Europe’s Multicultural Volcano by Giulio Meotti

  • “[E]nclaves, mini-states and neighborhoods in large European cities will begin to appear. Yes, they will always be a minority. But they are more united and threaten violence. And the state will have to obey their instructions”. — Sergei Markov, Russian political scientist, interview in, January 3, 2022
  • Immigrants in these places already live on the generosity of European welfare; police, social workers and ambulances do not enter or must be protected: gangs and organized crime dominate the street.
  • In these lost areas we are no longer in Europe.
  • On December 8, 2021, during the feast of the Immaculate Conception, 30 of the faithful were attacked in the street and threatened with death. “Kouffars” (disbelievers), the attackers shouted, and “it is not your home”, Le Figaro reported. This took place not in Pakistan, but in Nanterre.
  • In Brussels, according to former Secretary of State Bianca Debaets, “there are too many areas where it is difficult for women and homosexuals to walk”.
  • Although women of foreign nationality are only one sixth of all women of childbearing age in Belgium, half of all children in Belgium are now born to foreign women…. This is the picture that just emerged from the National Institute of Statistics.
  • One third of Belgium’s population is of foreign origin; Belgians are already in the minority in Brussels….
  • But as everyone knows, the “Great Replacement” is just a far-right fantasy….
  • The separation is not a threat that stands out somewhere in the future of Europe; it is already in place. The big question is, why is it not stopped?
  • This transformation is the single most important event in Europe. That anyone who reports about it is accused of “racism” and “Islamophobia” suggests that it is a secret too huge and important to be freely discussed.

“If Europe does not regain control, Islamized mini-states could soon appear “. The prediction comes from the Russian political scientist Sergei Markov. In an interview published by, Markov notes that European institutions are adapting to the Islamic way of life, values ​​and traditions (the recent campaigns of the Council of Europe in favor of the Muslim veil is an example). “Fully Islamized Islamic enclaves, mini-states and neighborhoods in large European cities will begin to appear. Yes, they will always be a minority. But they are more united and threaten violence. And the state will have to obey their instructions”.

Europe should pay attention to what Markov says. It is not even a warning. It is already here. In 2021, 35,000 migrants landed on the Italian island of Lampedusa — five times the number of inhabitants on the island (6,500), according to InfoMigrants. Imagine if the same demographic process took place in a city — and then more cities.

The most complete picture was created by the Migration Research Institute of Budapest, linked to the prestigious Mattias Corvinus College, which reported that in Europe there are more than 900 areas of this type.

Immigrants there already live on the generosity of European welfare; the police, social workers and ambulances do not enter or must be protected: gangs and organized crime dominate the street, high birth rates guarantee longevity and expansion and Sharia law is de facto respected by the inhabitants: butchers are only halal, “mixed” hairdressers disappear, Islamic bookshops proliferate, Jews leave, churches are often converted to mosques and Muslim women are pressured to comply with Islamic law.

“We in the West are used to seeing women everywhere around us,” Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes in her new book, Prey, before telling us that in certain quarters of Brussels, London, Paris and Stockholm “you suddenly notice that only men are visible.” These are no-go zones for women, who “erase themselves” from public places in such neighborhoods.

Forced marriages are booming. The Spanish newspaper El Mundo just disclosed that forced marriages in Spain “have increased by 60 percent since 2015″, the year of the arrival of thousands of migrants.” 14% of these forced marriages take place with girls under the age of 15 and “only one in three has reached the age of 18”.

In Trappes, France, “there are hardly any mixed hairdressers left”. A France 2 report denounced the disappearance of women from bars in Muslim-majority neighborhoods. In many municipalities, swimming pools require separate times for women and men. On the Bfmtv channel, Fewzi Benhabib, residing in Saint-Denis since his arrival from Algeria 25 years ago, tells of toy shops where you can find “perfectly veiled dolls” and eyeless teddy bears. “In Islam, the [human] image is taboo,” Benhabib explains. “Today,” said the philosopher Alain Finkielkraut, “there are 145 mosques in Seine-Saint-Denis to 117 churches…”.

In these lost areas we are no longer in Europe.

The DGSI, France’s General Directorate for Internal Security, has mapped 150 districts “in possession” of a group: neighborhoods and enclaves now in the hands of Islamic fundamentalists who shape them according to their ideology of submission. “More than 500 districts in France are declared ‘sensitive'”, historian Georges Bensoussan said to Le Figaro. “To put it bluntly, we are talking about several million people who are subject to Islamist law”. There are 150 according to official estimates published by newspapers, but 500 are the areas considered districts at risk.

There are 25 cities in France where the percentage of young non-Europeans is between 70% and 79%. In four Seine-Saint-Denis cities, it is more than 70%: La Courneuve (75% in 2017 versus 47% in 1990), Villetaneuse (73% versus 45%), Clichy-sous-Bois (72% versus 51%), Aubervilliers (70% against 39%).

With numbers such as these, it is extremely easy to have entire cities with a Muslim majority. Le Monde Diplomatique writes about Roubaix that there are 96,000 inhabitants who form a Muslim majority. Then Trappes: “32,000 inhabitants, of which 70 percent are Muslims….” and 40-50 different nationalities.

On December 8, 2021, during the feast of the Immaculate Conception, 30 of the faithful were attacked in the street and threatened with death. The attackers shouted, “Kouffars” (disbelievers) and “it is not your home”, Le Figaro reported. This took place not in Pakistan, but in Nanterre. Jean-Marc Sertillange, deacon of the parish, said: “The route of just one kilometer was authorized by the prefecture”. “Wallah [I swear] on the Koran, we will cut your throat”, attackers told the priest who opened the procession.

“In Sweden there are 60 ‘risk areas'”, the Swedish journalist Paulina Neuding wrote in The Spectator. As in Alby, a suburb of Stockholm known as “little Baghdad”, only one in ten inhabitants is Swedish. Neuding’s findings were confirmed by the last list of the Swedish government. The result is what the German newspaper Bild called “the most dangerous country in Europe”. “Sweden,” The Economist noted, “has had the highest death rate from shootings in Europe in the last 15 years.” Between 2012 and 2020, gunshot deaths tripled. If Sweden fails to control street violence and allows parallel societies to develop in urban areas,” Swedish police chief Anders Thornberg told the Financial Times, “its democracy could be threatened.”

Why should Sweden be of interest to us? Because it is the country that has gone further than any other in establishing multicultural politics. It has built a system designed to provide refugees with the same social benefits that Swedes have given to themselves and has the highest percentage of people who have obtained asylum. In 2016 alone, Sweden welcomed 163,000 people, the equivalent of 1.6% of its total population. Combined with other years, it is a demographic tsunami: 28% are foreign born.

In Sweden’s Social Democratic newspaper Folkbladet, Kyösti Tarvainen, a professor at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, who studies demographic changes, stated that “with immigration unchanged, ethnic Swedes will be a minority by 2065”. In 45 years, Swedish ethnicity will become a minority. By 2100, there will be as many Muslims as there are ethnic Swedes. In 2019, Tarvainen revealed, 88% of immigrants residing in Sweden were of non-European origin and one in two were of the Muslim faith.

Denmark announced that it will limit the number of “non-Western” residents to 30% in high-density neighborhoods, because too many non-Western foreigners in an area “increase the risk of parallel religious and cultural societies”. According to a government list, there are at least 15 of these areas.

In the UK — where the esteemed Oxford demographer David Coleman predicted that in 50 years whites will be a minority — immigration now represents 90% of Britain’s population growth. Dozens of cities already see Muslims as up to 50% of the population: Hodge Hill in Birmingham (52.1%), Bradford West (51.3%), East Ham (37.4%), Blackburn (36.3%), Bethnal Green & Bow (35.4%), Leicester South (27.8%), Luton North (22.4%) … ”

By 2031, according to the census, several areas of Bradford, Blackburn, Birmingham, Leicester, Slough, Luton and some boroughs of London will be predominantly Muslim,” wrote former consultant to Prime Minister Tony Blair, Ed Husain, in his book Among the Mosques. “The Tower Hamlets district, which includes most of the in East London and Canary Wharf, it has the highest percentage of Muslim residents in the UK, with 38 per cent”. It is the “parallel society” denounced by the weekly The Economist and brought as a gift by multiculturalism, the grave of Western illusions.

In Brussels, according to former Secretary of State Bianca Debaets, “there are too many areas where it is difficult for women and homosexuals to walk”. Although women of foreign nationality are only one sixth of all women of childbearing age in Belgium, half of all children in Belgium are now born to foreign women. This is the picture that just emerged from the National Institute of Statistics. One third of Belgium’s population is of foreign origin and Belgians are already in the minority in Brussels. But as everyone knows, the “Great Replacement” is just a far-right fantasy…. The city of Antwerp, the second largest in the country, now has more immigrants than natives. As the MP Herman De Croo revealed, “78 per cent of Antwerp’s children aged 1 to 6 are foreigners”. The result? “Belgium will become Arab”. This prediction does not come from a dangerous right-wing conspirator, but from a journalist, Fawzia Zouari, writing in the newspaper Jeune Afrique.

“There are neighborhoods in Essen, Duisburg and Berlin,” said Jens Spahn, the outgoing German health minister, “where one gets the impression that the state is no longer capable of enforcing the law.”

The daily Bild identified 40 “problem areas” (Problemviertel) throughout Germany. It was Angela Merkel herself in 2015 who admitted that multiculturalism had led to the birth of “parallel societies”. Why? “The importance of Islam in Germany will increase,” stated the renowned sociologist Detlef Pollack, the country’s foremost expert on religious trends, in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, “and that of Christianity will decrease…”. In 2022, for the first time, fewer than half of the Germans will belong to one of the big churches.

A University of Freiburg study predicts that half of all Christians in the country will disappear.

Within thirty years, according to the Pew Forum, the Muslim faithful who settled in Germany will equal the total number of Catholics and Protestants, many of whom will be only nominally religious.

“Muslims, the winners of demographic change,” headlined Die Welt. “US researchers predict that for the first time in history there will be more Muslims than Christians. Societies change. Even the German one”.

The list could go on and on.

This multicultural volcano forecast by Sergei Markov — or by former French president Francois Hollande if we distrust the Russians — is not a threat that stands out somewhere in the future of Europe; it is already in place. The big question is, why it is it not stopped?

This transformation is the single most important event in Europe. That anyone who reports about it is accused of “racism” and “Islamophobia” suggests that it is a secret too huge and important to be freely discussed.

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