The Even Higher-Tech Lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas By J. Christian Adams

Justice Clarence Thomas, during his 1991 confirmation process, characterized the personal attacks against him as a “high-tech lynching.” If only he could have seen then what his old foes are up to now.

Call it a higher-tech lynching.

The Left has gone wild, turning every corner of the internet, Twitterverse, and cable news into a renewed personal assault against Justice Thomas, but this time also his wife Ginni Thomas.

In fact, the Left has decided to attack Justice Thomas through his wife. Let’s put aside the diabolical implications of the tactic of attacking a husband through his wife, and explore the merits of the tactic.

It goes like this. Ginni Thomas has a life separate from her husband’s role on the Supreme Court. She has her own beliefs, her own friends and professional acquaintances, and she voices her opinions. Because the Left hates Justice Thomas occupying a seat on the Supreme Court for reasons we will get to, annihilating him through any possible means must follow.

Ginni Thomas, so the battle plan goes, is active in conservative causes, and she shouldn’t be. Ginni communicated with President Trump her views that establishmentarian staff at the White House were blocking his agenda, and she should have kept quiet.

Ginni Thomas texted Mark Meadows her views about the 2020 election, and nobody, of course, should ever speak about that.

The assaults on Justice Thomas and his wife are the even-higher tech lynching of 2022.

Related: Ginni Thomas Did Nothing Illegal but Democrats Want to Impeach Her Husband, Clarence Thomas

No longer content to master three nightly national newscasts to do the bidding of the radical feminist Left, no longer reliant on just the drone of NPR to amplify Anita Hill’s fever dreams, no longer beholden to only dead-tree news to push NAACP gobbledygook, this higher-tech lynching is fueled by left-wing philanthropy that permeates the news cycle of 2022.

This higher-tech lynching even dredges up nearly 40-year-old videos of Ginni sharing heartfelt personal experiences.

The higher-tech lynching is rapid-fire and unbound by the restraints of truth and accountability that still had some life during 1991’s merely high-tech lynching.

Also different from 1991, a Democrat Party controlling the House that has gone mad.

The Democrats of 1991 bear more resemblance to today’s Republicans than they do the Democrats of 2022. They are intoxicated with authoritarianism. They even teach it in schools these days. If you dissent from their orthodoxy, it is considered violent speech. If you speak about ideas deemed mainstream a decade ago, you must be canceled.

This is the Democrat Party in 2022, where power is the central organizing principle, where race and immutable characteristics are sanctified (save for birth gender) and we allocate privileges based on race like the segregationists of a century ago.

That takes us back to why they hate Justice Thomas so.

First, he used to be one of them, and there is nothing quite so hated than a heretic to the Left, except maybe a racial heretic.

Anyone who has seen the excellent documentary “Created Equal: Justice Thomas in His Own Words” knows he was once as a young man filled with the sort of anger and rage that now animates the entire Democrat racialist agenda. Now, he is one of fiercest opponents of using race to allocate power and privilege, because he knows it is a sin.

This has profound implications for the many race grifters who have built power, prestige, and homes on Martha’s Vineyard by using race one way or another. Some are consultants. Some are lawyers. Others are former politicians. Either way, using race to treat someone differently is wicked, as if 300 years of American history doesn’t make that clear.

Simply, Justice Thomas’ views on race and power threaten the business model of thousands of rich and powerful people, from the boardroom to the courtroom.

What discussion of the higher-tech lynching would be complete without the mention of abortion?

The pro-abortion crowd would do anything to remove Justice Thomas from the Court. The pro-abortion crowd has been losing ground in the hearts and minds of Americans since Casey vs Planned Parenthood was decided in 1992. Blame ultrasound machines. Blame neo-natal technology. Blame a new generation of pro-life activists who have mirrored the bravery and stamina of the Suffragettes and abolitionists of 150 years ago. Either way, they are winning.

But Justice Thomas threatens an even bigger lobby—the statists, the swamp, or whatever you want to call a government that has become so big it is unmoored from the people. His opinions, whether about the Second Amendment and the importance of effective firepower in oppressed communities or the importance of individual liberty and freedom of conscience, stand in opposition to Leviathan.

At least one American city is devoted to power, as well as all of the giant institutions that have been marched through by those running this higher-tech lynching.

There are a few people who stand in the way of a complete obliteration of our great American ideal, and Justice Thomas is one of them. Once you realize that, you understand the wicked lengths they will go to erase Justice Thomas, even if it means going through his wife.

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