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November 2021

Democrats Have a Waukesha Problem The massacre at a Christmas parade reveals the dangers of their crime policies. By Kimberley Strassel


Here’s the common reaction to the Waukesha, Wis., murders: It’s nuts that the suspect, with his long criminal history, was free on $1,000 bail posted days before the automotive rampage.

Here’s New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in a tweet the day after the Waukesha murders: “Today, we sent a letter . . . to NYC’s 5 District Attorneys requesting information on excessive bail in the NYC court system.” The letter was also signed by fellow New York Democrat Carolyn Maloney and Maryland’s Jamie Raskin.

That disconnect will haunt Democrats. Waukesha is one of those rare moments when the consequences of an extreme ideology are brutally exposed to a nation. It’s a big new midterm problem for Democrats, one that could prove as difficult to overcome as rising inflation, Covid surges and parental backlash against educational fads like critical race theory.

Crime is soaring nationally, after progressives spent years pushing to water down bail rules, forgo prosecutions, release prisoners and even defund the police. The governors, mayors and prosecutors who indulged these demands uniformly have Ds behind their names.

The sleepwalkers in the South China Sea David P. Goldman


Taiwan’s integration into the mainland is a raison d’état for the Chinese regime. The ghosts of 1914 haunt the Pacific.

With just 24 million people, Taiwan is smaller than several Chinese cities. It has one of the world’s lowest fertility rates—much lower than mainland China. Its population under the age of 60 will fall by half during the next 40 years, according to UN projections, and every 100 workers will support 85 pensioners. That is unsustainable. Migration from the mainland is inevitable, and with it the eventual reintegration of Taiwan into the People’s Republic of China—unless the US and China go to war over the island.

Taiwan might be the Sarajevo of the 21st century. In some ways the comparison seems absurd. Serbia’s rapidly population growth directed its land hunger towards neighboring Serbia, while Russia incited Serbia against the Dual Monarchy in its long rivalry with the German cultural sphere. Taiwan by contrast has a dwindling population and a shared culture with the Mainland. A million Taiwanese work in the mainland and Taiwanese companies have invested some $60 billion in mainland industries.

Nonetheless former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has compared the sharpening of US-Chinese rivalry to the months prior to August 1914, and Admiral James Stavridis, the former head of the US Pacific Command, earlier this year published a novel depicting a US-Chinese nuclear exchange after naval battles in which China sinks a US aircraft carrier. The US and China “will likely find themselves in a full-blown, Cold War-like status in the near future…could this lead the two nations to a hot war? Even a nuclear exchange? Unfortunately, the answer is yes,” Stavridis wrote March 9 in Time Magazine.

The danger lies in a deep asymmetry of perceived interests.

TGIF: Thanksgiving Edition! California’s burglars organize flash mobs. Waukesha massacre “caused by an SUV.” And comedy gold from the Women’s March.Nellie Bowles


Welcome back to TGIF and happy Thanksgiving. It’ll be a short one this week so we can all get back to family life—cozy, mask-free, family life (and watching the Dow drop precipitously). Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it’s not so much about presents or decorations. It’s about family, food, and, yes, this absolute miracle of a country. Being together to celebrate is a blessing and a relief I won’t take for granted again.

Now to the news and what you might have missed this week on Common Sense:

→ $1,000 bail: When Darrell Brooks allegedly drove through that Christmas parade, he was out on $1,000 bond two days prior for allegedly running over the mother of his child. Milwaukee County District Attorney, John Chisholm, a progressive prosecutor, finally admitted that the bail was “inappropriately low.” Chisholm is part of a progressive prosecutor movement—in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia and elsewhere—whose members came to power promising radical reforms and a gentler approach on crime. Rep. Rashida Tlaib actually wants to abolish federal prisons as she explained this week in a must-watch interview with Jonathan Swan of Axios.

→ “Caused by a SUV”: The Waukesha killings are quickly being memory-holed since the primary suspect, Darrell Brooks, doesn’t fit the proper narrative. Six people have died so far; one of them is an eight-year-old boy named Jackson Sparks. Many others are still in critical condition. The Washington Post is describing it as “the Waukesha tragedy caused by a SUV.” I wish I were kidding. In the meantime, it appears that Brooks was a fan of Hitler. 

→ Deepest apologies to the CCP: JP Morgan head Jamie Dimon made a joke about how he bets his company will outlast the Chinese Communist Party. He’s now apologized for it. Twice. But the apology could have been worse. 

→ Don’t look at this flash mob: Huge mobs of burglars are cruising around California breaking into stores en masse. After some 80 burglars smashed up shops one night in a spate of violence this week, San Francisco leadership announced a fix: it’ll now be harder for drivers to park near the stores. “We’re going to [be] making some changes to Union Square and how cars are able to access. There will be limited access in terms of when you come to this area,” London Breed said.

→ The Justice System working, pt. 1: Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all counts. Watching him talk during an interview afterward, I was struck by his calm demeanor, which was so at odds with the man the mainstream press tried to convince us he was. We were told he was a Trumper, but apparently he supported Andrew Yang. We were told he was a white supremacist, but he said he supports the BLM movement, just not violent rioting. Here’s Rittenhouse: “It’s just amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of somebody. If they did this to me, imagine what they could have done to a person of color who doesn’t maybe have the resources I do or isn’t widely publicized, like my case.”

In the days since the verdict, he has appeared at length on Tucker Carlson and met with Donald Trump. Marjorie Taylor Greene (she of the “Jewish space lasers”) has said she wants to give him a Congressional Gold Medal. Will he become a GOP mascot or cut his own cloth?