Democrats Are Getting Called Out for Creating the Energy Crisis Katie Pavlich

For weeks the Biden administration and their Democratic allies on Capitol Hill have attempted to pin out of control energy prices on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The White House communications team even dubbed price increases on oil and gas the “Putin price hike,” while also downplaying the amount of oil the U.S. previously imported from Russia.

But as Democrats — who have been waging a war on the oil and gas industry — continue to blame Putin, Americans and some in the media aren’t buying it. In fact, the anti-fracking records of congressional climate activists are being scrutinized.

During an interview with CNBC Wednesday morning, Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky doubled down on the need to ban fracking — which she voted for — and falsely claimed oil companies are price gouging customers.

Ahead of the midterm elections, Democrats have backed themselves into a corner.

Not to mention, the data on price increases during Biden’s tenure tells the story.

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