DeSantis Derangement Syndrome a Boon for Florida GOP By Stephen Kruiser

We’ve all been witnessing the spectacle of the leftist panic porn crowd admitting that we here in Knuckle-Dragging Land have been right about everything all throughout the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu plague. OK, they’re not actually admitting that, but I’m hard-pressed to think of a conservative position on Covid that hasn’t been co-opted by the leftist “experts” in the last two weeks.

Of course, the most prominent Republican to have been right all along is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Regulars here know that I’m a big fan of his. As I wrote last fall, every time the Democrats go after him they not only fail, they fail badly.

Little did I know then how badly.

Mr. Green (Stephen the Younger on the PJ Media Ranch) wrote yesterday about a stunning demographic shift in the Sunshine State:

Florida Republicans outnumber registered Democrats for the first time in the state’s history, as Blue State COVID refugees tick the Big R on their voter registrations.

Twitter user TimDCpolitico took Florida’s voter rolls from March 31 of 2020 and compared them to the latest figures. The results, he says, are “jaw-dropping,” and I can’t think of a better way to describe them.

Not only did the Democrats’ relentless slandering over the course of almost two years do no damage to him but it ended up greatly helping his party.

More on the latest numbers:

As you can see, the GOP now has a slight lead in registrations, having gained more than a quarter of a million party members in just the last nine months.

66 out of Florida’s 67 counties shifted towards the red. Three hardcore Democrat counties — Broward (!!!), Jefferson, and Madison — might in some races be considered additional battlegrounds Dems will have to defend.

A fourth, Calhoun, went from dark blue to light red.

That’s impressive.

What should have Democrats strapping on a pair of Extra Absorbent Depends (Endorsed by Presidentish Joe Biden!) is that they lost more than 50,000 registrations in the same time period — even as the state’s population has grown.

Florida has long been a nail-biter of a toss-up state in presidential elections. It is by far the biggest of the toss-up prizes on the electoral map every four years. Despite all of the shenanigans in 2020, Trump managed to win the state by a 3.4% margin. If these Republican gains can hold, 2024 looks good for the party, especially given the fact that its two most likely candidates are from the state.

With any luck, the Democrats will keep finding things to be mad at DeSantis about.

OMG…I ALMOST FORGOT THAT IT’S JANUARY 6TH: Happy Birthday to my cousin Donna and to my ex-wife who, as the mother of my child, always gets a shout.

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