do knowledge gaps ever stop climate lobbyists from demanding that governments grab more power?

Colorful graphics explain that “witnessing changes and damage to landscape and ecosystems” and “awareness of climate change and extreme weather events and their impacts” could lead to strained social relationships, anxiety, depression, intimate partner violence, helplessness, suicidal behavior and alcohol and substance abuse, among other things.

Yes, the WHO has found a way to link climate change to every social problem under the sun. If rising sea levels, warmer temperatures, wildfires and hurricanes don’t destroy civilization, anxiety about apocalyptic predictions will.

The Chinese Navy’s Great Leap Forward A base in Cambodia is the latest sign of Beijing’s global military ambition.


First by stealth, then by degrees, and now by great leaps, China is building a blue water navy and a network of bases to extend its military and political influence. A new secret Chinese military base in Cambodia ought to wake up America’s political class—including the U.S. Navy brass—to what is fast becoming a global Chinese challenge.

The Washington Post on Monday cites Western officials about the facility under construction at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base on the Gulf of Thailand. The Journal reported in 2019 that Cambodia and China had secretly agreed to let the Chinese military use a naval base in the Southeast Asian nation. China and Cambodia denied it at the time.

But now China is building a naval facility for its exclusive use “and taking extraordinary measures to conceal the operation,” according to the Post.

The Cambodian government is denying the latest report, and that’s no surprise. The Cambodian constitution bans foreign military bases inside the country’s borders, and the presence of the Chinese forces could stir a nationalist backlash. China’s naval base also won’t please Cambodia’s Southeast Asian neighbors, including Thailand, which has been a major non-NATO ally of the U.S. since 2003, and Vietnam, which has had a tense relationship with China.

Shavuot, the Six-Day War and the sorry ‘status quo’ on the Temple Mount Ruthie Blum


Israeli and Diaspora Jews visiting the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Sunday to celebrate Shavuot—the holiday marking the revelation of the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai—were greeted by angry Palestinians. The latter, mostly young men, have taken to rioting regularly on the compound where the Al-Aqsa mosque is located.

It would be easy to attribute the behavior of the Muslim troublemakers to the occasion when Jews make a festive pilgrimage to the site of the two temples. It would be equally simple to attach significance to the Gregorian date, which coincided with the 55th anniversary of the 1967 Six-Day War.

Though the two are indelibly linked, the tendency of mostly young male Palestinians to use any excuse to desecrate the site—the holiest in Judaism and third in Islam after Mecca and Medina—has become commonplace. And it’s no wonder.

Incited by the Palestinian Authority, with a little help from the king of Jordan, these guys get to cloak their violent energy in a veil of religious and political purity. The neat trick on the part of the leaders in Ramallah, Gaza and Amman to encourage terrorist activity is to perpetuate the bald-faced lie that Israel plans to storm the compound and destroy the mosque.

The mendacity doesn’t end there. The P.A. leadership also pretends that the presence of Jews in the ancient land of Israel is a myth, and that the story of the First and Second Temples is a fabrication.

America’s great cities are gripped by decline and disorder Voters have had enough of ‘progressive’ leaders who are presiding over spiralling violence and crime. Joel Kotkin


For the past decade, America’s urban centres have been increasingly run by ‘progressive’ activists. Yet today, as US cities reel from collapsed economies, rising crime and pervasive corruption, there’s something of a revolt brewing, the success of which may well determine the role and trajectory of our great urban centres.

This emerging conflict is coming to a head next week in Los Angeles, the US’s second-largest city, in the Democratic primaries for LA mayor. Next week’s vote is likely to lead to a head-to-head between moderate billionaire developer Rick Caruso and progressive congressperson Karen Bass, once considered a potential vice-president for Joe Biden. On the same day, ultra-liberal San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin faces a potential recall amid rising crime rates.

The possible shift towards the centre reflects a move back to more traditional urban policies, particularly on crime and homelessness. It’s not Republicans leading the charge against ultra-progressive policies, either. It is African American, Democratic mayors like Houston’s Sylvester Turner and New York’s Eric Adams.

Even the denizens of left-leaning cities are rethinking progressivism. Last year, Austin – Texas’ blue capital – rescinded provisions, backed by progressives, that allowed vast homeless encampments to spring up across the city. Earlier this year, similarly left-leaning Seattle removed its ultra-progressive district attorney and Buffalo voters defeated a socialist-backed Democrat in favour of a moderate African American. Even in San Francisco, progressive school-board members were overwhelmingly defeated in February 2022 – an ominous development for Boudin’s chances next week.

We could be seeing the beginning of a sea change in urban politics.