The American Mushroom Cloud

The left’s reaction to anything that doesn’t go its way becomes louder, shriller and more hysterical by the day, if not the hour. Its response to the alleged draft of a Supreme Court ruling that would overturn Roe v. Wade landed like a cruise missile with a hot warhead. But that’s the way today’s Democrats operate. Counterattack any and every event that threatens their agenda by scorching as much earth as possible.

There are plenty of candidates for the most hinge-free response to the draft. But before we go further, we’d like to highlight Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren descent into madness. Watch the video with the audio muted. Does her body language, the spasmodic gesturing, the pointed finger remind anyone of a 20th century figure whose speeches we’re used to seeing in black-and-white newsreels?

Heaven help us.

Warren’s fevered tirade clearly shows we have reached the point that the left has decided that policy will not be made like sausage but through tantrum, intimidation, and riot. If the Supreme Court doesn’t rule its way, then the Court is illegitimate, stolen and therefore has to be destroyed to save itself from making incorrect rulings. As John Daniel Davidson so eloquently noted for The Federalist, “whenever the left feels they have lost control of an institution, they try to destroy it.”

But what should we expect given the childish outbursts and lawlessness following the 2016 election of Donald Trump? The Antifa riots and violent Black Lives Matter mobs that were tacitly approved, and in some cases supported, by the Democrats? And a hard-left press that strangled its last shred of credibility by trafficking the Russian dossier it new was fake, and then insisting in the most maniacal ways imaginable that only it can determine what is acceptable speech in the U.S.?

If anyone wonders where this started, we need go back no further for the answer than 2000, when Democrats demanded the Florida presidential ballots be recounted and recounted until enough votes could be found to give Al Gore the state, and the White House. A peaceful transition of power was not in their plans.

Since, the left has become the burn-it-down party of Barack Obama telling fellow Democrats to argue with their neighbors and “get in their face,” Rep. Maxine Waters imploring activists to tell Trump Cabinet members “they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley saying “there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives,” and Joe Biden crowing in 2018 that “if we were in high school, I’d take him (Trump) behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”

And it continues: Law enforcement officers, who faced violent protesters almost as soon as the draft was made public Monday evening, are preparing to deal with more violence across the country when the Court officially issues its ruling.

The Democrats, of course, see political violence only in the Jan. 6 Capitol incident, never in their excesses. They excuse their eruptions, bully tactics, and psycho rage as justified actions. They believe so deeply in their convictions that they’re willing to break as many eggs as is necessary to make their progressive policy omelet. The costs are meaningless to them, and that makes them especially dangerous.

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